Wrap your mind around the next intensive puzzle game - Interlocked! A 3D puzzle game with a chilling atmosphere. You know those puzzles consisting of a few wooden blocks that are impossible take apart? Then you know Interlocked. Each level, you're given a unique 3D puzzle consisting of blocks that hold each other together. Take it apart and you'll feel ten times as smart :-) http://interlocked.wec
Sky Island is currently not available on Armor Games. We are using Ruffle to emulate Flash content, but it doesn't currently work for all games. Over time, we expect more and more Flash games to be playable again. Thank you so much for all of your years of support and enjoyment! In the meantime, please enjoy the below selection of HTML-based games and Ruffle-emulated Flash games that also will roc
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音楽の繰り返し聴取が快感情に及ぼす影響 : リズムパターンの冗長性とハーモニーの典型性 THE EFFECTS OF REPEATED EXPOSURE OF MUSIC ON PLEASINGNESS : Redundancy of rhythm pattern and prototypicality of harmony 榊原 彩子 SAKAKIBARA Ayako 東京大学教育学研究科:日本学術振興会特別研究員 Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Tokyo:JSPS Fellowships for Japanese Junior Scientists According to previous theories, effects of repeated exposure