The Fantasia and fugue in G minor, performed here by Leo van Doeselaar for All of Bach, is one of the few organ works that can accurately be dated. Bach performed this work in Hamburg, where the post of organist at St Jacob’s Church became vacant in 1720. During a recital lasting over two hours, he demonstrated his skills as an organist and struck his audience dumb. One member of that audience was
Could the Sarabande of this 'English' Suite no. 3 in G minor, performed by Pierre Hantaï for All of Bach, be funeral music; a tombeau for Bach’s first wife? She died in the period in which he wrote the ‘English’ suites. We are far removed from the dance music, suggested by the French titles. Although the Sarabande does respect the characteristic rhythm, it would be unplayable in the tempo to which
訃報 国立音楽大学招聘教授 礒山 雅 儀(71歳) 2月22日に永眠いたしました ここに生前のご厚誼を深謝し謹んでご通知申し上げます 通夜ならびに葬儀・告別式を下記のとおり相営みます 記 通夜 平成30年3月4日(日)18時00分~19時00分 葬儀・告別式 平成30年3月5日(月)11時00分~12時30分 喪主 礒山 智子 場所 セレモア ガーデン会館玉川上水 東京都東大和市桜が丘2-208-1 <交通機関> ■多摩モノレールご利用の場合 「桜街道駅」下車徒歩約3分 ■西武拝島線 ご利用の場合 「玉川上水駅」下車徒歩5分 ※ 駐車場に限りがございますので 公共の交通機関のご利用をお願いいたします 葬儀・供花等お問い合わせ先 株式会社セレモア 電話 0120-470-470 FAX 0120-86-1121
Bonus : Fantasie and Fugue BWV 944 *** Dedicated to my dear friend Ivana ***