
2024年4月12日のブックマーク (2件)

  • What makes a great technical blog | notes.eatonphil.com

    I want to explain why the blogs in My favorite technical blogs are my favorite. That page is solely about non-corporate tech blogs. So this post is too. I'll have to make another list for favorite corporate tech blogs. In short, they: Tackle hard and confusing topics Show working code Make things simpler Write regularly Talk about tradeoffs and downsides Avoid internet slang, memes, swearing, sarc

    jay-es 2024/04/12
  • Front-end development’s identity crisis

    Elly Loel Front-end development’s identity crisis 🔗 https://ellyloel.com/blog/front-end-development-s-identity-crisis/ Created on March 29, 2024 •Last modified on March 29, 2024 • Complete • BlogWorkingWeb design I’m not a “[full-stack] developer”, regardless of what my last job title says. I’m not even a front-end developer, thanks to the JavaScript–industrial complex. I’m a front-of-the-front-e

    Front-end development’s identity crisis
    jay-es 2024/04/12
    「フロントエンド」の範囲が広がりすぎて「フロントエンド開発者」とは名乗りづらくなっている。いろいろな呼称が出てきているがどれも適切でないので著者は「Web デザイナー」と自称している