Pattern Matching for Java This document has moved to the Project Amber website.
Video: Today, functional progr…
Haskell-awkHaskell text processor for the command-line Mario Pastorelli Introduction a generic text processor where “A file is treated as a sequence of records, and by default each line is a record.” - Alfred V. Aho developed in 1977 by Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan @ Bell Labs uses AWK as programming languageawk 'BEGIN { print "Hello World!" }'proceduralinterpreteda program is
I wrote a small command-line text processing program in four different ML-derived languages, to try to get a feel for how they compare in terms of syntax, library, and build-run cycles. ML is a family of functional programming languages that have grown up during the past 40 years and more, with strong static typing, type inference, and eager evaluation. I tried out Standard ML, OCaml, Yeti, and F#
Category Theory for Programmers: The Preface Posted by Bartosz Milewski under C++, Category Theory, Functional Programming, Haskell, Programming [184] Comments Table of Contents Part One Category: The Essence of Composition Types and Functions Categories Great and Small Kleisli Categories Products and Coproducts Simple Algebraic Data Types Functors Functoriality Function Types Natural Transformati
OCaml first hit my radar in November 2013. I had just learnt SML, a similar but older language, in the excellent Programming Languages Coursera course. Dan Grossman is one of the best lecturers I’ve ever seen, I found his explanations hit all the right notes and made learning easy. The simplicity of the SML syntax, and the power of the language while still producing code that is readable with mini
I'm so happy to see this! Thank you Paul!Paul may have been hurting perception of Scala community by his rants a bit lately. But the fork is a greatly welcomed! All the things Paul said make sense. The fork can prove the value of those ideas. Simpler compiler => more compiler developers => more productive => better compiler => better for the whole community! As for Typesafe. There are doing great
Collection pipelines are a programming pattern where you organize some computation as a sequence of operations which compose by taking a collection as output of one operation and feeding it into the next. (Common operations are filter, map, and reduce.) This pattern is common in functional programming, and also in object-oriented languages which have lambdas. This article describes the pattern wit
From late 2011 to early 2014 I was a lead developer at Nurun Toronto, a digital agency focused on e-commerce solutions. Facing a pipeline of new projects with nothing but Spring in one hand and Java in the other, I realized that it was time to quickly explore alternatives. Working at an agency puts things in perspective. Missing a contractual deadline because “Java sucks” isn’t going to impress cl
learning Scalaz How many programming languages have been called Lisp in sheep’s clothing? Java brought in GC to familiar C++ like grammar. Although there have been other languages with GC, in 1996 it felt like a big deal because it promised to become a viable alternative to C++. Eventually, people got used to not having to manage memory by hand. JavaScript and Ruby both have been called Lisp in sh
ANTLR is a parser-generator for Java. Can you use it from Clojure? Sure. Would you want to? Maybe. Here's how to do it, start to finish. For the impatient among you, all of the code below is on github. git clone git:// Setup I'm going to use leiningen for this project. Let's make a new project called antlr-example. $ lein new antlr-example Now edit p
Refactoring is about `improving the design of existing code' and as such, it has been practised as long as programs have been written. The term refactoring specifically refers to a common activity in programming and software maintenance: changing the structure of a program without changing its semantics. Often, refactoring precedes a program modification or extension, bringing the program into a f
If you are a former Java developer and have become a Scala fanboy like me, you will probably sooner or later encounter terms like monad, functor or other mysteries from the realm of category theory which make you feel like a little dummkopf (screamingly funny for a German like me, according to this seems to be a proper English verb). If you already feel comfortable with these, don’t wa
Functional Java is an open source library facilitating functional programming in Java. The library implements numerous basic and advanced programming abstractions that assist composition oriented development. Functional Java also serves as a platform for learning functional programming concepts by introducing these concepts using a familiar language. The library is intended for use in production a