Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx¶ This tutorial is aimed at the Django user who wants to set up a production web server. It takes you through the steps required to set up Django so that it works nicely with uWSGI and nginx. It covers all three components, providing a complete stack of web application and server software. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that en
GMOクラウドALTUS(アルタス)と契約して、開発したDjangoアプリケーションを Nginx + uWSGI + MySQL + Python3 の環境にデプロイしたので、実行した操作を備忘録として残したいと思います。単なる作業メモなので、必ずしもベストプラクティスではないことにご注意下さい。間違いや不足があれば遠慮なくご指摘下さい(笑) 運用環境 まず、WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface)とは、Pythonで記述したアプリケーションとWebサーバーの間の標準インターフェース(PEP333)で、uWSGIはWSGI仕様に従ったWebアプリケーションを動かすことができるWebサーバーを指します。 Djangoで作成したアWebプリケーションはWSGIで動作するように設計していて、様々な構成で運用できるのですが、今回はPycon2015のYuri Umez
Django has become the de-facto web framework for Python. Although, since Django just specializes in dynamic content, you have to combine it (at least in production) with an HTTP server to serve static content such as css, javascript files and images files. In the past, the communication protocol between Python web applications was CGI, FastCGI or mod_python. But after PEP-333 was accepted the fast
Today I had the task of installing a development server running the Django Python framework for one of our web developers. I learned a few things and I figured a quick tutorial might help someone else out. None of this covers new ground, but perhaps another telling of the story will help someone out there. I started from scratch, with a basic install of Ubuntu 7.04 Server Edition. I did not choose
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