CSS for clean and fast web apps. Soooo Fast!Performance is our #1 goal. Every component we design is benchmarked for performance. You can see our results. Components GaloreWe have the building blocks to get you up and running fast. Our growing set of components were born from CSS. ThemeableIs that even a word? It should be! We love our theme, but we don’t want to hit your brand over the head with
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways, now offering 40% off for 4 months, and 40 free migrations. Reader Arun wrote in with a question on how to make a body border that was rounded where the edges met on the inside. Like this. We’ve covered body borders before, but this was slightly different. It does look rather confusing at first. You can’t do bizarro inside-y rou
We recently launched a preview of Crocodoc’s newest document to HTML converter. If you haven’t checked it out yet, go play with our preview and see how we're converting the pages of your documents to embeddable SVG and HTML. What does the new converter mean to those of you building web applications using Crocodoc? Simple: your documents will load faster, look sharper, and be much easier to customi
Create beautiful backgrounds for websites or desktops. This project includes a large collection of textures—wood, rust, paper, concrete and more from Texturise—which can be combined with linear-gradients or colors to create a wide assortment of themes. Drag & Drop images into the browser to generate tile-able patterns! Enter full-screen mode, and design your own desktop wallpaper!
What is Patternify? Patternify is a simple pattern generator. I built it to save myself the pain of launching Photoshop just to export a 2px by 2px stripe pattern. Not only can you build your pattern online, but with the base64 code, you don't even need an image file anymore: just include the code in your CSS and you're ready to go! Instructions Draw your pattern on the grid. You can use the curso
ナビゲーションの各アイテムをホバーすると、光源が移動するラーヴァランプ風エフェクトをスクリプトは使用せずに、スタイルシートで実装するチュートリアルを紹介します。 矢がハートを射貫くのかわいいですね。 デモページ 実装 実装は共通パートと3つのデモで異なるパートに分けて紹介します。 Step 1: 共通 HTML HTMLは3つとも基本的には同じです。 classの「nav」は共通で、「ph-line-nav」を変更して利用します。 <div class="nav ph-line-nav"> <a href="#">Home</a> <a href="#">About</a> <a href="#">Gallery</a> <a href="#">Contact</a> <div class="effect"></div> </div> Step 2: 共通 CSS 3つのデモの共通のスタイ
Normalize.cssって何? CSSリセットとは違うの? どうやって使うの? といった疑問を解決するNormalize.cssの制作者自らの解説を紹介します。 About normalize.css [ad#ad-2] 下記は各ポイントを意訳したものです。 Normalize.cssとは Normalize.cssの特徴 ノーマライズ vs リセット Normalize.cssの使い方 終わりに Normalize.cssとは Normalize.cssとは、クロスブラウザにHTMLのエレメントのデフォルトのスタイルを提供する小さなCSSファイルです。HTML5にも対応しており、従来のCSSリセットに代わるものです。 normalize.cssの関連サイト Normalize.cssの本サイト Normalize.cssのソース Normalize.cssのドキュメント Normal
This site teaches the CSS fundamentals that are used in any website's layout. I assume you already know what selectors, properties, and values are. And you probably know a thing or two about layout, though it may still be a rage-provoking activity for you. If you want to learn HTML and CSS from the beginning, you should check out this tutorial. Otherwise, let's see if we can save you some fury on
IE6/7/8/9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Operaは当たり前、Win, Mac, LinuxなどのOS、iPhone, Android, iPod, iPadなどのデバイス、スクリーンのサイズ、言語などを判定し、それらをCSSのセレクタで利用できるスタンドアローンのスクリプトを紹介します。 CSS Browser Selector+ CSS Browser Selector+の特徴 CSS Browser Selector+の使い方 CSS Browser Selector+の特徴 CSS Browser Selector+はハック無しで、さまざまなUAをCSSのセレクタで指定できるスクリプトです。ブラウザごとに異なるスタイルシートの適用、スマフォやタブレット用のレスポンシブなスタイルにも利用できます。 CSS Browser Selector+が判別するの