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"design system"の検索結果361 - 400 件 / 470件

  • Building a design system for HealthCare.gov

    In a previous post we talked about how we’re working with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to create an open source design system for HealthCare.gov. In this post, I’d like to share some of the bigger technical decisions we made while building that design system. Fortunately, a lot of smart folks have already put a lot of thought into the best approaches for building scalable, de

      Building a design system for HealthCare.gov
    • Google Just Remade Its Brand Again

      Two years ago, Google gave us a new logo. Now, it’s turned that logo into an interface. Today, Google announced a major new initiative called Material Theming (read our exclusive on it here). It’s a sequel to its Material Design system that allows companies to easily apply their own colors, typefaces, shapes, and other branding elements directly to an interface in perfect visual harmony. While Goo

        Google Just Remade Its Brand Again
      • Building a Design System like Uber and Airbnb

        Creating and maintaining a consistent UI and UX across every part of your product helps your users intuitively navigate and successfully interact with different sections of your applications without confusion. Keeping your UI consistent between multiple sections of your product and across apps creates something even much more valuable: your brand. Branding your UX and UI is the key to making users

          Building a Design System like Uber and Airbnb
        • デザインシステムの構築と運用そしてその本質

          • Living Design System

            Scaling a design across all form factors and platforms has become the new challenge in the software industry. From watch to phone to tablet to desktop, teams must also consider iOS, Android, Win8 and HTML5 implementations. Opinions on native vs. HTML5 aside, most companies use a mix of both to balance the best user experience with time to market and reusability cross-platform. So, how the heck do

              Living Design System
            • fd450dccab10

              🎁 Want to dramatically improve your Workflow with my Premium Design System for Sketch? You can pick up a copy of Cabana right here.Use the offer code MEDIUM25 to receive 25% OFF. Laying the FoundationsOk. So recently I tried my hand at building out a Design System in Sketch. It was time-consuming. It was enjoyable. It was occasionally frustrating, but boy am I glad I did it. Now having a Design S

              • http://plasma.guide/

                • GitHub - storybookjs/design-system: 🗃 Storybook Design System

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - storybookjs/design-system: 🗃 Storybook Design System
                  • Building an Enterprise CSS Framework

                    Early in my career as a front-end developer, I was very idealistic. It seemed things were black or white. That there was a right or wrong way to do everything. Of course, idealism can be a fabulous thing. Lofty goals are important. At some point as I matured as a developer, pragmatism and practicality entered my world — I started to perceive the shades of gray. For any given challenge, there might

                      Building an Enterprise CSS Framework
                    • デザインシステムの基本の基を考えていくお仕事をしています。 - CrowdWorks Designer Blog | クラウドワークス デザイナーブログ

                      「完璧なUXなどといったものは存在しない。完璧な絶望が存在しないようにね。」 と村上春樹風な書き出しを期待されたのでせっかくなので載せてみました。本編はこんな書き方しません。 こんにちは。UXエンジニアのみーたです。 先日3月でクラウドワークスの上期が終わり、私も入社半年になりました🎉 この半年間、デザイナー2名、エンジニア2名で構成されたフロントエンドチームは、デザインシステムを構築すべく様々な取り組みをしてきました。今回は、大きな壁の1つだった「100万ドル案件」についてお話していこうと思います。 デザインシステムにおける「100万ドル案件」 フロントエンドチームでは「Design Systems ―デジタルプロダクトのためのデザインシステム実践ガイド」で毎週1章ずつ輪読会をしました。 CHAPTER7「計画と実践」にて、実際に組織としてデザインシステムの確立の為に以下の内容について

                        デザインシステムの基本の基を考えていくお仕事をしています。 - CrowdWorks Designer Blog | クラウドワークス デザイナーブログ
                      • The themes are always changing, but the tokens stay the same

                        Mineral UI is an open source design system, built by CA Technologies, for which I am a core contributor. Design tokens, popularized by Lightning Design System and helpfully explained by Nathan Curtis, are a valuable asset to any organization, particularly large ones with many products/platforms to support. Think of each token as a relatively static value representing a design decision. In the imag

                          The themes are always changing, but the tokens stay the same
                        • Living Style Guides for Digital Products

                          With Catalog you combine design documentation with real, live components in one single place, making collaboration between designers and developers seamless.

                            Living Style Guides for Digital Products
                          • デザインシステムの舞台裏 inVISIONのオンラインセミナー – HB

                            前回の記事ではデザインシステム構築に関する書籍をご紹介しました。今回は先週金曜日11月10日、Invisionの執行役員であるアーロン・ウォルター氏が中心となって、デザインシステム構築のトップランナー3人を迎えて行われた約1時間のオンラインディスカッションについてです。少し経てば、ビデオやまとめなどが公開されるかもしれませんが、一足お先にリアルタイムで視聴しました。(時差の関係で朝4:00AM!) 内容は大きく2つです。デザインシステムがいかにクリエィティブなビジネスにおいて価値を生み出し続けるのか。また3人が世界最高峰のプロダクトのデザインシステムを生み出す中で何を学んだのかです。 そこで話されているのはグローバルテック企業のデザインシステム構築の裏側です。日本ではまだデザインシステムというもの自体まだ中々事例がないように思います。この記事ではそのセミナー前半部分に関してのまとめを書いて

                            • Creating Themeable Design Systems

                              TL;DR: Design systems + CSS Zen Garden = Awesome. Is it possible to create a single design system that powers wildly different-looking brands and experiences? The answer is yes! But why would you want to? Different audiences and contexts – The team at GE recently discussed the opportunities and challenges of sending their Predix design system to different audiences within their gigantic, diverse o

                                Creating Themeable Design Systems
                              • Setting Up a Design System

                                This is part of Frames for Sketch — tutorial article that will help you to get started with Frames Design System and customize it to match your brand guidelines, as well as helps you to learn something new about sketch features and tricks that you might not know. Guide contents:👀 Overview — A quick look at the main sections.🍭 Colors — Learn how to add and use colors.📜 Typography — Replacing sys

                                  Setting Up a Design System
                                • The key lessons I learned creating a popular Design System

                                  In 2012, I started a small side project to standardize the design patterns and user experience of 12 software products at Atlassian. Over the next 3 years, this small side project turned into a very big project that became my full time job that involved creating and shipping several versions of the Atlassian Design System, and established the Design Platform team (that still exists today but with

                                    The key lessons I learned creating a popular Design System
                                  • Design.Systems

                                    Design.Systems is an open, inclusive community run by practitioners. Connect with others online or at events. Learn through articles, news, and resources. Contribute your knowledge and get involved.

                                    • デザインの公共性 | Figma Blog

                                      デジタル技術をユーザーフレンドリーにするためには、デザインの力が欠かせません。表層的な部分のみならず、サービス全体のデザインから携わり、さらにそのナレッジを共有していくことでよりスマートな課題解決に結びつけられます。 デジタル庁では、Figmaのデザインプラットフォームなどの各種ツールを導入し、誰一人残されない、人にやさしいデジタル化に取り組んでいます。ここでは、Figmaが主催「デザイン経営2023」カンファレンスから、デジタル庁 サービスデザインユニットのマネジャーを務める鈴木伸緒氏講演内容を抜粋し、行政におけるデザインの役割についてご紹介します。 イントロダクション日本の行政サービスのデジタル化を推進する組織として、2022年に発足した『デジタル庁』。そのミッション「誰一人取り残されない、人に優しいデジタル化を。」のもとに、省庁や自治体をまたいだデータ連携や、デジタル技術を用いた安全

                                        デザインの公共性 | Figma Blog
                                      • Why most design systems implode

                                        Atomic Design by Brad Frost inspired frontend developers to create design systems. It shifted our focus from implementing UIs one page at a time to creating reusable, atomic components. Design systems went from "nice to have" to "must have". But a majority of design systems ended up imploding. According to the 2021 Design Systems Survey, only 40% of the systems were successful. Why do some design

                                          Why most design systems implode
                                        • Getting Developers Started with a Design System

                                          A smooth onboarding is an essential moment in a product experience. That’s why an Getting Started as an Engineer is arguably the most important documentation your system publishes. Engineers want to traverse simple, dependable steps that are quick, effortless, and painless. Getting stuck can be catastrophic. They should plow through, even in minutes. By the end, they yearn to feel empowered and su

                                            Getting Developers Started with a Design System
                                          • A Design System isn’t a Project. It’s a Product, Serving Products.

                                            Design systems result in tangible, often gorgeous outputs like a living style guide or array of design assets. When getting started, it feels like a project, evolving from early concepts to a celebrated (first) release of those assets for other people to use. “We did it! We launched a guide. Mission accomplished.” Celebration is justified, no doubt. You did achieve something, and making useful thi

                                            • Don’t make the mistakes I did moving your design system from Sketch to Figma

                                              We set out to move our UX tools stack from Sketch, Invision, Craft and Abstract to Figma, Figma, Figma and Figma. After months of planning to replace our UX tool stack, we were finally ready to take the leap. We jumped into a boardroom on a Friday bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked imported every sketch file of every project just to realise: Oh snap our entire design system doesn’t work like it used to…

                                                Don’t make the mistakes I did moving your design system from Sketch to Figma
                                              • 5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting a Design System at Spotify

                                                Sure, this is the Spotify Design blog, and I dive a little into engineering in the article below — but design systems are cross-discipline at their heart and require a little bit from everyone and all disciplines to truly succeed! Author’s note: You’ll notice that throughout this article I use the word “customers” when talking about a design system's primary users -- your teammates. In most cases,

                                                  5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting a Design System at Spotify
                                                • Design tokens for dummies

                                                  📣 UPDATE (2021/06): An updated version of this article is now available on the Specify blog: https://specifyapp.com/blog/introduction-to-design-tokens. 📣 UPDATE (2020/03): Pssssst! Since the time I wrote this article I’ve co-founded a company that will interest you, aka Specify 👈 As you may have noticed, design systems is a hot topic in the industry right now. According to our dear Brad Frost:

                                                    Design tokens for dummies
                                                  • Consistency vs. Flexibility in Design Systems by Ken Skistimas

                                                    This webinar was a part of the Design Systems Virtual Summit and was brought to you by UXPin, the full-stack UX platform. UXPin offers a platform for prototyping, collaboration, developer handoff and documentation powered by design systems. Start your trial today: https://goo.gl/7KvHFC

                                                      Consistency vs. Flexibility in Design Systems by Ken Skistimas
                                                    • デザインシステムをアジャイルで構築する方法|ayakoMoritomoDesigner

                                                      はじめまして。デジタルメディア アラウンド15年生のデザイナーMoritomoです。今所属しているRettyで最近Twitter+note熱が高くなっているので、現在手掛けている、とある突貫リニューアル(部分改修)で、エンジニアさんと改善を加えながら進めることの出来たデザインシステム構築の体験談をご紹介させていただきます。 ― そもそもデザインシステムは必要か?デザインシステム作るぞーと気張ってみたものの、資料化した頃には疲れ果てていて、誰かに渡しておしまい。絶対そうなるし、それならコストに合わないよね?そう思っている方、結構いらっしゃるのでは? もしくはデザインガイドラインがそうだったのでデザインシステムもきっとそうだ!という方。 わかります。 私もかつて、クライアントは絶対使わないのにこの無駄な資料作成時間なんなのと思いながらガイドラインを作ったことがあるので。 とはいえ、ガイドライン

                                                      • iCAREにおけるデザイナーとフロントエンドエンジニアのコラボレーション

                                                        【iCARE Dev Meetup #26】 デザイナーとフロントエンドエンジニアを繋ぐ技術 https://icare.connpass.com/event/224693/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/watsuyo_2 iCAREの採用情報: https://herp.careers/v1/icare

                                                        • Design Systems Architecture Diagrams

                                                          So many enterprises present ecosystems far more complex than “one design system, all our products.” More and more, I’ve found discussions across groups and systems leaders challenging. So far, I’ve lacked the vocabulary to quickly show and teach the breadth of these many systems and how they serve different internal customers with different features. This article proposes a visual vocabulary of br

                                                            Design Systems Architecture Diagrams
                                                          • Design Systems Are a Language. Product Is a Conversation

                                                            The Language of ExperienceTo say that language plays a special role in the development of our species is to say nothing. Language is the ultimate medium of our culture. Language helps us communicate, remember, learn and evolve. Language defines us. Since the dawn of civilization, language has been associated with creation. Creation of stories, progress, change and, as some religions believe, the c

                                                              Design Systems Are a Language. Product Is a Conversation
                                                            • How building a design system empowers your team to focus on people — not pixels.

                                                              There’s an old comedy skit about a mailman who decides he’s no longer passionate about delivering mail — he’d rather deliver tacos instead. In the skit, a man waits by his mailbox to confront the mailman about the lack of actual mail in his mailbox. Despite loving tacos, the resident says, “If I had to choose between the tacos and the mail, I’d have to choose the mail.” Tacos are much more excitin

                                                                How building a design system empowers your team to focus on people — not pixels.
                                                              • Atomic design: how to design systems of components

                                                                Nowadays, digital products must be able to exist across any and all devices, screen sizes, and mediums at the same time: Every type of medium can now display our interfaces elementsSo why the hell are we still designing our products by “page” or by screen?! Instead, we should be creating beautiful and easy access to content, regardless of device, screen size or context. By keeping this in mind and

                                                                  Atomic design: how to design systems of components
                                                                • Adopting Design Systems

                                                                  Your systems pitch got a green light. You’ve started designing, building, and documenting your library. Your first big release approaches fast! Hey, don’t forget your customers. During that formative period, you’ll begin aligning with product teams intending to adopt your system so that you can: Help them adopt based on an established modelDiscuss common system assumptions and misperceptionsPitch

                                                                    Adopting Design Systems
                                                                  • Why having a design system is good for business

                                                                    At Adaptive Lab, we’ve recently been on a journey with a major global bank to help them establish the foundations of a design system and introduce new ways of working. Based on our learnings, I describe reasons for investing in design systems and some initial steps you need to take. Managing design in a large global organisation is hard. Teams now consist of diverse people and skillsets. They coll

                                                                      Why having a design system is good for business
                                                                    • How to construct a design system

                                                                      by Colm Tuite How to construct a design systemTips for designing and building a consistent design system.Without doubt, I get asked about design systems more than anything else. So, having spent the majority of the past few years thinking about how to design, build and present design systems for products like Marvel, Bantam and Modulz, I figured I’d share some of what I’ve learned along the way. W

                                                                        How to construct a design system
                                                                      • Component Based Design System With Tachyons

                                                                        A Design system is a collection of rules, constraints and principles applied to your design and development process. I most often encounter it as a set of rules that control the typography, colours, spacing, sizing, icons and other visual styles. These rules form a foundation that guides your work. They reduce inconsistencies in both design and development implementations yet giving you the room t

                                                                          Component Based Design System With Tachyons
                                                                        • Sketching a Design System with React-SketchApp

                                                                          The design field is moving forward, and it’s moving really fast. Some months ago Sketch had changed a lot of things with the implementation of Symbols. This simple but powerful feature allowed us to start thinking about Design Systems instead of having just a bunch of screens to communicate our designs. The benefits of having a Design System are significant, most of them play around the idea of re

                                                                            Sketching a Design System with React-SketchApp
                                                                          • デザインシステムとは何か | 1人design system advent calender 1日目 - development log

                                                                            1日目は、まずデザインシステムとは何かを整理。 デザインシステムとは何か。いくつかの資料に目を通した上で、主要要素と考えるのは以下の点。 プロダクトにおけるデザインのSingle Source of Truth 従来のスタイルガイドがプロダクトのコードベースの中でプロジェクトとして扱われていたのに対して、デザインシステムはそれ自体がプロダクト 他のプロダクトにデザインのエコシステムを提供するプロダクト この点を踏まえて詳細。 共通言語 / Single Source of Truth A DESIGN SYSTEM CONTAINS WHATEVER YOUR ORGANIZATION NEEDS TO COMMUNICATE DESIGN DECISIONS Designing a Design System // Speaker Deck “A design system is…”,

                                                                              デザインシステムとは何か | 1人design system advent calender 1日目 - development log
                                                                            • Aurora Design System

                                                                              Excellent applications need design systems. This is Aurora.Aurora design system is a central design guide created by the Digital Enablement Division within the Government of Canada for our digital products. Everything you need to create attractive, cohesive, practical, accessible and enjoyable digital products can be found in our design system. Aurora design system will always be free, open, colla

                                                                              • デザインの欲求階層説 | UX TIMES

                                                                                心理学における人の欲求を段階的に論じたマズローの欲求段階説に基づき、Steven Bradley( スティーブン・ブラッドリー)がデザインに適用させた説。 デザインにおいても下から機能性、信頼性、ユーザビリティ、上達、創造性の欲求という5階層のピラミッドが形成されており、より上位の欲求に移る前には下位のものを満たす必要がある。 5つの欲求は、最下層から順に以下の通り。 機能性の欲求:基本的な機能に関する欲求が満たされると、ユーザーは満足を得る。 信頼性の欲求:継続的に使用したときに、動作が確実で一貫していると、信頼感が育まれる。 ユーザビリティの欲求:使いやすさを実感すると、ユーザーは愛着を持つようになる。 上達の欲求:生産性が高まり統御感が強化されると、ユーザーは愛着を持つようになる。 創造性の欲求:新しい工夫を加えて自分なりに使いこなせると、ユーザーは代替製品に見向きもしなくなるほど惚

                                                                                  デザインの欲求階層説 | UX TIMES
                                                                                • Duet Design System

                                                                                  Duet provides a set of organized tools, patterns and practices that work as the foundation for LocalTapiola and Turva digital products and experiences. Guides Follow these practical guides to get started designing and developing experiences for LocalTapiola and Turva.

                                                                                    Duet Design System