ブックマーク / www.economist.com (2)

  • Boots on the ground

    Where American troops have served during the past 60 years THE American government is keen to show its commitment to security in Asia by putting boots on the ground there. As this analysis shows, the number of American troops (Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force active duty personnel) in Asia is only slightly smaller than the number in Europe, where Americans in uniform are largely a hangover from t

    hirominakagawa 2011/11/23
    これは面白いグラフですね。RT @R_KMZ: The Economistによる世界の米軍の配置状況。中東への偏り具合とアフリカへの無関心さが際立って見える。
  • Turning Japanese

    A GOVERNMENT'S credibility is founded on its commitment to honour its debts. As a result of the dramas of the past few weeks, that crucial commodity is eroding in the West. The struggles in Europe to keep Greece in the euro zone and the brinkmanship in America over the debt ceiling have presented investors with an unattractive choice: should you buy the currency that may default, or the one that c

    Turning Japanese
    hirominakagawa 2011/08/01
    今週のEconomist、表紙が面白いことになってます。上カンパラした時に買おうかな?Turning Japanese
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