俺得iphone用壁紙3種 とりあえず作っておきたかった自分用壁紙。 1時間でできる限り。 ・nineball_ipad ・nineball_iphone ・red5_ipad ・red5_iphone ・tiruno_ipad ・tiruno_iphone 素材のテクスチャは以下のものを使わせていただきました。 Closeup… [全部見る]
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Today we are showcasing some of the most Popular Firefox Themes. We the designers, can never get satisfied with same old boring stuff which every one else is using, whether its a theme or a wallpaper. Designers have a basic quality of being different from not so creative lot. This post is dedicated to Firefox lovers. We have collected some magnificent Firefox Themes to give a new and unlike look t
Writen by Bogdan+ / Comments Off on 30 Superb Examples of iPhone Interface Design Without a doubt the iPhone has revolutionized the mobile phone industry. This piece of technology has pushed the boundaries of creativity, offering developers a new environment. The appearance of the first iPhone model not only changed the way we use a cell phone, but has forced developers to focus on design and usa
Many designers are interested in different aspects of typography for obvious reasons and some even use it in their art and statements. This time we’ve had a look around to find some examples of typography with strong messages. We find these to be an interesting type of art and hope you will enjoy the collection. Here’s our selection. We’ve tried to find several different styles and a number of dif
Project management and collaboration skills play a major role in every business and often the outcome of a project is highly affected by the initial planning and monitoring stages. Project management is especially important for small and flexible businesses where all the work is based on a few people who have to communicate and develop the workflow. Globalization has made collaboration even more e
Having an aesthetic search box on a website is as important as being capable of establishing good content on the website itself. It is true that one could provide categories in order to allow users rummage through content to find what they may be looking for on the site. [fblike] Nevertheless, the fact of having a search box on the site will facilitate the process for the user since they will be a
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2009年1月に容量の限界に達したSDHCメモリカードに代わる新規格として将来的に最大容量2TB、毎秒最大300MBの転送速度を実現する「SDXCメモリカード」が発表されましたが、いよいよ世界最大容量となる128GBモデルが登場しました。 高速タイプなだけでなく、比較的リーズナブルな価格となっています。 詳細は以下から。 Lexar Media Introduces the First 128GB Professional Secure Digital Extended Capacity Memory Card for Photographers and Videographers | Lexar レキサーメディアのプレスリリースによると、同社は2011年第一四半期にSDXCメモリカード2モデルを発売するそうです。ラインナップは64GBタイプと128GBタイプで、スピードクラスは10。 毎
Free Static HTML Website Templates Designmodo offers a collection of HTML website templates that can be customized and downloaded using the Slides application. Use one of these templates as your starting point when you want to create landing pages or multi-page websites. Wedding Website Template This beautiful website template is specifically designed for wedding planners, event coordinators as we
横浜に住む私がアンティーク家具を買う時・探す時のコツ 横浜で大好きなアンティーク家具に囲まれる生活をおくる管理人が、購入の難しいアンティーク家具を買う・選ぶコツをお伝えします!普通の家具とは違った顔を持つ、アンティーク家具独特のあたたかさを是非味わってみてください。 アンティーク家具を使って映画のように部屋を演出しよう コッポラ監督の映画「SOMEWHERE」に出てくるホテル「シャトー・マーモン」は映画の出来映えも、アンティーク家具のレイアウトを見ても、感動するほどの出来上がりになっています。他にも映画を見ていて、「こんな部屋に住みたい」と思うようなアンティーク家具のレイアウトを見つけたことがあるかと思います。しかし、やたらめったらにアンティーク家具を購入しても「統一感」や「映画の雰囲気」からはほど遠いものとなってしまいます。今回は、まるで映画のように部屋を演出する方法をご紹介します、もち
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DDLLProductions 11 件の動画 チャンネル登録 登録リストに追加しました
You can simply never have too many grungy paper backgrounds at your disposal. Unfortunately, many roundups shoot for quantity over quality in this area so it can be difficult to track down real, usable resources. We sifted through tons of paper textures to bring you ten of the best we could find. All textures are sourced from Flickr Creative Commons and Lost and Taken. They’re all very large and r
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