Visit News and views on the world of interactive media from the gskinner team Or… how to kill a user’s computer with 1 line of ActionScript. I’ve been profiling CPU/RAM usage in Flash 8 content in the last few days in preparation for the Flash 8 Bootcamp I’m running in Toronto and LA. Last night I ran into a major memory leak that is wreaking havoc with some of my latest experiments,
The main goal of this benchmark is to demonstrate how the new GC behaves when we fill an array with many new instances of an object and we destroy the array. The test have been made on a computer running Windows 2000 SP4 with 1GB of dual-channel RAM and an AMD 3000+ processor. Download the .fla file of the benchmark Attention : This benchmark use a lot of CPU and memory, do not run this test if yo
Flash 8: Marching Ants Selection Rectangle Marching ants rectangles are probably not priority #1 in an application, but they are a nice visual clue to the user that she is currently opening a selection rect. So if you are still looking for a nice "pimp up your app" part, look no further: This an example for a very simple visual widget that you could also build with the Flash Drawing API, where it
Update Notifications You can add our RSS feed to your favorite feed reader or recieve an email when a new article is posted by entering your email address below. Shu Player allows you to distribute your AIR Applications to users that dont have the AIR Runtime by converting them to standalone applications. Shu Player also adds more commands to do things like open external applications etc… If you h
Flash 8: Depth Of Field Simulation An attempt to simulate an out-of-focus depth of field effect based on a depth map, plus a demonstration for the possibility to create blurs with smoothly increasing radius in Flash. A depth map is a greyscale image which shows the distance of each pixel to the camera - white pixels are close, black pixels are far away (at least in my experiment, in other applicat
Flash 8 Examples The Flash examples have moved to the Flash Source Files section of Please update your bookmarks.
Flash 8: Aqua Glass Effect Here's my first go at a Flash 8 glass effect. In general I'm not the biggest fan of the Bevel effect, but in this case I just used it as a helper for the displacement map and voilá - doesn't look too bad. I will show more of this stuff during the Flashforum Tour 2005 - my session about bitmaps and beyond will be on September 21st in Düsseldorf. You can download the sourc
The example below shows a progression of taking a texture map from a Bryce 3D texture page, and mapping it to a sphere using the various methods of the BitmapData class. I’ve been very excited about the ability to push around the pixels but hadn’t really taken it for a spin (har har). The reason for doing this example is to have interesting spinning globes added to my thrust example for my eventua
blob detection flash8のサンプルとして、ウェブカムで物体を認識するプログラムとか書いてみた。 最近、そこかしこでflash8のサンプルが出回ってるので、自分でも作ってみるテスト。要flash8 beta player。 モーショントラッキングは結構やってる人がいるので、暗い色の塊を1つのモノとして認識する物体認識に挑戦してみる。 写真の中のオッサンも認識されてる。 文字もおk 青いラインが輪郭線検出で、赤いボックスが認識された物体です。 機能こそ劣るとはいえ、速度もprocessingやshockwaveの物体認識よりも早い。この青いラインをなんとかしてベクターで補完できれば、比較的何でもできそう。今の時点でもコレとかコレとか、頑張ればいけそうな感じ。時間と機材と予算さえあれば。 作ってみた感想としては、なんかもうflash player8あればなんでもできそうね。はや
In many cases, we upload images, so I want to show how to display the uploaded image right there in the flash form. Right now, we can only load jpgs. In the simplest case, the file name of the picture will be the same when it gets uploaded. So in order to show it, when only need the original file name. Besides the file upload controls, we have a couple of additional controls: <cfformitem type="htm
Visit News and views on the world of interactive media from the gskinner team Most of the Flash 8 demos released so far using BitmapData have been purely visual, so I thought I should release one of my experiments that focuses on function. One of the things that Flashers have wanted for years is shape based hit detection – that is, the ability to detect if one shape intersects with an