
ブックマーク / paul.kinlan.me (8)

  • Goodbye HTML5Rocks

    Yesterday I wrote about the end of HTML5Rocks and I felt like it might be nice to put some extra perspective of what I've learnt over the years running content sites, specifically sites that can run without having to generate revenue. Also, take caution, these are my memories of 10 years of work and we had a pretty large team working on it including Paul Irish, Paul Lewis and Eric Bidelman as well

    Goodbye HTML5Rocks
    efcl 2022/07/01
    さよなら HTML5Rocks
  • Sorry Safari team

    I just wanted to spend a couple of moments talking about some of the events over the last couple of days that we're ultimately caused by me. Before I get into what happened, I just wanted to say sorry to the Safari team over at Apple for any frustration they have with what we shared at Chrome Dev Summit. I'm sorry for the misrepresentation of Safari Tech Preview's compatibility score for the Compa

    Sorry Safari team
    efcl 2021/11/16
    Compatデータを紹介する時に、Safari TPの最新版を使ってなかったという話
  • PWA: Progressive Web All-the-things

    PWA. Progressive Web Apps. Frances Berriman and Alex Russell coined the term "progressive web apps" in 2015 with what I think is a seminal post "Progressive Web Apps: Escaping Tabs Without Losing Our Soul". 3 years later, we've come a long way. From a loose collection of technologies - Service Worker, Manifest, Add to Homescreen, Web Push - that were originally only implemented in one browser engi

    PWA: Progressive Web All-the-things
    efcl 2018/08/06
  • Detecting text in an image on the web in real-time

    Last year just before the Chrome Dev Summit, Miguel Casas came up to me and showed me something that blew my mind: Face Detection in the browser using the Shape Detection API. Shortly after that Barcode Detection was added that allowed me to update my QR Code scanner so that I no longer had to include a massive (albeit awesome) port of a QR scanning library. The Shape Detection API is still in dev

    efcl 2017/01/28
  • Custom Elements: an ecosystem still being worked out

    I like Web Components. It has taken a long time to get here but things are moving in the correct direction with Safari shipping Shadow DOM and now landing support for Custom Elements. I've been thinking a lot recently about Web Components, that is custom elements, template, Shadow DOM and CSS variables, specifically I have been focusing some of my thoughts on custom element space and how this can

    Custom Elements: an ecosystem still being worked out
    efcl 2016/11/11
    Web Components for Creator/User/Platform
  • The Headless Web

    In 2014 I was honoured to speak at Fronteers in Amsterdam (I would heartily recommend it). I was attempting to talk about the state of the web platform, where it was, where it is, and where it will be. Where it is, I've partly covered recently in The Lumpy Web. It covers the state of inconsistent feature support and the pain that it can cause developers. Where it (the web) will be, I touched on br

    efcl 2016/08/03
    Headless Web - 通知とインタラクション - ローカルディスカバリー - 埋め込みコンテンツ - ネイティブとの連携
  • The Lumpy Web

    It's well over a year since I started to write this post, but there have been a couple of things that have happened recently that I finally dusted of the digital cob webs and started to write it up again. I started to think about writing it when I was presenting This is the web platform at Fronteers in Amsterdam in 2014. I was doing a lot of research off the back of caniuse.com and I was building

    The Lumpy Web
    efcl 2016/07/18
    Webとブラウザにおける問題は大きく分けて3つに分類できる。 ブラウザ毎の実装違い(実装のバージョン違い)、仕様と実装の齟齬、実装優先度の問題。 これらの問題に対してどこを参照すれば、どのカテゴリの問題であるか
  • What happened to Web Intents?

    I get a huge number of questions from web developers wanting to know exactly what happened to the Web Intents. This is my recollection. I don't feel bitter; I am just disappointed. It was my first big project failure and at the time it hurt when it got canned. About 6 months ago I sent an email to the DAP — the working group that was one of the hosts of the Web Intents task force — that I think sh

    efcl 2015/03/03
    Web Intentsはなぜ消えたのか
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