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"firefox extension"の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 59件

  • 「あのページ何だったっけ……」を激減して情報収集効率を爆上げできる履歴全文検索アドオン「Falcon」レビュー

    インターネットで調べ物をしていると、「過去に閲覧したページをもう一度閲覧したいけど、タイトルを忘れて検索できない!」という困った状態が頻繁に発生します。ブラウザ拡張機能「Falcon」を使えば、閲覧したページの本文を自動保存して「記事内のかろうじて覚えているワード」を用いた全文検索が可能になるとのこと。めちゃくちゃ便利そうだったので、実際にインストールして使ってみました。 Falcon - Chrome ウェブストア https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/falcon/mmifbbohghecjloeklpbinkjpbplfalb Falcon – 🦊 Firefox (ja) 向け拡張機能を入手 https://addons.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/addon/falcon_extension/ FalconにはCh

    • ChatGPTにファイルやドキュメントを直接アップロードできるようになるFirefox向け拡張機能「ChatGPTFileuploadFirefoxExtension」

      ChatGPTで意図通りに文章を生成するためには、的確に指示をまとめたプロンプトを入力する必要があります。また、プログラムをChatGPTにコーディングしてもらう時に、参考のコードを入力することもあります。しかし、プロンプトやコードをいちいち手元からコピー&ペーストで貼り付けたりするのは面倒。「ChatGPTFileuploadFirefoxExtension」はFirefox向けの拡張機能で、ChatGPTにファイルやドキュメントを直接アップロードすることが可能になります。 GitHub - deonvz/ChatGPTFileuploadFirefoxExtension: This extension will place a file upload for you on the ChatGPT website. Allow you to process your own script

      • Chrome & Firefox 拡張機能で e-Gov 法令検索を使いやすくする(序) - yoskhdia’s diary

        FOLIO Advent Calendar 2021 - Adventar 19日目のエントリです。 法令解釈を仕様におとして実装するという仕事柄、e-Gov法令検索サイトを参照する機会がそれなりにあります。 elaws.e-gov.go.jp 弊社には優秀なコンプライアンス部門がありますが、なにかサービスをつくりたい場合には協力して仕様を決めていく必要があります。 特に、私の所属する顧客基盤部では、顧客情報管理や口座開設・解約、相続、契約管理などのシステム*1を担当するため、種々の法令*2が絡んできます。 これまでは、法令をPDFにしてiPadでメモをとるなどしていたのですが、あまりにも長大な法令を相手にするには原始的すぎるため、ブラウザの拡張機能(WebExtension)として便利機能をつくればもっと捗るなと常々思っていました。 サッと1日で書けるようなネタが思い浮かばなかったので、

          Chrome & Firefox 拡張機能で e-Gov 法令検索を使いやすくする(序) - yoskhdia’s diary
        • So you've installed `fzf`. Now what?

          So you've installed `fzf`. Now what? Add me on LinkedIn! You can cite this post as a reason if you're shy. Software engineers are, if not unique, then darn near unique in the ease with which we can create tools to improve our own professional lives; this however can come at a steep cost over time for people who constantly flit back and forth between different tools without investing the time to le

          • DataSpii - A global catastrophic data leak via browser extensions

            DataSpii: The catastrophic data leak via browser extensions Sam Jadali SecurityWithSam.com Abstract We present DataSpii (pronounced data-spy), the catastrophic data leak that occurs when any one of eight browser extensions collects browsing activity data — including personally identifiable information (PII) and corporate information (CI) — from unwitting Chrome and Firefox users. Our investigation

              DataSpii - A global catastrophic data leak via browser extensions
            • What's New in Lighthouse 6.0  |  Articles  |  web.dev

              Some highlights of scoring changes between Lighthouse versions 5 and 6: TTI's weight has been reduced from 33% to 15%. This was in direct response to user feedback about TTI variability, as well as inconsistencies in metric optimizations leading to improvements in user experience. TTI is still a useful signal for when a page is fully interactive, however with TBT as a complement–variability is red

              • Twitterで消せない「おすすめ」を消すChrome拡張 Twitter Stress Reduction

                Hide ForYou/Trend/etc Chrome extension Twitter Stress Reduction Overview This is a Chrome/Firefox extension that hides/blocks "ForYou/Trending/etc" entries that can't be hidden in Twitter. (For example, Bloomberg/K-pop, etc.) Download Chrome Web Store: Twitter Stress Reduction Firefox ADD-ONS: Twitter Stress Reduction Donation You want to donate, please use in the following button. How to use on M

                  Twitterで消せない「おすすめ」を消すChrome拡張 Twitter Stress Reduction
                • An Illustrated Guide to Some Useful Command Line Tools - WezM.net by Wesley Moore

                  Inspired by a similar post by Ben Boyter this a list of useful command line tools that I use. It’s not a list of every tool I use. These are tools that are new or typically not part of a standard POSIX command line environment. This post is a living document and will be updated over time. It should be obvious that I have a strong preference for fast tools without a large runtime dependency like Py

                  • 2022-11-22のJS: State of JavaScript 2022のアンケートを実施中、RegExp `v` flag

                    JSer.info #619 - 毎年行われているJavaScript開発者向けのアンケートである State of JavaScript 2022 が開催されています。 State of JavaScript 2022 言語機能やフレームワークなどについてのアンケートをとっていて、2022年12月15日まで受付けています。 過去の結果については次のページで公開されています。 The State of JS 2021 State of JS 2020 ECMAScript proposal: RegExp flag /v makes character classes and character class escapes more powerfulという記事では、現在ECMAScript Proposal Stage 3のRegExp v flagについて解説されています。 正規表現のv

                      2022-11-22のJS: State of JavaScript 2022のアンケートを実施中、RegExp `v` flag
                    • Why is This Website Port Scanning me

                      Recently, I was tipped off about certain sites performing localhost port scans against visitors, presumably as part of a user fingerprinting and tracking or bot detection. This didn't sit well with me, so I went about investigating the practice, and it seems many sites are port scanning visitors for dubious reasons. A Brief Port Scanning PrimerPort Scanning is an adversarial technique frequently u

                        Why is This Website Port Scanning me
                      • Download Safari Tab Reloader For Mac

                        Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 5921 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 8 Aug 15, 2018 - How to set up Reload Frame for Safari (macOS). As Squarespace. First you need to download the extension folder we've put together here, unzip and save it somewhere safe. Click on the advanced tab. Aug 25, 2009 - Just use a bookmarklet(a chunk of JavaScript that you can add to your bookmarks). Here's one that

                          Download Safari Tab Reloader For Mac
                        • Macで表示するWebサイトに任意のJavaScriptとCSSを追加できるブラウザ拡張「Sprinkles」がリリース。

                          Macで表示するWebサイトに任意のJavaScriptとCSSを追加できるブラウザ拡張「Sprinkles」がリリースされています。詳細は以下から。 SprinklesはElastic社でエンジニアを務めるMikkel Malmbergさんが新たに公開したWebページカスタマイズツールで、Mac用のサーバーアプリとブラウザ機能拡張を利用して、全てのWebサイトで任意のJavaScriptやCSSを追加できます。 Sprinkles runs a tiny webserver on you machine. When you visit a website, the browser extension asks this server for scripts. The server looks for 4 files in your Sprinkles scripts directory:

                          • Top 6 Alternatives To 1by1 For Mac

                            Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 5532 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 Find the best free programs like MusicBee for Windows. More than 20 alternatives to choose: Winamp, foobar2000, Clementine and more. About This list provides a collection of portable apps from across Gizmo's Freeware and other sites. Portable freeware is an amazing development and is forcing software vendors to adjust the

                              Top 6 Alternatives To 1by1 For Mac
                            • ShortcutKey2URLを使ってブラウザ操作を快適に(Chrome/Firefox拡張機能)

                              ShortcutKey2URLというChrome/Firefox用の拡張機能がとても便利でずっと愛用しているので、記事として紹介したいと思います。 ShortcutKey2URL for Chrome - Chrome ウェブストア ShortcutKey2URL (WebExtensions) – 🦊 Firefox (ja) 向け拡張機能を入手 ShortcutKey2URLとは ショートカットキーを使用してURLを開いたり、移動したり、JavaScriptを実行できる拡張機能です。 スタートアップキーであらかじめ設定しておいた動作の一覧を表示し、次のキーでその動作を実行します。 動作として設定できるものには、下記のようなものがあります。 URLへの移動。既に開いているURLの場合は、そのタブへ移動し、開かれていない場合には、新しいタブとして開く。 新規タブとしてURLを開く。 現在

                              • Dark Reader - 任意のWebサイトをダークモードで表示

                                ダークモードに対応したサイトが増えてきています。多くは自動的に設定されたり、設定画面を使って自分で切り替えるようになっています。しかし、まだまだ未対応のサイトが多いのも事実です。 そこで使ってみたいのがDark Readerです。任意のWebサイトをダークモード対応にします。 Dark Readerの使い方 MOONGIFTを表示した例です。 輝度やコントラストを変更できます。 設定メニューです。 Googleの検索結果。 Wikipedia。 Dark Readerを使えばどんなWebサイトでもダークモードとして目に優しい表示にできます。開発時にはエディタやターミナルを暗くしているのに、Webブラウザだけ明るいと目が辛いです。Dark Readerを使えば目に優しく、可読性も上がるでしょう。 Dark ReaderはGoogle Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge用、T

                                  Dark Reader - 任意のWebサイトをダークモードで表示
                                • Trademarks in Open Source

                                  Trademarks in Open Source Introduction Cases Unmanaged Trademarks: Naked Licensing FreecycleSunnyvale v. Freecycle Network Discussion Common Law Trademarks Planetary Motion, Inc. v. Techsplosion, Inc. Discussion Fair Use Defense to Trademark Infringement: Nominative Use Playboy Enters. v. Welles Discussion License Terms’ Bearing on Trademark Use MIT Discussion BSD-3-Clause Discussion PHP-3.0 Discu

                                  • youtube-transcript-api

                                    View statistics for this project via Libraries.io, or by using our public dataset on Google BigQuery Meta License: MIT License Author: Jonas Depoix Tags youtube-api, subtitles, youtube, transcripts, transcript, subtitle, youtube-subtitles, youtube-transcripts, cli YouTube Transcript/Subtitle API (including automatically generated subtitles and subtitle translations) This is a python API which allo

                                    • A Complete Guide To Accessibility Tooling — Smashing Magazine

                                      In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. Recently we’ve covered HTML Emails and SVG Generators. This time we look into different kinds of tools to help you streamline your accessibility testing process. Don’t miss the next one. Learning to build accessible websites can be a daunting task for those who are just starting to im

                                        A Complete Guide To Accessibility Tooling — Smashing Magazine
                                      • DeepL Firefox Extension


                                          DeepL Firefox Extension
                                        • Welcoming Safari to the WebExtensions Community – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                          Browser extensions provide a convenient and powerful way for people to take control of how they experience the web. From blocking ads to organizing tabs, extensions let people solve everyday problems and add whimsy to their online lives. At yesterday’s WWDC event, Apple announced that Safari is adopting a web-based API for browser extensions similar to Firefox’s WebExtensions API. Built using fami

                                            Welcoming Safari to the WebExtensions Community – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                          • Windows版の Google Chrome は ディスプレイの Gamma を sRGB に限定している? - toruのブログ

                                            1. 背景と目的 筆者は Windows版の Google Chrome で YouTube を視聴する際の最適なカラーマネジメントの設定について調べていた ディスプレイプロファイルを変更しながら動作確認をしていたところ、想定とは異なる動作を確認した 原因を調べた結果、筆者は Google Chrome に「ある仕様」が存在していると考えた その結論に至るまでに、筆者がどのような確認を行ったのか記録を残すことにした 2. おことわり 本記事で扱う動画コンテンツは YouTube の推奨エンコード設定[1] を参考とした BT.709 のコンテンツとします 本記事に登場する sRGB の用語は原則として Gamma 特性としての sRGB を指します 色域に関して sRGB の用語を使うのは極力避け、代わりに BT.709 を使います 理由は sRGB と書いたときに、それが Gamma を

                                              Windows版の Google Chrome は ディスプレイの Gamma を sRGB に限定している? - toruのブログ
                                            • Engadget | Technology News & Reviews

                                              Huawei has been secretly funding research in America after being blacklisted

                                                Engadget | Technology News & Reviews
                                              • ウェブ上のいかがわしい画像をローカルで自動フィルタリングしてくれる拡張機能「NSFW Filter」レビュー

                                                機械学習用JavaScriptライブラリであるTensorFlow.jsを用いて、ウェブページからNSFW(Not Safe For Work、職場での閲覧注意)な画像を自動で処理してくれるオープンソースの拡張機能が「NSFW Filter」です。NSFW Filterはユーザーデータの収集や送信を行わず、ブラウザ上でローカルに実行されるとのことで、実際に使ってみました。 GitHub - nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter: ???? A Google Chrome / Firefox extension that blocks NSFW images from the web pages that you load using TensorFlow JS. https://github.com/nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter NSFW Filter – Ge

                                                  ウェブ上のいかがわしい画像をローカルで自動フィルタリングしてくれる拡張機能「NSFW Filter」レビュー
                                                • Making Your Extension Compatible with Both Chrome and Firefox

                                                  Developing extensions for different browsers is mostly similar, however, there are a few differences you should look out for. This article lists the difference between developing Chrome extensions and Firefox Add-Ons, helping you understand how to make sure your extension is compatible with both browsers. In the end I will also include the difference when packaging and publishing the extensions on

                                                    Making Your Extension Compatible with Both Chrome and Firefox
                                                  • Private Beta Update & Roadmap - Bluesky

                                                    Since our last update, quite a bit has changed. Just a few months ago in February, we only had a couple hundred users, and in April, we crossed 50,000 users. We recently passed 100,000 users, and are excited that so many people have joined us. Our priorities continue to be a focus on moderation and curation to ensure a safe and pleasant environment for users, and protocol work to launch federation

                                                      Private Beta Update & Roadmap - Bluesky
                                                    • Firefox extension helps bring movie magic to theaters near you | The Mozilla Blog

                                                      Firefox extension helps bring movie magic to theaters near you Firefox is about to let you in on a little known industry secret…did you know some of the leading visual effects studios including Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), utilize Firefox to help make movie magic? Color calibration — the process of adjusting colors in order to display images consistently in color and brightness across monitors

                                                        Firefox extension helps bring movie magic to theaters near you | The Mozilla Blog
                                                      • Php Tools License Key - ishlasopa

                                                        Oct 1, 2018 - PHP Tools for VS Code is a complete development integration for the. Enter the license key into the pop-up window above and press Enter. How To Get MiniTool Power Data Recovery 7 Serial Key Free Full Version License Key? MiniTool Power Data Recovery 7 normal price is 69$. This is the best HDD recovery tool, it’s not so cheap. But today we are going to share a giveaway and by followin

                                                          Php Tools License Key - ishlasopa
                                                        • Primium Kode Aplikasi Anonymox - dearlasopa

                                                          AnonymoX Pengaya untuk Firefox By Free Untukmu-Selamat malam sahabat ku semua, maaf admin memberi judul Anonymox Premium Anti Blok Situs, tujuannya hanya untuk nembak keyword Anonymox Premium, serial anonymox premium atau yang berhubungan dengan add on Anonymox. Bagi yang belum mengetahui apa itu add on Anonymox untuk browser firefox ini, admin sedikit memberikan penjelasan. If you are looking for

                                                            Primium Kode Aplikasi Anonymox - dearlasopa
                                                          • GitHub - aeksco/react-typescript-web-extension-starter: :desktop_computer: Web Extension starter kit built with React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Storybook, Jest, EsLint, Prettier, and Webpack. Supports Google Chrome + Mozilla Firefox + Brave Browser + Micr

                                                            Scripts yarn dev - run webpack in watch mode yarn storybook - runs the Storybook server yarn build - builds the production-ready unpacked extension yarn test -u - runs Jest + updates test snapshots yarn lint - runs EsLint yarn prettify - runs Prettier Loading the extension in Google Chrome In Google Chrome, open up chrome://extensions in a new tab. Make sure the Developer Mode checkbox in the uppe

                                                              GitHub - aeksco/react-typescript-web-extension-starter: :desktop_computer: Web Extension starter kit built with React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Storybook, Jest, EsLint, Prettier, and Webpack. Supports Google Chrome + Mozilla Firefox + Brave Browser + Micr
                                                            • zupffwhy のユーザープロフィール – Firefox (ja) 向けアドオン

                                                              The profile of zupffwhy, Firefox extension author. Find other extensions by zupffwhy, including average ratings, tenure, and the option to report issues.

                                                                zupffwhy のユーザープロフィール – Firefox (ja) 向けアドオン
                                                              • Debugging Variables With Watchpoints in Firefox 72 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                                                The Firefox Devtools team, along with our community of code contributors, have been working hard to pack Firefox 72 full of improvements. This post introduces the watchpoints feature that’s available right now in Firefox Developer Edition! Keep reading to get up to speed on watchpoints and how to use them. What are watchpoints and why are they useful? Have you ever wanted to know where properties

                                                                  Debugging Variables With Watchpoints in Firefox 72 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                                                • Fakespot - Love Everything You Buy

                                                                  Dear Fakespotters, I have exciting news to share, Fakespot has been acquired by Mozilla! We are joining a company that develops one of the most popular browsers in the world in Firefox with a lineage that dates back to the origins of the internet. In Mozilla, we have found a partner that shares a similar mission as to what the future of the internet should look like, where the convergence of trust

                                                                    Fakespot - Love Everything You Buy
                                                                  • Chrome and Firefox Extension Lets You View Deleted Web Pages

                                                                    If you ever browsed the web and were disappointed when a page you were looking for no longer existed, you can use a Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browser extension to automatically retrieve the deleted pages from Archive.org. Archive.org is a non-profit library that archives books, music, software, movies, and websites so that they can be later viewed if ever deleted. As part of this service,

                                                                      Chrome and Firefox Extension Lets You View Deleted Web Pages
                                                                    • 25 Chrome/Firefox Extensions That Makes Your Life Easier [2020]

                                                                      25 Chrome/Firefox Extensions That Makes Your Life Easier [2020] Being a web developer and work in the web industry is great. Our biggest tool besides text editor is our beloved browsers! We spend quite the amount of time reading docs, going trough Github, checking website functionalities, and so on… in this article, I’m going to tell you how these extensions made my life easier as a developer! 😎

                                                                        25 Chrome/Firefox Extensions That Makes Your Life Easier [2020]
                                                                      • Safari Add Ons Downloadhelper - advertisinglasopa

                                                                        Tanzania Add Ons to Kenya Safaris Visitors to Kenya and Tanzania can easily combine both countries in one trip using daily scheduled flights that connect the popular safari areas. Many itineraries and combinations are possible and we can tailor-make a multi-destination tour to suit your budget. Add-ons for FirefoxDeveloper Hub Download Firefox Register or Log in. Search.. Customize the way Firefox

                                                                          Safari Add Ons Downloadhelper - advertisinglasopa
                                                                        • Baixar Video Do Youtube - lasopamega

                                                                          Google has a solid amount of cash in its pockets, but with all the recent lawsuits against YouTube one has to wonder if it's time to salvage whatever videos you like from the service and save them somewhere where evil attorneys won't look – your hard drive. Luckily, there are literally dozens of tools for downloading videos from YouTube and/or converting those YouTube videos to some format other t

                                                                            Baixar Video Do Youtube - lasopamega
                                                                          • Offensive Security Cheatsheet

                                                                            navigation Offensive Security Cheatsheet Informations & Disclaimer 1/ This website is my personnal cheatsheet, a document used to centralize many informations about cybersecurity techniques and payloads. 2/ Content, commands and tools provided on this website can cause damages to websites and systems you might want to use them against. Remember that is is illegal to scan or attack a resource that

                                                                            • Firefox Extension Workshop | Get help creating & publishing Firefox extensions.

                                                                              Extend the Web Get help creating and publishing Firefox add-ons that make browsing smarter, safer, and faster. You’ll find the resources you need, whether you’re getting started with extension development, preparing to launch your innovation, or developing a custom enterprise solution. Get your great idea into the hands of millions of Firefox users. Join an international community of developers. B

                                                                              • GitHub - simple-login/app: The SimpleLogin back-end and web app

                                                                                Your email address is your online identity. When you use the same email address everywhere, you can be easily tracked. More information on https://simplelogin.io This README contains instructions on how to self host SimpleLogin. Once you have your own SimpleLogin instance running, you can change the API URL in SimpleLogin's Chrome/Firefox extension, Android/iOS app to your server. SimpleLogin road

                                                                                  GitHub - simple-login/app: The SimpleLogin back-end and web app
                                                                                • Malware Analysis Tools List

                                                                                  A curated list of awesome malware analysis tools and resources. Inspired by awesome-python and awesome-php. Malware CollectionAnonymizersHoneypotsMalware CorporaOpen Source Threat IntelligenceToolsOther ResourcesDetection and ClassificationOnline Scanners and SandboxesDomain AnalysisBrowser MalwareDocuments and ShellcodeFile CarvingDeobfuscationDebugging and Reverse EngineeringNetworkMemory Forens