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  • Too many Canadians have lowest levels of literacy, numeracy

    What role does the smart phone play in shaping skills for the 21st century? That question says a lot about the world we now live in, and while nobody has a definitive answer to it, a new international study released this week goes some way toward finding one. The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) was a survey of adults in 24 countries conducted by the OECD. I

    Too many Canadians have lowest levels of literacy, numeracy
    godmother 2013/10/11
  • Here’s why Egyptians are glad the military ousted their president - The Globe and Mail

    Read a counterpoint by H.A. Hellyer on why the danger now begins in Egypt with Mohamed Morsi gone. It may seem illogical or even reckless. Why is this huge crowd in Egypt celebrating as they watch their democratically elected president being deposed by the army? There is no simple answer. Egypt's scene is multidimensional and therefore hard for onlookers to understand immediately. To start, let's

    Here’s why Egyptians are glad the military ousted their president - The Globe and Mail
    godmother 2013/07/05
  • U.S. to approve morning-after pill for women 15 and older - The Globe and Mail

    Lynn Leseth at the Rally for Women's Rights, which denounced efforts to limit reproductive freedoms, in San Diego, March 9, 2012. Leseth is among a group of moderate Republican and independent women that are disenchanted by the newfound Republican focus on social issues like contraception and abortion. (SAN HODGSON/NYT) Lynn Leseth at the Rally for Women's Rights, which denounced efforts to limit

    godmother 2013/05/01
    避妊ピルが15才以上、処方箋なしで薬局で購入可能にたったということは、定着率も安全性も実証されたという意味 はある。🇯🇵ではピル自体がまだ定着していないのにね。
  • Bilingual babies not overburdened by demands of two languages - The Globe and Mail

    Long before they can understand what is being said to them, babies can make strategic use of the sound cues that they hear to distinguish between two languages, a new study has revealed. The finding suggests that children growing up in a multilingual environment are neither confused nor disadvantaged by having to cope with two mother tongues, even when the grammatical structures of the two languag

    Bilingual babies not overburdened by demands of two languages - The Globe and Mail
    godmother 2013/02/15
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs raise diabetes risk, Health Canada warns

    This article was published more than 11 years ago. Some information may no longer be current. In this June 14, 2011 file photo, the drug Lipitor is displayed at Medco Health Solutions Inc., in Willingboro, N.J.Matt Rourke/The Associated Press Health Canada has updated the labelling for commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins to warn users they may be at a small increased risk

    Cholesterol-lowering drugs raise diabetes risk, Health Canada warns
    godmother 2013/01/25
  • Source: Armstrong apologizes to Livestrong staff - The Globe and Mail

    Lance Armstrong stopped at his Livestrong Foundation before heading to an interview with Oprah Winfrey on Monday and delivered an emotional apology to staff members, some of whom broke down in tears, a person with direct knowledge of the meeting told The Associated Press. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the discussion was private. More Related to this Story Lance Armstrong ‘rea

    godmother 2013/01/15
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