
ブックマーク / 2020.stateofjs.com (1)

  • State of JS 2020

    As crappy as 2020 was, JavaScript as a whole still managed to somehow move forward. As the language itself keeps improving thanks to new features like Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing, TypeScript's widespread adoption is taking things to a whole other level by popularizing static typing. And on the framework side, just when we thought things were settling down, Svelte comes in and shakes e

    State of JS 2020
    efcl 2021/01/14
    JavaScript開発者アンケートであるState of JS 2020の結果が公開された。 言語、ライブラリ、ツール、エディタ、リソースなど各項目ごとに認知、満足度、興味、利用しているかなどをアンケートをとったもの
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