These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.
Latest Word » Tutorials » Simple Tooltip w/ jQuery & CSS Oct.4.2010 Simple Tooltip w/ jQuery & CSS Tags: Intermediate There are a lot of tooltip plugins out there, but not many of them explain what exactly goes on in the logic of a tooltip. I would like to share how I’ve created mine today, and am also open to any critiques and suggestions for those jQuery ninjas out there. Lets take a look. The M
tinyTips Super-lightweight jQuery Tooltips. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut nunc metus, gravida tincidunt libero. Proin molestie risus at odio luctus condimentum. Sed molestie bibendum orci a faucibus. Vivamus vel lorem ut augue laoreet cursus. Maecenas vestibulum nibh non nibh viverra posuere. Sed tristique eleifend elit sit amet varius. Curabitur augue purus, m