Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology AI/ML Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Future of the Firm Everything from new organizational structures and payment schemes to new expectations, skills, and tools will shape the future of the fi
The web is better when it's social The web is more interesting when you can build apps that easily interact with your friends and colleagues. But with the trend towards more social applications also comes a growing list of site-specific APIs that developers must learn. OpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. With standard JavaScript and HTML, developers c
Overview SystemTap provides free software (GPL) infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. This assists diagnosis of a performance or functional problem. SystemTap eliminates the need for the developer to go through the tedious and disruptive instrument, recompile, install, and reboot sequence that may be otherwise required to collect data. SystemTap pr
OpaqueMenuBar Keep see-througs to... other things ;) When we saw the translucent menu bar in Leopard, a moan went through the Mac community. We listened. Slide, click, done. 0 is dark, 1 is white. That's all you need to know. With an interface this easy, no one can do anything wrong. Pricing and availability. OpaqueMenuBar is donationware, which means it's free. However, if you like it, we would v
日本一のハッカーが亡くなりました。 BSD系フリーUNIXの開発者(コミッター)であり、ソフトウェアの多言語化・国際化にも取り組み*1、そしてなにより次世代のインターネットプロトコル「IPv6」の普及に尽力するとともに標準実装「KAME」プロジェクトのコアメンバーとして国際的に活躍し、「itojun(いとぢゅん)」の愛称で愛されたプログラマー/ネットワーク技術者の萩野純一郎さんが急逝されたそうです。 訃報のご連絡 - [mixi] 「」コミュに氏の弟さんがポストされた訃報 itojunさんの訃報を聞く - Blog::koyhoge - 小山哲志氏による第一報 IIJ技術研究所の長健二朗氏を経由して小山氏に送られた文面*2 訃報:萩野純一郎氏 - WIDE : Press Rele