関東学生アメリカンフットボール連盟は14日、春季オープン戦で予定されていた日大の3試合を中止すると発表した。関西学院大との定期戦で日大の選手が悪質な反則行為をしたことを受け、20日の法政大戦、6月9日の東京大戦、同10日の立教大戦が行われないことになった。3大学から連名で日大との試合中止を求める文書が送られてきたという。 3大学は、現段階で監督ら指導者を含めた正式な処分や再発防止策が示されず、日大と試合を行うことは難しいと判断。選手の父母、OB・OGからも「安全が担保されていない」などの懸念の声が上がっているほか、連盟についても事案発覚からの対応の遅れなどを指摘。危機管理についても問題があるとしている。 悪質なタックルは6日に都内で行われた定期戦で発生。日大選手が、無防備な状態の関学大クオーターバック(QB)に背後からタックルするなど複数回の反則行為を繰り返した。QBは右膝軟骨損傷と腰の打
Uber abruptly halted testing of its autonomous vehicles across North America on Monday, after a 49-year old woman was struck and killed by one of its cars while crossing a Tempe, Ariz. street Sunday night. The moratorium on testing includes San Francisco, Phoenix, Pittsburgh and Toronto. Sunday’s crash was believed to be the first fatality in any testing program involving autonomous vehicles.
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1. Overestimating and underestimating Roy Amara was a cofounder of the Institute for the Future, in Palo Alto, the intellectual heart of Silicon Valley. He is best known for his adage now referred to as Amara’s Law: We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run. There is a lot wrapped up in these 21 words. An optimist can read it o
On May 18th, 2012, attorneys for Oracle and Google were battling over nine lines of code in a hearing before Judge William H. Alsup of the northern district of California. The first jury trial in Oracle v. Google, the fight over whether Google had hijacked code from Oracle for its Android system, was wrapping up. The argument centered on a function called rangeCheck. Of all the lines of code that
This paper was originally grabbed from the reading list of a course Prof. Kurose taught at UMass. Note: This essay was originally published in 1928 (long before computer networks were invented :-) ) and discussed size in the natural (biological) world and systems. As you read it, think about whether there is a "right size" for a network (or a piece of a network such as an Autonomous System), and
Back to all posts With Waymo in the driver’s seat, fully self-driving vehicles can transform the way we get around. Two years ago, we completed the world’s first fully self-driving trip on public roads, when Steve Mahan, who is legally blind, traveled from a park to a doctor’s office without anyone in the driver’s seat. This ride offered a glimpse into a fully self-driving future — where roads are
The story of a duel between two men, one who dies, and the nature of the quest to build artificial intelligence Marion Tinsley—math professor, minister, and the best checkers player in the world—sat across a game board from a computer, dying. Tinsley had been the world’s best for 40 years, a time during which he'd lost a handful of games to humans, but never a match. It's possible no single person
Based at Princeton University, though he found fame at Cambridge (as a student and professor from 1957 to 1987), Conway, 77, claims never to have worked a day in his life. Instead, he purports to have frittered away reams and reams of time playing. Yet he is Princeton’s John von Neumann Professor in Applied and Computational Mathematics (now emeritus). He’s a fellow of the Royal Society. And he is