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How HTTP Streaming can improve page performance and how Airbnb enabled it on an existing codebase By: Victor Lin IntroductionYou may have heard a joke that the Internet is a series of tubes. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about how we get a cool, refreshing stream of bytes into your browser as quickly as possible using HTTP Streaming. Let’s first understand what streaming means.
How Airbnb migrated from Webpack to Metro and made the development feedback loop nearly instantaneous, the largest production build 50% faster, with marginal end-user runtime improvements. By: Rae Liu IntroductionIn 2018, the frontend Airbnb infrastructure relied on Webpack for JavaScript bundling which had served us well up until then; however, with our codebase almost having quadrupled in the pr
How Airbnb ships features faster across web, iOS, and Android using a server-driven UI system named Ghost Platform 👻. By Ryan Brooks Background: Server-Driven UIBefore we dive into Airbnb’s implementation of server-driven UI (SDUI), it’s important to understand the general idea of SDUI and how it provides an advantage over traditional client-driven UI. In a traditional world, data is driven by th
The ProblemOver the last couple of years, Airbnb engineering moved from a monolithic Ruby on Rails architecture to a service oriented architecture. In our Rails architecture, we had an API per resource to access the underlying data. These APIs had authorization checks to protect sensitive data. As there was a single way to access a resource’s data, managing these checks was easy. In the transition
ts-migrate is a tool for helping migrate code to TypeScript. It takes a JavaScript, or a partial TypeScript, project in and gives a compiling TypeScript project out. ts-migrate is intended to accelerate the TypeScript migration process. The resulting code will pass the build, but a followup is required to improve type safety. There will be lots of // @ts-expect-error, and any that will need to be
For the last two years, Airbnb has been using React Native to accelerate development of their mobile platforms. React Native is an open source framework developed by Facebook that allows JavaScript developers to create familiar React components that work across web, Android, and iOS development environments. Recently, Gabriel Peal wrote an article outlining Airbnb’s decision to move off of React N
UpdateThis article was published in 2018 and reflects the state of React Native at the end of 2017. When using these articles to make decisions about your business, please use discretion. Any technical points should be revalidated because the maturity and size of the ecosystem was significantly different back then. Any organizational points should also be considered within the context, size, and c
On my first day at Airbnb, in early 2011, I walked in to see cofounder Joe Gebbia building my desk. I had spent three months slowly convincing the fledgling startup that they needed what was called a product manager. Now, Joe encouraged me to settle in and dive deep into the website. As I scrolled through the listings I noticed something: Those faces in the reviews? Several were walking around the
Overview: We recently rethought the architecture for the JavaScript side of our codebase at Airbnb. This post will look at (1) the product drivers that precipitated the changes, (2) the steps we took to move away from our legacy Rails solutions, and (3) some of the key pillars of the new stack. Bonus: We’ll talk about what’s next! Airbnb sees more than 75 million searches each day, which makes the
At Airbnb, we are always searching for ways to improve our data science workflow. A fair amount of our data science projects involve machine learning, and many parts of this workflow are repetitive. These repetitive tasks include, but are not limited to: Exploratory Data Analysis: Visualizing data before embarking on a modeling exercise is a crucial step in machine learning. Automating tasks such