Written by Jun Nakagawa © 1996-2004 Jun Nakagawa All Rights Reserverd. If you have some comments, please mail to
Try before you buy. Download any Adobe product for a free 30 day trial. Use The Displace Filter & Displacement Maps To Make A Realistic Flag Adapted from "Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 Maximum Performance" by Mark Galer Liquid pixels - wrapping pixels over undulating silk The layer blend modes are an effective way of merging or blending a pattern or graphic with a three-dimensional form. By using t
Creating Smoke In Photoshop From Scratch Using Photoshop and a specific technique, it’s rather easy to create something that looks like smoke or fog—from scratch. It’s not as good as actual smoke photographed on a black background, but it’s much easier to come by. Here’s the trick… Doodle Draw a doodle. Preferrably keep the doodle in its own layer with a black background beneath. Distort Use the L
Before we begin: Please note that this tutorial was originally written for Photoshop CS5 and earlier. If you're using Photoshop CC or CS6, you'll want to check out our fully updated Turning Text Into Gold With Photoshop tutorial. In this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we're going to learn how to turn text into gold using Photoshop's Layer Styles. We'll even throw in some sparkles at the end to m
Photoshop is great for embellishing display text with little effects. When you add layer styles into the equation, you have the added benefit of the styles being easily transferable. In this tutorial I'll show you how to make six different effects using just layer styles. So really this is like six tutorials in one! All six of these effects use just layer styles. If you are a Plus member, you can
In this tutorial, we will create this effect using very basic Photoshop tools and layering effects. This tutorial is simple enough for a beginner to understand, but I should warn you that in this tutorial there ends up being over 60 active text layers, which will require a heavy use of your computer's memory. Let's jump into this tutorial and layer some glowing text. As always, the layered Photosh
1. How to Create a Background Step 1 Before we set the text on fire, let's create our canvas. Press Control-N to create a new document, and use the following settings: 1900 x 1200 px; 300 dpi. Step 2 Pick the Gradient Tool (or just press G) and use the following colors: #5c3d09 and #1f1409. Step 3 Select the Radial gradient type and create a background with our gradient. Notice that the gradient i
In this Photoshop effects tutorial, we'll learn how to easily make a photo look more like a watercolor painting. This photo effect works best on images where maintaining rich colors and strong contrast is more important than keeping any fine details, since you'll be losing a lot of detail with this effect. Creating the effect is as simple as duplicating some layers, applying a few filters, and usi
For changes prior to version 1.14, see the file NEWS. For a more detailed list of changes, see the ChangeLog. September 17, 2019: Release 1.16. This release consists of bugfixes and minor portability improvements. A potential arithmetic overflow was fixed. Rotation angles are now normalized to between -180 and 180. We now use binary file I/O on the OS/2 platform. The test suite tolerances were adj
このソフトはコマンドラインですから面倒なので、バッチファイルを作ります。メモ帖などのソフトを起動して、 potrace.exe□*.bmp(*.bmpとは、拡張子がbmpの、全てのファイルという意味です) と書きます。potrace.exeの後にはスペースが要ります。個別にファイル名を入れても良いです。そして、名前を付けて保存を選び、potrace(何でも可).batという名前にします。 このバッチファイルをpotrace.exeのあるフォルダに入れます。あとは、このバッチファイルをダブルクリックすればOK。フォルダ内のBMP(ビットマップ)ファイルがEPSファイルに変換され、新しいファイルができます。もとのファイルはそのままです。EPSファイルはアドビ社のイラストレータ等で読み込めます。CADで読み込む場合はEPSのバージョンによって不可の場合があります。私はTurboCadなの