【実験】1カ月間褒め続けた植物と、いじめ続けた植物の差が歴然 1 : 名無しさん@涙目です。[sage] :2018/05/09(水) 18:20:30.94 ID:Z3j83f5a0.net BE:932354893-PLT(12931) 【実験】1カ月間褒め続けた植物と、いじめ続けた植物の差が歴然 画

nyusokuonlinenyusokuonline のブックマーク 2018/05/09 19:35



Bully A Plant: Say No To Bullying

    Plants have feelings, just like people. So, what happens when you feed one plant with compliments and another with negative remarks? Watch how we got students involved in a social experiment to rai...

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