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"http cache"の検索結果1 - 27 件 / 27件

  • Prevent unnecessary network requests with the HTTP Cache  |  Articles  |  web.dev

    Prevent unnecessary network requests with the HTTP Cache Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Fetching resources over the network is both slow and expensive: Large responses require many roundtrips between the browser and the server. Your page won't load until all of its critical resources have downloaded completely. If a person is accessing your s

    • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

      Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

      • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

        Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-02-06 - SLASH/ 1.0.0-rc1¶ Celebrating the 18th anniversary of Varnish-Cache and the first anniversary of the SLASH/ storage engines today, your Open-Source Varnish-Cache friends from UPLEX have just tagged the first version 1.0.0 candidate of our extension with storage engines (stevedores) and storage route

        • Double-keyed HTTP cache に関するメモ - ASnoKaze blog

          201909027追記 Fetchの仕様にプルリクが出されています HTTP cache partitioning by shivanigithub · Pull Request #943 · whatwg/fetch · GitHub whatwgでfetchに関して「Double-keyed HTTP cache」という議論がされています。 github.com ブラウザ側でも動きがあり、下記で議論がされています Chromeでは「Intent to Implement: Partition the HTTP Cache」 Firefoxでは「Intent to Implement- Double-keyed HTTP cache」 背景 HTTPのキャッシュは、そのリソースがどのページ(ドメイン)で読み込まれたかに関わらずに共有で使用されます。しかし、そのキャッシュ状況をサイドチャネ

            Double-keyed HTTP cache に関するメモ - ASnoKaze blog
          • PerformanceResourceTiming API で HTTP Cache のヒット率を知る - Repro Tech Blog

            はじめに こんにちは、Repro Booster という製品の開発責任者/プロダクトマネジメントを担当しているEdward Fox(edwardkenfox)です。 WebサイトやWebアプリケーションの表示速度を考える上では、キャッシュの活用はとても大事なテーマです。一口にキャッシュといっても、Webの文脈だけで見ても様々なレイヤーや用途のキャッシュが存在します。今回は昔ながらのキャッシュ、いわゆる HTTP Cache に的を絞り、HTTP Cache のヒット率について考えてみたいと思います。 さまざまなキャッシュレイヤー 前述のように、Webにおけるキャッシュには用途やレイヤーの異なる様々な種類のものが存在します。Webサイト/Webアプリケーションを開発する上で気にかけるべきものは、おおよそ次のようなものが該当するでしょう。 HTTP Cache (ブラウザキャッシュ) Cach

              PerformanceResourceTiming API で HTTP Cache のヒット率を知る - Repro Tech Blog
            • Symfony2のHTTP Cache (Reverse Proxy)

              2. 自己紹介 • @hidenorigoto • 岐阜 • 日本Symfonyユーザー会 • symfony 1.4本 • 温泉ツアー ドキュメント翻訳 勉強会他 2

                Symfony2のHTTP Cache (Reverse Proxy)
              • HTTP Cache で求人サイトのスピード改善を試してみた話 | MEDLEY Developer Portal

                2018-08-27HTTP Cache で求人サイトのスピード改善を試してみた話こんにちは、開発本部の楊です。メドレーの社内勉強会「TechLunch」で、前回は、React の基本を紹介しましたが、今回は HTTP Cache で、医療介護求人サイト「ジョブメドレー」のスピード改善ができないか検討した話について、共有しました。 なぜ HTTP Cache について話すことにしたのかジョブメドレーには、医療機関や保育園、介護施設などさまざまな事業所の求人が掲載されています。現在、14 万を超える事業部の求人が掲載されており、かつ事業所側で求人原稿を修正することもできるため、求職者側が閲覧するスピードについては、いつも意識して改善に取り組んでいます。 その試行錯誤の中で、HTTP Cache を使って改善する方法について、実現性など含めて検証することにしました。 今回は、あるページをモデル

                  HTTP Cache で求人サイトのスピード改善を試してみた話 | MEDLEY Developer Portal
                • Increasing Application Performance with HTTP Cache Headers | Heroku Dev Center

                  The modern day developer has a wide variety of techniques and technologies available to improve application performance and end-user experience. One of the most frequently overlooked technologies is that of the HTTP cache. HTTP caching is a universally adopted specification across all modern web browsers, making its implementation in web applications simple. Appropriate use of these standards can

                    Increasing Application Performance with HTTP Cache Headers | Heroku Dev Center
                  • Firefox HTTP cache v1 API disabled - mayhemer's blog

                    Recently we landed the new HTTP cache for Firefox ("cache2") on mozilla-central.  It has been in nightly builds for a while now and seems very likely to stick on the tree and ship in Firefox 32. Given the positive data we have so far, we're taking another step today to making the new cache official: we have disabled the old APIs for accessing the HTTP cache, so addons will now need to use the cach

                    • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                      Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-02-06 - SLASH/ 1.0.0-rc1¶ Celebrating the 18th anniversary of Varnish-Cache and the first anniversary of the SLASH/ storage engines today, your Open-Source Varnish-Cache friends from UPLEX have just tagged the first version 1.0.0 candidate of our extension with storage engines (stevedores) and storage route

                      • RFC 5861: HTTP Cache-Control Extensions for Stale Content

                        Independent Submission M. Nottingham Request for Comments: 5861 Yahoo! Inc. Category: Informational May 2010 ISSN: 2070-1721 HTTP Cache-Control Extensions for Stale Content Abstract This document defines two independent HTTP Cache-Control extensions that allow control over the use of stale responses by caches. Status of This Memo This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it i

                        • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                          Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

                          • HTTP Cache - Mozilla | MDN

                            Here is a detailed description of the HTTP cache v2 API, examples included.  This document only contains what cannot be found or may not be clear directly from the IDL files comments. The cache API is completely thread-safe and non-blocking. There is no IPC support.  It's only accessible on the default chrome process. When there is no profile the new HTTP cache works, but everything is stored only

                              HTTP Cache - Mozilla | MDN
                            • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                              Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

                              • HTTPのキャッシュをグループ化する HTTP Cache Groups の仕様 - ASnoKaze blog

                                『HTTP Cache Groups』という提案仕様がIETFに提出されています。これは、HTTPキャッシュをグループ化し、グループの単位で無効化や再検証を行えるようにする提案です。 Webサイトで利用する複数のJavaScriptやCSSファイルはデプロイすることがあるため、それらのキャッシュの管理をグループで扱うことはメリットがあります。例えばグループ内の一つのキャッシュを再検証(Revalidation)することで、グループ内のほかのリソースも再検証したものとして扱えるようになります。 またCDNのレイヤにおいて、キャッシュの無効化(Invalidation)・パージもグループで行えるのは管理上都合が良いでしょう。 Cache-Groups レスポンスヘッダ レスポンスにおいてCache-Groupsヘッダでグループを指定できます。 Cache-GroupsヘッダはStructure

                                  HTTPのキャッシュをグループ化する HTTP Cache Groups の仕様 - ASnoKaze blog
                                • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                                  Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

                                  • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                                    Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2023-09-20 - Varnish 7.4.1 is released¶ Varnish 7.4.1 has been released and can be found here: Varnish Cache 7.4.1 This maintenance release fixes a bug preventing protected headers to be read from several subroutines. 2023-09-15 - Varnish 7.4.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.

                                    • Asynchronous HTTP Cache Validations - igvita.com

                                      By Ilya Grigorik on October 07, 2008 HTTP caching can go a long way to help scale a web application - instead of dynamically serving every single request, we can use memcached, Squid, Varnish, or a multitude of other tools to respond in just a few milliseconds. However, as developers at Yahoo have noted, there is a common failure scenario that is often left unaccounted for: what happens when the c

                                      • 15KB Of Fame: HTTP Cache Poisoning via Host Header Injection

                                        Personal blog of me. You can contact me through my Spock page, or my first name at bueno org. 10 June 2008 I've decided to post this here since it is pretty serious and there is no one vendor to blame. Watch yourselves. Vulnerability: Rewriting of links and URLs in cached pages to arbitrary strings by unauthenticated HTTP clients. Affected software: ANY site that does not validate HTTP Host: heade

                                        • Mozilla Firefox new HTTP cache is live! - mayhemer's blog

                                          The new Firefox HTTP cache back-end that keeps the cache content after a crash or a kill and doesn't cause any UI hangs - has landed! It's currently disabled by default but you can test it by installing Firefox Nightly (version 27) and enabling it. This applies to Firefox Mobile builds as well.  There is a preference that enables or disables the new cache, find it in about:config. You can switch i

                                            Mozilla Firefox new HTTP cache is live! - mayhemer's blog
                                          • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                                            Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

                                            • GitHub - requests-cache/requests-cache: Persistent HTTP cache for python requests

                                              🍰 Ease of use: Keep using the requests library you're already familiar with. Add caching with a drop-in replacement for requests.Session, or install globally to add transparent caching to all requests functions. 🚀 Performance: Get sub-millisecond response times for cached responses. When they expire, you still save time with conditional requests. 💾 Persistence: Works with several storage backen

                                                GitHub - requests-cache/requests-cache: Persistent HTTP cache for python requests
                                              • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                                                Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

                                                • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                                                  Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

                                                  • Speed Up Firefox By Enabling Its New HTTP Cache

                                                    If Firefox has been feeling sluggish for you lately, you might be able to cut down on some of those UI hangs with an about:config tweak. The Mozilla team is working on a number of performance tweaks for upcoming versions of Firefox, one of which is the use of a new HTTP cache that should fix some UI hang issues. It isn't enabled by default yet, but will be soon—and you can enable it right now with

                                                      Speed Up Firefox By Enabling Its New HTTP Cache
                                                    • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                                                      Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2023-09-20 - Varnish 7.4.1 is released¶ Varnish 7.4.1 has been released and can be found here: Varnish Cache 7.4.1 This maintenance release fixes a bug preventing protected headers to be read from several subroutines. 2023-09-15 - Varnish 7.4.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.

                                                      • HTTP cache on Rails + Nginx stack

                                                        Two ways to cache the uncacheable. Why you should not ever use expires_in inside rails to cache http request. How Nginx calcs ETag on static files and why we don’t care about it today. How correctly purge Nginx cache with one bash command. How totaly purge Rack::Cache in memcache even if it shared with Rails cache. Whats wrong with responding Cache-Control: max-age=N, where N greater than zero. Ho

                                                          HTTP cache on Rails + Nginx stack