ブックマーク / sass-lang.com (2)

  • Sass: Announcing Dart Sass

    Over the past few months, I’ve been quietly working on a new project. Today I’m ready to announce Dart Sass to the world. It’s a totally new implementation of Sass, designed to be fast, easy to install, and easy to hack on. It’s not yet complete—I’m steadily working my way through sass-spec—so today I’m just releasing version 1.0.0-alpha.1. But it’s solid enough for you to download, play with, and

    izumin5210 2016/11/08
    libsassは実装大変だからDartで実装か Dartの時代到来か?!?!!?!??!!!
  • Sass: Sass 3.5 Release Candidate

    I’ve just pushed the button to release Sass 3.5.0-rc.1. If it seems like it’s been a while since the last release, that’s true! But there’s a good reason. We decided to enter feature freeze after the 3.5 release to give libsass, the super-speedy C++ implementation of Sass, time to reach feature parity with Sass 3.4. Libsass is much younger than Sass, and C++ is generally a slower language to work

    izumin5210 2016/09/05
    Custom Properties来たか 既存の変数との住み分けどうするんだろ
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