もっと撫でて。コチョコチョして。 そう催促するように、飼い主の手を引き寄せる猫さん。 撫でるのをやめて手をはなすと、もっとやってとばかりにその手を抱き寄せてウットリ顔。 とんでもない甘えん坊さんで、それがなんとも羨ましすぎるね。
公園を散歩していると、夕日に向かって、ウトウトとまどろんでいる猫ちゃん。よく見ると 手すりに手をかけて、お座りしているではないですか。 気持ち良さそうに、目の前の光景を見ているの? 見ていないの? 幸せな気分になれた夕暮れでした。 ----------------------------------- I was walking in the park. A cat towards the sunset, dozing and doze off. I took a look at firmly. Placing a hand on the railing, the cat had been sitting. Although you are so comfortably, are you looking at the scene in front of the eyes? or do
Little Hardy! Katzenbaby träumt, dreaming kitten cute, unbelievable! Born in Febuary. BKH= Britisch Kurzhaar. Attention!! My new clip and the same cute star!!!! It´s shocking funny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7T-7UDOPns Eure Hilfe ist gefragt! Wer einen Verstoß gegen die Rechte des Videos entdeckt, bitte bei Youtube oder bei mir melden, danke!! By the way!!: My own copyrights! Ich besit
This is just one of the crazy ways my cat sleeps.
My cat trying to scratch his way into a box of chocolate cake
Stina and Mossy usually fight instead of communicate, so this was an odd moment. They kept "talking" for about one hour, constantly. Thanks for all the positive responses! - Update - Alot of questions have been asked concerning their relation to each other, gender and so on. They are not related in any way, both are females, approximately 10 years of age when this footage was taken. Mossy i
Baltazar, America's Cutest "Sweet Tired Cat" Is Falling Into Sleep [-.-]Zzz The Cutest, Fluffiest Kitten On Earth, So Fluffy, Cute & Nice! -- süße müde katze, sweet tired cat, chat doux fatigué, dulce gato cansado, słodkie zmęczony kot, сладкий устал кошка, γλυκό κουρασμένος γάτα, الحلو القط متعب , 甜猫累, 달콤한 피곤 고양이, 甘い疲れた猫, แมวหวานเหนื่อย, tatlı yorgun kedi, lieve moe kat, मीठा थक बिल्ली, söt tröt