I have two Components, and I wrapped Parent with React.memo: Child const Child = ()=> <div>I'm Child</div> export default Child Parent const Parent = (props)=> <div>{props.children}</div> export default React.memo(Parent) Use in App: const App = () => { const [count, setCount] = useState(0) return( <div> <button onClick={()=>setCount(count+1)}></button> <Parent> <Child></Child> </Parent> </div> )
I have several GraphQL queries and mutations, now I'm trying to implement a delete mutation without returning any data: type Mutation{ addElement(element: ElementData): ID removeElement(id: ID): ¿? } However, it seems to be required to have a return value for the delete operation. Is there a way to perform an "empty" response in GraphQL? I would like to avoid things like returning a boolean or sta
I am building a webapp and serving it over http2. However when I analyze network in Google Chrome (Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit))'s developers tools, it is clear that multiplexing does not work as there are only 6 active connections (like with http1.1) and the rest of connections are queued. Why is this? Or are my expectations not correct? The screenshot (you can see that protoco
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