現在開催中の「CEATEC JAPAN 2010」の富士通ブースにおいて、マイクロソフトのWindowsを採用したタブレット端末のコンセプトモデルが参考出展されました。 富士通がAndroidではなく、Windowsを採用したタブレット端末の販売を検討しているという意思の表れであるのかどうかは分かりませんが、タブレット端末に注目が集まる昨今、なかなか気になる動きです。 詳細は以下から。 富士通ブースに出展されていたタブレット端末。 マイクロソフトのWindowsベースであることが分かります。 USB端子などのコネクタ類は右下に集約。 タブレット端末は2機種が出展されていましたが、こちらもWindowsベースのモデルです。 上部にはUSBおよびHDMI端子を搭載 本体右側にハードウェアボタンを搭載しています。 あくまでコンセプトモックということですが、このようにして出展する以上、将来的な商品
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When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
Multimedia files always need to pass through popular desktop applications such as Photoshop, GIMP, and Adove Premier etc. But when it’s time to edit a photo or audio where the software like Photoshop is not available then web applications come very useful. You have to just connect your web browser to the internet. So enjoy these resources. Here you go PicMagick online photo editor PicMagick is an
This week we are creating a useful set of animated buttons with the power of CSS3's multiple backgrounds and animations. With this button pack, you can easily turn any link on your page into an animated button by just assigning a class name. No JavaScript necessary. Four color themes and three sizes are also available by assigning additional class names. The HTML To turn a regular link on your pag
6月に地球に帰還した小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」の試料容器から、地球外物質の可能性がある微粒子数十個が見つかったことが、5日わかった。 宇宙航空研究開発機構が電子顕微鏡で調べたところ、大きさ0・001ミリ・メートル前後の粒子の中に、これまでに容器内から見つかっている地球のちりやアルミ粉などとは、成分の特徴が異なるものがあったという。 はやぶさは小惑星イトカワに着陸した際、試料採取装置がうまく作動しなかった。これまで0・01ミリ・メートル程度まで見える光学顕微鏡で分析してきたが、試料容器内に地球外物質とみられるものは発見できなかった。そこで、特殊なヘラを使って微粒子を集め、電子顕微鏡で粒子の形状と成分などを確かめる作業を続けていた。
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Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and creative as well convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes. This article is the ultimate collection of Adobe Photoshop tutorials for designing posters and flyers, or just to create amazing works of art to bolster your Photoshop skills. Your Designer Toolbox Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Asset
Is WordPress a CMS? Many developers say “no” while countless others continue to use WordPress as a content management system regardless of its definition or intended use as a blogging platform. Regardless of which camp you fall into, you should know that there are a lot of robust and powerful alternative CMS options that have been built from the ground up to help you manage the content on your sit
In this section,we have put all the best of 1stWebDesigner’s free web design course contents in the one place. Here, as the title says, you will be able to catch up if you are starting out as a web designer and polish your skills as an amateur. Keep coming to this page often, pick your interesting section, and go through each article one by one until you come out as a web design professional, read
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Typography is everywhere! The use of Illustration of text is on every web page and every modern designer’s artwork out there. Typography allows every graphic artist to provoke feelings and mood in their designs. As you will see, many of these works of typography capture so much more than just the words on the page. In this post I have brought together a showcase of typographic artwork that I am co
After seeing the packaging design for Highland Park 50 year old it made me think back to the days that I don’t actually have any memories of; the days when there wasn’t a bunch of goofy stuff on a whiskey bottle and all you had was good clean glass color and simple type. Lucky for us, there are sites like Antique Bottles so we can all have a look back and find a little color inspiration. We’re als
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