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"Data Visualization"の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 43件

  • GitHub - mckinsey/vizro: Vizro is a low-code toolkit for building high-quality data visualization apps.

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      GitHub - mckinsey/vizro: Vizro is a low-code toolkit for building high-quality data visualization apps.
    • Fundamentals of Data Visualization

      Welcome This is the website for the book “Fundamentals of Data Visualization,” published by O’Reilly Media, Inc. The website contains the complete author manuscript before final copy-editing and other quality control. If you would like to order an official hardcopy or ebook, you can do so at various resellers, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, or Powells. The book is meant as a guid

      • Stanford CS course on data visualization techniques (Winter 2020)

        • 地図と可視化とコミュニティ(それと言語) / Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2022

          データ可視化ショーケースイベント Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2022 | Peatix / https://peatix.com/event/3452708 動画: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu5oBYY7M0Y

            地図と可視化とコミュニティ(それと言語) / Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2022
          • GitHub - observablehq/plot: A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics

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              GitHub - observablehq/plot: A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics
            • Bettina Forget on Twitter: "Data visualization insights: Land doesn't vote. People do. #USElection2020 https://t.co/MJWKPftOsx"

              Data visualization insights: Land doesn't vote. People do. #USElection2020 https://t.co/MJWKPftOsx

                Bettina Forget on Twitter: "Data visualization insights: Land doesn't vote. People do. #USElection2020 https://t.co/MJWKPftOsx"
              • muchonov on Twitter: "「土地は投票しない。投票するのは、人間」。地図を塗り分けると大半が赤く見えるけど、人口軸でバブルチャートにすると様相が一変する。data visualizationの仕方で大きく印象が変わる例。 https://t.co/HevG2XhuTW"

                「土地は投票しない。投票するのは、人間」。地図を塗り分けると大半が赤く見えるけど、人口軸でバブルチャートにすると様相が一変する。data visualizationの仕方で大きく印象が変わる例。 https://t.co/HevG2XhuTW

                  muchonov on Twitter: "「土地は投票しない。投票するのは、人間」。地図を塗り分けると大半が赤く見えるけど、人口軸でバブルチャートにすると様相が一変する。data visualizationの仕方で大きく印象が変わる例。 https://t.co/HevG2XhuTW"
                • GitHub - finos/perspective: A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets.

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                    GitHub - finos/perspective: A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets.
                  • GitHub - ChartsCSS/charts.css: Open source CSS framework for data visualization.

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                      GitHub - ChartsCSS/charts.css: Open source CSS framework for data visualization.
                    • GitHub - ptyadana/Data-Science-and-Machine-Learning-Projects-Dojo: collections of data science, machine learning and data visualization projects with pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, tensorflow2, Keras, various ML algorithms like random forest classifier, boo

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                        GitHub - ptyadana/Data-Science-and-Machine-Learning-Projects-Dojo: collections of data science, machine learning and data visualization projects with pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, tensorflow2, Keras, various ML algorithms like random forest classifier, boo
                      • GitHub - f5/unovis: Modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript

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                          GitHub - f5/unovis: Modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript
                        • Learn Data Visualization Tutorials | Kaggle

                          Make great data visualizations. A great way to see the power of coding!

                          • Data Visualization with R - Syllabus

                            Instructor Dr. Andrew Heiss 55 Park Place SE, Room 464 aheiss@gsu.edu andrewheiss Schedule an appointment Course details Any day June 5–July 30, 2023 Asynchronous Anywhere Slack Course objectives Data rarely speaks for itself. On their own, the facts contained in raw data are difficult to understand, and in the absence of beauty and order, it is impossible to understand the truth that the data sho

                              Data Visualization with R - Syllabus
                            • GitHub - cxli233/FriendsDontLetFriends: Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization - What are they and why are they bad.

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                                GitHub - cxli233/FriendsDontLetFriends: Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization - What are they and why are they bad.
                              • Chart — the most powerful data visualization plugin

                                The most powerful data visualization plugin Create charts with random, tabular or JSON data inside Sketch, Figma or Adobe XD. The richest collection of chart types 16 of the most popular chart types out-of-the-box. Didn't find what you want? 
Just let me know and I will add it to the collection.

                                  Chart — the most powerful data visualization plugin
                                • Data Visualization Using Python

                                  We have seen that Python language is a powerful tool for data science and data operations, but how powerful is Python for Data visualization? One of the key responsibilities of Data scientists is to communicate results effectively with the stakeholders. This is where the power of visualization comes into play. Creating effective visualizations helps businesses identify patterns and subsequently he

                                    Data Visualization Using Python
                                  • Python tools for data visualization — PyViz 0.0.1 documentation

                                    Python tools for data visualization¶ Welcome to PyViz! The PyViz.org website is an open platform for helping users decide on the best open-source (OSS) Python data visualization tools for their purposes, with links, overviews, comparisons, and examples. Contents: Overviews of the OSS visualization packages available in Python, how they relate to each other, and the core concepts that underlie them

                                    • RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 Day 3: Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby - Speee DEVELOPER BLOG

                                      開発部 R&D ユニットの村田 (mrkn) です。OSSの開発をしております。 RubyKaig Takeout 2021 が始まりましたね。みなさん楽しんでますか? 私は3日目の10:30から #rubykaigiB で、"Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby" というタイトルでデータ可視化ライブラリ Charty について喋ります。 Charty は、Red Data Tools プロジェクトで開発している可視化ライブラリです。このライブラリの特徴は次の2点に集約されます。 テーブル形式のデータ構造を表す複数のデータ型を統一的に扱える 様々な可視化バックエンドライブラリに対応している 今回 RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 では、私が開発した Charty の統計的可視化 API について説明しています。統計的可視化

                                        RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 Day 3: Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby - Speee DEVELOPER BLOG
                                      • GitHub - krzjoa/awesome-r-dataviz: Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R

                                        ggrgl - 3d extension to ggplot. waffle - Make waffle (square pie) charts in R. ggridges - Geoms to make ridgeline plots with ggplot2. ggchicklet - Create Chicklet (Rounded Segmented Column) Charts. ggdendro - Tools to extract dendrogram plot data for use with ggplot. ggcorrplot - Visualization of a correlation matrix using ggplot2. [Tutorial] corrgram - A simple way to create correlograms from raw

                                          GitHub - krzjoa/awesome-r-dataviz: Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R
                                        • Data Visualization

                                          Published by Princeton University Press. Incomplete draft. This version: 2018-04-25. Buy from Amazon Buy from Powell's Buy from the Publisher “Finally! A data visualization guide that is simultaneously practical and elegant. Healy combines the beauty and insight of Tufte with the concrete helpfulness of Stack Exchange. Data Visualization is brimming with insights into how quantitative analysts can

                                          • Data Visualization with .NET C#

                                            In this article, we'll take a closer look at List & Label and some of the key features and benefits, making it a great choice for developers looking to equip their applications with solid data visualization capabilities. This article is a sponsored article. Articles such as these are intended to provide you with information on products and services that we consider useful and of value to developer

                                              Data Visualization with .NET C#
                                            • seabornを利用したデータ可視化(data visualization)の基礎 - あつまれ統計の森

                                              データの可視化(data visualization)は、データを様々な角度から確認し、データ自体を理解する目的で行われることが多い印象です。探索的データ分析(EDA)と呼ばれることもあります。Pythonを使ってデータを可視化する際に、matplotlibがよく使われていると思います。ですが、matplotlibだけで綺麗で複雑な図を作成するのは難しいことが多いです。 ここでは、matplotlibベースのデータ可視化ライブラリであるseabornの基礎をまとめます。 seabornを利用することで、簡単に綺麗な図を作ることができます。 seaborn seabornは、Pythonのデータ可視化(data visualization)ライブラリです。matplotlibをベースにしており、レイアウトの指定をしておくと、matplotlibで描くグラフがそれだけで綺麗になります。また、複

                                                seabornを利用したデータ可視化(data visualization)の基礎 - あつまれ統計の森
                                              • Flourish | Data Visualization & Storytelling

                                                Beautiful, easy data visualization and storytelling

                                                • Data Analysis with Python Course - Numpy, Pandas, Data Visualization

                                                  Learn the basics of Python, Numpy, Pandas, Data Visualization, and Exploratory Data Analysis in this course for beginners. This was originally presented as a live course. By the end of the course, you will be able to build an end-to-end real-world course project and earn a verified certificate of accomplishment. There are no prerequisites for this course. Learn more and register for a certifica

                                                    Data Analysis with Python Course - Numpy, Pandas, Data Visualization
                                                  • Data Visualization with Vue and D3

                                                    Whether we’re working in a coffee shop or exercising in a gym, we are surrounded by data. In this article, we’re going to use that data and convert it into data visualization using Vue.js and D3.js. Why data visualization? It’s easier to read and reason about as compared to plain numbers. We’re going to build an Arc representing the top five countries in the year 2018 with the highest Gross Domest

                                                      Data Visualization with Vue and D3
                                                    • 「スクローリーテリング」から考えるジューシーなメディア / Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2023

                                                      データ可視化イベント Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2023 https://datavizjp-2023.peatix.com/event/3803195/ 動画: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyE7Jvss4A8

                                                        「スクローリーテリング」から考えるジューシーなメディア / Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2023
                                                      • A Comparison of Data Visualization Libraries for React | Capital One

                                                        Similarities & differences between Recharts, Nivo, Victory, react-vis, & Viser There are so many open source data visualization libraries built upon D3.js (also known as D3, short for Data-Driven Documents); however, no one resource really has a comprehensive comparison of all the data visualization libraries available specifically for React. Therefore, I did this research to see which React data

                                                          A Comparison of Data Visualization Libraries for React | Capital One
                                                        • GitHub - entronad/graphic: A grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library.

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                                                            GitHub - entronad/graphic: A grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library.
                                                          • Practicing D3 Interactive Data Visualization with Fitbit Activity/Sleep Log

                                                            Practicing D3 Interactive Data Visualization with Fitbit Activity/Sleep Log As I introduced in Datavis 2020: A Free Online Course About D3.js & React, the online course told me the basics of how to effectively and efficiently create interactive data visualization using D3 and React. It's time to practice, and I have built Fitbit Activity/Sleep Explorer putting everything that I learned from the co

                                                              Practicing D3 Interactive Data Visualization with Fitbit Activity/Sleep Log
                                                            • Flourish | Data Visualization & Storytelling

                                                              Beautiful, easy data visualization and storytelling

                                                              • FSharp.Charting: Library for Data Visualization

                                                                Chart.Combine( [ Chart.Line(expectedIncome,Name="Income") Chart.Line(expectedExpenses,Name="Expenses") Chart.Line(computedProfit,Name="Profit") ]) How to get FSharp.Charting The FsLab template includes both FSharp.Charting and XPlot. The Windows version of the library is available as FSharp.Charting on NuGet There is a preliminary Mac/Linux version of the library is available as FSharp.Charting.Gt

                                                                • Flourish | Data Visualization & Storytelling

                                                                  Beautiful, easy data visualization and storytelling

                                                                  • YouTube Culture & Trends - One Trillion Views of Minecraft on YouTube - Data Visualization

                                                                    This year, Minecraft YouTube passed a nearly unimaginable milestone: Videos related to the game have been viewed more than one trillion times. If each of those one trillion views were just one second long, that would add up to over 30,000 years. If each view were a Minecraft block 12 inches square, you could build a stack that reached from the Earth to the sun and back -- with about seven million

                                                                      YouTube Culture & Trends - One Trillion Views of Minecraft on YouTube - Data Visualization
                                                                    • Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and Data Visualization

                                                                      Timeline This page provides a graphic overview of the events in the history of data visualization that we call "milestones." These milestones are shown below in the the form of an interactive timeline. The timeline is divided into two vertical sections. You can drag each section left or right to see milestones of different time periods. You can also click one of the links at the bottom of the time

                                                                      • Flourish | Data Visualization & Storytelling

                                                                        Beautiful, easy data visualization and storytelling

                                                                        • マテリアルデザイン|No.42-3/3:Data visualization|日本語解説|UIデザインと日常

                                                                          この記事から得られること この記事では、Google社提供の「マテリアルデザイン」UIガイドラインの「Data visualization(データビジュアライゼーション)」の概要を日本語解説で学ぶことができます。 Material Design : Design section “Data visualization” URL:https://material.io/design/communication/data-visualization.html 今回は「Data visualization(データビジュアライゼーション)」の章の全3回の第3回目です。 なお、この記事は「約7〜9分」で読める内容となっています。 また、「Data visualization(データビジュアライゼーション)」の過去の内容を確認したい場合は、こちらの記事をご確認ください。 1回目: https://ui

                                                                            マテリアルデザイン|No.42-3/3:Data visualization|日本語解説|UIデザインと日常
                                                                          • ②Portfolio using Python : Obtaining Data, Visualization in Python - Qiita

                                                                            Objective I would like to give a try to create something using Python rather than preparing in advance to know deeply about it. Things I am doing are... obtaining historical data from Stock Market making data visualization (plot) 1: geting stock market data There are several sources you can get historical daily price-volume stock market data from. I use stooq(https://stooq.com/) this time. (Yahoo

                                                                              ②Portfolio using Python : Obtaining Data, Visualization in Python - Qiita
                                                                            • 【React】Kepler.GLを使用した軽率なData Visualization

                                                                              建築を中心として、3Dモデリング、IoT、デジタルファブリケーション、Webなどの様々なテクノロジーに関する記事を提供しています。 こんにちは、AMDlabの森山です。外出の機会が減って、小ネタの投稿が続きます。 最近、Data VisualizationやData Vizという言葉をよく耳にします。建築分野においてもデータをまとめ、わかりやすくまとめるスキルは必須でありますが、その時に重要なのがデータの可視化です。 しかしながら、地域ごとの人口や気象データなどはまとめるのを苦戦する方をよく見かけます。 今回は、このデータの可視化を簡単に行うことができるKepler.GLのご紹介です。 Kepler.GLとは Kepler.GLはUber社が開発しているオープンソースのwebGISです。 緯度、経度をcolumnに含むCSVやJsonデータをアップロードすることでプログラミングスキルがなく

                                                                                【React】Kepler.GLを使用した軽率なData Visualization
                                                                              • Data Visualization Japan

                                                                                コミュニティ:https://www.facebook.com/groups/258393614349550運営:矢崎裕一 ( https://twitter.com/yuichy02 )大野圭一朗 ( https://twitter.com/c_z )

                                                                                  Data Visualization Japan
                                                                                • E2D3 | Data Visualization for All

                                                                                  Data Visualization for ALL 「データって、面白い!」を 体感できるソフトウェア 当サイトにアクセスした地域を ドットで表現した地球儀、”See-Through Globe”。 E2D3を使えば、Excel上で好きな データを入れて楽しめます。 E2D3を無料でダウンロード 2018年度 日本統計学会教育賞 STAT DASHグランプリ2016 総務大臣賞 E2D3とは? データって、面白い!そう感じる瞬間を全ての人に届けたい。 そんな理念を胸に、データビジュアライズを手軽に楽しめるソフトウェアを提供している、 非営利のコミュニティです。 コミュニティについて データビジュアライズとは? 数値データをグラフや図などを用いて、わかりやすく、印象的に表現することです。 パソコン上で操作できたり、アニメーションで動いたり、手書きのグラフにはない楽しみがいっぱい! Exce

                                                                                    E2D3 | Data Visualization for All