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  • National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

    There's still time! The deadline for entries for this year's National Geographic Photo Contest is November 30. Photographers of all skill levels (last year more than 16,000 images submitted by photographers from 130 countries) enter photographs in three categories: Nature, People and Places. The photographs are judged on creativity and photographic quality by a panel of experts. There is one first

    National Geographic Photo Contest 2011
    makou 2011/11/20
  • London riots

    Two nights of rioting in London's Tottenham neighborhood erupted following protests over the shooting death by police of a local man, Mark Duggan. Police were arresting him when the shooting occurred. Over 170 people were arrested over the two nights of rioting, and fires gutted several stores, buildings, and cars. The disorder spread to other neighborhoods as well, with shops being looted in the

    London riots
    makou 2011/08/09
  • Massive earthquake hits Japan

    An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit off the east coast of Japan early today. The quake -- one of the largest in recorded history -- triggered a 23-foot tsunami that battered Japan's coast, killing hundreds and sweeping away cars, homes, buildings, and boats. Editors note: we'll post more as the story develops -- Lloyd Young (47 photos total) Houses swallowed by tsunami waves burn in Natori, Miyagi Pre

    Massive earthquake hits Japan
    makou 2011/03/12
  • 2009 in photos (part 1 of 3)

    The year 2009 is now coming to a close, and it's time to take a look back over the past 12 months through photographs. Historic elections were held in Iran, India and the United States, some wars wound down while others escalated, China turned 60, and the Berlin Wall was remembered 20 years after it came down. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2009. This is a

    2009 in photos (part 1 of 3)
  • Earth From Above comes to NYC

    Photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand will bring his work back to the United States - to New York City for the first time in 2010. Aiming to inspire people to think globally about sustainable living, Arthus-Bertrand has been photographing unique views of our planet, seen from the sky, since 1994 - and has produced an exhibit of over 150 4-ft. by 6-ft. prints which will be on display in New York City a

    Earth From Above comes to NYC
    makou 2008/10/08
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