Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More We’ve been reporting on a lot of very cool tech and gaming projects that have found huge success on the New York-based crowdfunding platform Kickstarter this year. The site, which never had a million dollar project before 2012, keeps breaking its own records, with the Pebb
プラネックスコミュニケーションズは、ネットワークメディアプレーヤー「MZK-MP02HD」を4月27日に発売する。参考価格は1万5000円。 PCを必要とせずにYouTube動画を楽しめるネットワークメディアプレーヤー。関連動画の連続再生もでき、別の動画を選択する手間がいらない。また「Planex Simple Menu」採用により「おすすめ」「人気」などのキーワードを簡単に選べるほか、日本語検索にも対応しているため関連動画の一挙表示も行える。 大画面向けのYouTubeユーザーインタフェース「YouTube XL」対応により、テレビに合ったフルサイズでの動画閲覧ができ、AVCHDビデオカメラなどに採用されているH.264形式のハードウェア再生も可能。そのほかMPEG2-TS形式をはじめ数多くのコーデックをサポートし、高画質映像をそのままで楽しめる。 ビデオカメラ、デジタルカメラ、外付けH
With the trial of Norway’s racist killer Anders Breivik — whose orchestrated campaign of terror left 77 people dead last summer — the eyes of the world are on Oslo right now. And one newspaper there is taking the opportunity to do some interesting experiments with video. Dagbladet, a liberal tabloid, is the country’s third largest newspaper. It’s been pretty successful online, with a brash and hig
Which are the most promising digital outfits in the Nordics? A Scandinavian pitch contest jury has named iZettle, a Square-like mobile payment gadget, the region’s Digital Champion and given Klarna, a pay-after-delivery facilitator, a Billion Dollar Company award. The contest was held by tech M&A advisory house GP Bullhound, which judged along with VCs and entrepeneurs, at Stockholm’s Riskkapital
プラネックスコミュニケーションズは20日、H.264やMPEG2-TS形式の動画に対応し、YouTubeの動画や写真をPCを使わずに視聴できるネットワークメディアプレイヤー「MZK-MP02HD」を発表した。4月27日より発売し、価格は15,000円(税別)。 有線LAN経由でネットワークに接続することで、PCを使わずにYouTubeの動画などを視聴できるネットワークメディアプレイヤー。大画面TV向けのYouTubeユーザーインタフェース「YouTubeXL」に対応し、TVに合わせたフルサイズでの再生が可能。 付属のリモコンを使って検索ワードを入力できるほか、「おすすめ」や「人気」といったキーワードが登録されており、それらを選択することで動画を検索できる。選択した動画は、再生後に新たな関連動画を自動で再生。動画検索の手間を省いてくれる。 対応フォーマット形式は、映像がAVC/H.264、M
2012年6月,ルクセンブルクで「ICT SPRING EUROPE 2012」開催。新鋭オンラインゲーム企業など最大10社に無料展示ブースや視察ツアーなどを提供 ライター:大陸新秩序 2012年6月19日/20日の2日間,ICT(情報通信技術)に関する国際フォーラム「ICT SPRING EUROPE 2012」がルクセンブルクで開催される。それに先駆け,同フォーラムの参加者とスタートアップ企業向けプログラム参加者の募集についての説明会が,東京都内の在日ルクセンブルク大公国大使館にて行われた。 ICT SPRING EUROPEは,ICT事業を手がける企業や関係者の交流を目的とするフォーラムである。第3回目の開催となる今回は,ネットワークセキュリティ/クラウド/SNS/モバイルを主なテーマに掲げており,楽天のCEOを務める三木谷浩史氏や,Facebookの創業者マーク・ザッカーバーグ氏の
営業担当者が、外出先でAndroid端末から顧客リストの管理/検索、報告書の登録などを行えるようにするという。 サイボウズスタートアップスは4月20日、ルート営業向け顧客管理ツール「営業報告サービス」のAndroid版(Android 2.2以降に対応)の提供を始めた。Google Play(旧Android Market)などのAndroidアプリポータルから無料でダウンロードできる。利用は有料。 営業報告サービスは、ルート営業担当者が外出先から顧客リストを管理/検索したり、報告書を登録したりできるようにするもの。顧客の写真を含む営業報告書を顧客リストに反映し、顧客の状態をステータス表示で可視化することで、利用企業のリアルタイムな情報活用を支援するとしている。 今回提供するAndroid版は、2月から提供しているiPhone版のユーザーインタフェース(UI)や使用感を「完全に再現」したと
What if Environmentalism Were as Big as Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC] What if everyone across the globe used his or her social media influence to help the planet? The impact would be huge, according to a recent infographic from Recyclebank, a company that rewards green consumers with discounts and deals from local and national businesses. The data encourages the connected generation to use social ne
創出支援に注力している副編集長のmaskinッス。 いわゆる人と人とつなぐという意味での “メディア” は、いわずもがな変容を続けています。大きな特徴は、一方通行の発信のみに留まらず、各ソーシャルメディアとの連携が不可欠になり、さらにはメディアそのものが何らかの機能性を持っていることにあると感じています。 とはいえ、何がどう機能しどういう構図になっているのか市場全体像が見えにくいということもあり、実験的にマトリックス図を作成し初めてみました。 ソーシャルメディア成長の鍵は「小さな対話」 まずは日本国内の状況を表現しようとしてスタートしていますが、マルの大きさが現状とずれているなど表現が統一できてない部分もありますが、横軸は「ブログやTwitterのような一般に発信するもの」ー「家族や友人とのやりとり」を定義、縦軸にはそれぞれの「対話」や「コミュニケーション」の頻度を現わしています。対話には
[brightcove video="1569920224001" /] Leading a sustainable life is a matter of choice, but it can be hard to visualize what effect your choices are actually making on the world -- and prove to others how important sustainability is. That's why the new green water bottle 999Bottles is set to launch on Kickstarter, just in time for Earth Day. What sets it apart from Nalgene, Klean Kanteen and other
ท้าทาย เพิ่มเติมประสบการณ์ รวมไปถึงลุ้นเงินรางวัลได้อย่างมีอิสระ บาคาร่า99 ทางเลือกที่จะเข้ามาเติมเต็มให้กับนักพนันทุกคนอย่างทั่วถึง สำหรับคนทั่วไปที่มีความสนใจตัวเกมพนันออนไลน์ อยากจะให้เริ่มต้นกับทาง บาคาร่า99th ที่มีการเน้นบริการเกมพนันยอดนิยมระดับโลกอย่าง Baccarat เกมพนันที่กลายมาเป็นอันดับที่ 1 สามารถครองใจนักพนันไปทั่วโลก เนื่องจากว่าขึ้นชื่อว่าเกมพนัน จะต้องง่ายและหลากหลาย สามารถตอบสนองทั้ง
Amazon(s amzn) CTO Werner Vogels had some words of wisdom Thursday for IT customers: “You should keep your providers on their toes every day. If we’re not delivering the right services you should walk away.” No one watching the AWS Summit would disagree with that sentiment. But many questioned exactly how easy it will be for customers to walk away if they are fully engaged with higher-value-add Am
Ever wished that long, scrolling Facebook Timeline was somehow easier to manage -- like, say, a Pinterest board? Brand new Facebook app PinView displays items from your News Feed, Timeline, friends list and multimedia pages as small panels, just like social bookmarking site Pinterest showcases images on Pinboards. The spiffy app launched Thursday with the mantra, "Browse Facebook like you browse P
Already a heavy user of Apache Software Foundation projects, Twitter is now giving back to the organization financially as a sponsor. It’s difficult to think of a situation where Apache sponsorship wouldn’t be the right move and, as Twitter’s Open Source Manager Chris Aniszczyk wrote on the Twitter Engineering blog Thursday, it’s definitely the right thing for Twitter to do. Of course, putting mon
Create a Stop-Motion Masterpiece With 'Lego Super Hero Movie Maker' Designed to be used with Lego's DC Universe Super Heroes blocks, the app lets you plan, create, and shoot the next big summer blockbuster on your smartphone. Creating videos simply entails setting up your smartphone and blocks and snapping a shot. After taking one photo, you then move the blocks ever so slightly and snap another p
Want to Reserve One of Nike's Hot New Shoes? You'll Have to Tweet for It As a consequence, Nike has developed a new RSVP system that promises to both generate buzz -- of the Twitter variety -- and instill order. On designated "RSVP dates," individual U.S. stores will send out a tweet at a random time with a product specific hashtag (i.e., #electrolime). Followers have exactly one hour to direct me
[brightcove video="1571461388001" /] A pilot's preoccupation with his cellphone caused his crew to forget to lower the landing gear just 500 feet above ground, according to a report issued Thursday by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. The close call on Jetstar flight JQ57 on May 27, 2010 from Darwin to Singapore began when the pilot became fixated on his incoming text messages. The first off
Sometimes, growing up sucks. "We're Not Young" -- a depressing but funny viral video that turns indie pop band Fun's "We Are Young" smash hit on its head -- captures the conflicts people encounter in their 30s. Part of Yahoo's Sketchy comedy series, the parody lampoons 30-year-olds' drinking problems, married friends, long-term relationships, expanded waistlines, prostate appointments and not-so-d
The day has finally come: April 19 is your last chance to use online photo editor Picnik. In January, Google announced that it would be shuttering its popular web property. While we mourn Picnik's demise, we found seven other online photo editors to help you with quick crops, saturations and touch-ups. Some offer easy-to-use basics, while others echo the more advanced edit options of Photoshop. Ei
Want Google to analyze your email habits? The search engine giant highlighted on its Official Blog on Thursday a program called Google Meter that allows Gmail users to learn more about their inbox, from whether they're more likely to write long emails to information on how long it takes you to typically reply. Called Gmail Meter, the program analyzes email patterns to give a better sense of overal
This is clear hack of the Matrix if we've ever seen one. In the video above, YouTube user Brusspup shares an experiment with sound and water. He first plays a 24hz sine wave towards a stream of water and records it using a camera set to 24 frames per second. At that rate, the camera's frame rate is synced up with the rate of the vibrations of the water, which makes the water appear to be frozen or
Google Drive Interface Leaked in Employee Presentation [EXCLUSIVE] Tuesday we heard rumors that Google will soon be launching Google Drive -- its own cloud service -- and now we have an exclusive screen shot of the Google Drive interface that seems to confirm that rumor. A Google employee giving a presentation at a university in Brazil Tuesday appears to have accessed that presentation via Google
Earlier this morning, The New York Times wrote about an internal memo in which Cisco Systems (s CSCO) outlined its plans for software defined networking. More importantly, it also shared the news that it has invested $100 million in Insieme, a company started by Mario Mazzola, Prem Jain, and Luca Cafiero. In addition, Cisco can buy the start-up for upto $750 million. Insieme, which has been aggres
[brightcove video="1571336416001" /] Soon you may be able to control some of your favorite apps using your voice thanks to AT&T. For decades AT&T researchers have been working on a speech recognition technology called Watson. The software takes speech and turns it into text. While that may seem like a simple-enough process, getting the software to recognize what you're saying regardless of accent,
Solar Farm in Tucson, Arizona. Image courtesy of IBM Research, Flickr Creative Commons. A123 Systems Alphabet Energy Amyris Battery Battery Ventures Biofuel Bloom Energy BP BrightSource Energy California Cleantech Open California Public Utilities Commission Cap and Trade Carbon Capture Carbon Emissions Cellulosic Ethanol Charging Clean Power Cleantech Climate Change Climos Coal Coskata Coulomb Tec
For public figures, the digital age means one thing: a 24-7 rolling press conference. Think about it. We have around-the-clock cable news stations, social networks, newswires, bloggers, tweeters, and diggers. Everyone is in PR, and everyone needs a PR person. That's exactly why anyone with even a foot in the public eye has to have someone who keeps tabs on their social image, particularly on Twitt
Enjoy sending sexy pictures and texts to your significant other? Just make sure it goes to the appropriate person. The mistake of sending it to wrong recipient is made by 11% of sexters. A poll conducted by U.K.-based mobile news site Recombu among 2,000 adults revealed that almost half (47%) of England sends sexy texts to their significant other. Of that adventurous group, about 11% have mistaken