There are more and more books being published about Scala. Here are some of the titles with their availability. Programming in Scala – Available Now by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners Being co-written by the language's designer, Martin Odersky, you will find it provides additional depth and clarity to the diverse features of the language. The book provides both an authoritative referen
Some guys at Stanford invited me to speak at their EE Computer Systems Colloquium last week. Pretty cool, eh? It was quite an honor. I wound up giving a talk on dynamic languages: the tools, the performance, the history, the religion, everything. It was a lot of fun, and it went over surprisingly well, all things considered. They've uploaded the video of my talk, but since it's a full hour, I figu
In my time wasting activities on geeky social news sites, I’ve been seeing more and more articles about Scala. The main reasons I became interested in Scala are 1) Scala is an OO/FP hybrid, and I think that any attempt to introduce more FP concepts into the OO world is a good thing and 2) Scala’s Actors library is heavily influenced by Erlang, and Scala is sometimes mentioned in the same context a
Three Twitter developers, Steve Jenson, Alex Payne, and Robey Pointer, talk with Bill Venners about their use of Scala in production at Twitter. Twitter is a fast growing website that provides a micro-blogging service. It began its life as a Ruby on Rails application, and still uses Ruby on Rails to deliver most user-facing web pages. But about a year ago they started replacing some of the back-en
■ [scala] foursquareが半年かけてScala+Liftに移行した話 foursquareがLiftに切り替えたという話を聞いてびっくりしましたが、どうやら本当だった模様。 スライド & scala/lift 以下、内容抜粋 もとはPHP+Apache+MySQLだったが、エンジニアが書いたものじゃなく、これからの拡張のためには書き直すべきだった 静的型・コンパイル言語が好き。Wicketを試したけど、Object型使いすぎなのと関数がfirst-classでないのがちょっと Javaの頃からなるべく関数的に書くようにしてたんで、Scalaは自然 コールバック書くだけでAjaxになるのはいいね! まあせっかくスタートアップなんだし、変わった・面白いものを使ってみたかったってのはある リライトについて (書き換え中は?)PHPとセッションの共有と
Lift provides the best features for building interactive web applications: Super simple and wicked powerful Ajax and Comet coding. This lets you build more interactive, user-friendly sites. Amazingly concise code with the powerful type-safety of Scala. This means more time spent coding features and less time writing tests or chasing parameter mis-matches. Runs on all standard JEE (Java) applicatio
This page is no longer maintained — Please continue to the home page at Novell has just announced Pulse, an exciting and much anticipated cloud-based, real-time collaboration platform for the enterprise. It provides a collaboration environment that is secure and draws on the best of instant messaging, document sharing, social connections, real-time co-editing and enterprise cont
This page is no longer maintained — Please continue to the home page at Here are our reference manuals about the Scala language: these manuals are available in pdf format, and are typeset for printing. The Scala Language Specification This is the most technical and detailed manual concerning the inner working of the Scala language. If you have any doubts concerning the behavior