
ブックマーク / www.seasteading.org (1)

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    Seasteading means building floating cities with significant political autonomy. Nearly half the world’s surface is unclaimed by any nation-state, and many coastal nations can legislate seasteads in their territorial waters. The Seasteading Institute is a nonprofit organization. We promote the creation of floating ocean cities as a revolutionary solution to some of the world’s most pressing problem

    matsuokahajime 2016/10/23
    NHKスペシャル マネーワールドで出てきた。宇宙に国家を作ろうとしている人たちのニュースには、『月は無慈悲な夜の女王』みたいなことを思い出したけれど、海上国家の方が手っ取り早いのか。
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