Angular.jsでTwitter Bootstrapのダイアログを使う。この組み合わせは色々大変らしい。
koyhoge のブックマーク 2012/12/03 18:35
Show a Twitter Bootstrap Modal with Angular.js Directives[angular][bootstrap]Angular.jsでTwitter Bootstrapのダイアログを使う。この組み合わせは色々大変らしい。2012/12/03 18:35
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My use case: I have a modal which has a controller A. I want to call it from outside this controller. As I found out this is not so trivial because you need to understand how Angular.js Directives ...
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Angular.jsでTwitter Bootstrapのダイアログを使う。この組み合わせは色々大変らしい。
koyhoge のブックマーク 2012/12/03 18:35
Show a Twitter Bootstrap Modal with Angular.js Directives
My use case: I have a modal which has a controller A. I want to call it from outside this controller. As I found out this is not so trivial because you need to understand how Angular.js Directives ...
4 人がブックマーク・2 件のコメント
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