
ブックマーク / yehudakatz.com (5)

  • How to Marshal Procs Using Rubinius

    The primary reason I enjoy working with Rubinius is that it exposes, to Ruby, much of the internal machinery that controls the runtime semantics of the language. Further, it exposes that machinery primarily in order to enable user-facing semantics that are typically implemented in the host language (C for MRI, C and C++ for MacRuby, Java for JRuby) to be implemented in Ruby itself. There is, of co

    o_show 2011/11/20
    多くの部分がPure Rubyで実装されているRubiniusを使って、普通なら不可能なProcオブジェクトのMarshallingをRubyコードでやってみようという話。
  • Gem Versioning and Bundler: Doing it Right

    Recently, an upgrade to Rake (from version 0.8.7 to version 0.9.0) has re-raised the issue of dependencies and versioning in the Ruby community. I wanted to take the opportunity to reiterate some of the things I talked about back when working on Bundler 1.0. First, I'll lay out some basic rules for the road, and then go into some detail about the rationale. Basic Versioning Rules for Apps After bu

    o_show 2011/05/30
    1.bundle install後はGemfile.lockをバージョン管理/2.Gemfile修正後はbundle install/3.bundle installでは解決できない時はbundle update <gem名>/4.全ての依存性を解決するならbundle update/5.実行ファイルはbundle exec/6.昔に戻すにはGemfile.lockをcheckout
  • The How and Why of Bundler Groups

    Since version 0.9, Bundler has had a feature called "groups". The purpose of this feature is to allow you to specify groups of dependencies which may be used in certain situations, but not in others. For instance, you may use ActiveMerchant only in production. In this case, you could say: group :production do gem "activemerchant" end Specifying groups allows you to do two things. First, you can in

    o_show 2011/01/21
    Bundlerのgroupはbundle installの時はオプトアウト(指定したものだけ除く)で、Bundler.requireの時はオプトイン(指定したものだけrequire)になる。
  • My Common Git Workflow

    A recent post that was highly ranked on Hacker News complained about common git workflows causing him serious pain. While I won't get into the merit of his user experience complaints, I do want to talk about his specific use-case and how I personally work with it in git. Best I can tell, Mike Taylor (the guy in the post) either tried to figure out a standard git workflow on his own, or he followed

    o_show 2010/05/22
    pullではなくpull --rebaseを使おうという提案
  • How to Build Sinatra on Rails 3

    In Ruby, we have the great fortune to have one major framework (Rails) and a number of minor frameworks that drive innovation forward. One of the great minor frameworks which has been getting a lot of traction recently is Sinatra, primarily because it exposes a great DSL for writing small, single-purpose apps. Here's an example of a simple Sinatra application. class MyApp < Sinatra::Base set :view

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