Wizard Book n. Hal Abelson's, Jerry Sussman's and Julie Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Press, 1984; ISBN 0-262-01077-1), an excellent computer science text used in introductory courses at MIT. So called because of the wizard on the jacket. One of the bibles of the LISP/Scheme world. Also, less commonly, known as the Purple Book. from The New Hacker's Dictionary, 2
An in-depth article on how to style the contents of the SVG <use> element and overcome some challenges it brings. One of the most common use cases for SVG graphics is icon systems, and one of the most commonly-used SVG spriting techniques is one that uses the SVG <use> element to “instantiate” the icons anywhere they are needed in a document. Instantiating icons or any other SVG element or image u
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