
ブックマーク / babeljs.io (5)

  • The State of Babel · Babel

    Some History Current Status The Future Community Previous issues: Babel Roadmap #4130, 6.0 #2168 Please check out the Community section if nothing else. Also published as part of Mariko Kosaka's 2016 Web Advent Calendar! Some History​ Sebastian created "6to5" in September of 2014. Interestingly enough, he made it to scratch an itch he had with understanding programming languages and how they work.

    The State of Babel · Babel
    ledsun 2016/12/08
  • 6.0.0 Released · Babel

    NOTE: Not all integrations have been updated yet. This is a very disruptive major so please bear with us as we smooth out the edges. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since the Babel project started, but there was a birthday cake, so it must be real! I work with some super awesome people. Thank you @cpojer and Ovidiu! pic.twitter.com/l1NzyobiBz — Sebastian McKenzie (@sebmck) September 28, 2015

    6.0.0 Released · Babel
    ledsun 2015/10/30
  • Experimental · Babel

    ledsun 2015/06/19
  • Function Bind Syntax · Babel

    Babel 5.4 was just released and with it comes support for a new experimental ES7 syntax proposed by Kevin Smith (@zenparsing) and implemented in Babel by Ingvar Stepanyan (@RReverser). Warning: This syntax is highly experimental and you should not use it for anything serious (yet). If you do use this syntax, please provide feedback on GitHub. The function bind syntax introduces a new operator :: w

    Function Bind Syntax · Babel
    ledsun 2015/05/18
  • Polyfill · Babel

    🚨 As of Babel 7.4.0, this package has been deprecated in favor of directly including core-js/stable (to polyfill ECMAScript features): If you are compiling generators or async function to ES5, and you are using a version of @babel/core or @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator older than 7.18.0, you must also load the regenerator runtime package. It is automatically loaded when using @babel/preset-e

    ledsun 2015/05/15
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