Google Tech Talk January 15, 2013 (more info below) Presented by Douglas Crockford ABSTRACT The wonders of monads are finally revealed without resorting to Category Theory or Haskell. It turns out that monads are trivially expressed in JavaScript, and are one of the key enablers of Ajax. Monads are amazing. They are simple things, almost trivially implemented, with enormous power to manage comp
Cross posted from msdn's channel 9. Functional programming is increasing in popularity these days given the inherent problems with shared mutable state that is rife in the imperative world. As we march on to a world of multi and many-core chipsets, software engineering must evolve to better equip software engineers with the tools to exploit the vast power of multiple core processors as it won't c
SBCL was accepted as a mentoring organisation for Google’s Summer of Code 2013 (our list of project suggestions is here). This will be our first time, so that’s really great news. I’m also extremely surprised by the number of people who’ve expressed interest in working with us. I was going to reply to a bunch of emails individually, but I figure I should also centralise some of the stuff here. EDI
Lispの練習でライフゲームを作ってみた。まだCUIで眺めることしかできない。 適当なパターンをランダムに置くことだけはできるようにしてみた。 > (generate-random-lives) > (lifegame) ってやるとランダムな初期配置から一番メジャーなルールでライフゲームが動く。境界は周期的にした。 > (funcall glyder) > (lifegame) とかやるとglyderだったり適当なパターンをランダムに配置してライフゲームが動く。 見た目はこんな感じになる。 (defparameter *width* 80) (defparameter *height* 30) (defparameter *lives* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (defun count-surrounding-lives (pos lives) (