EnterpriseGitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate!Today, we’re making GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate. Announced in the GitHub Universe Keynote, it’s the biggest ever change to Enterprise Server, bringing customers: Actions -… Today, we’re making GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate. Announced in the GitHub Universe Keyno
Apple Silicon Macで起動すると77%に縮小されてしまうiPhone/iPadアプリのテキストを100%ネイティブ解像度に拡大してくれるMacアプリ「Pixel Perfect」がリリースされています。詳細は以下から。 Appleが2020年に発売を開始したApple Silicon Macでは、iOS/iPadOSアプリがネイティブ動作するものの、デフォルトのテキストサイズはiOS/iPadOSアプリが17ptに対し、macOSアプリが13ptとなっているため、iOS/iPadOS(Catalyst)アプリをMacで起動するとテキストサイズがiPhoneやiPadの表示と比較して77%にスケールダウンしてしまうため、 AppleはXcode 12以降、iPhone/iPadアプリをMacアプリのインターフェイスに最適化する「Optimize Interface for Ma
AppleがWWDC23で発表し、2024年初頭に発売を予定している同社初のARヘッドセット「Apple Vision Pro」のアプリストアに、既存のiPhone・iPad向けアプリも追加されることが明らかになりました。アプリ開発者はほとんど手を加えることなく、iPhoneおよびiPadアプリをApple Vision Pro向けにも配信することができるようになります。 Take your iPad and iPhone apps even further on Apple Vision Pro - Latest News - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=ssmnoze2 App Store launching on visionOS for developers later this year - 9to5M
Yesterday, 18 years later, OS X finally reached its own end of the road: the next version of macOS is not 10.16, but 11.0. There was no funeral. The OS X Family Tree OS X has one of the most fascinating family trees in technology; to understand its significance requires understanding each of its forebearers. Unix: Unix does refer to a specific operating system that originated in AT&T’s Bell Labs (
By Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk UPDATE (JUNE 22, 2020): Apple addressed this vulnerability in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 by showing a notification every time an app reads the clipboard. Disclaimer: We submitted this article and source code to Apple on January 2, 2020. After analyzing the submission, Apple informed us that they don’t see an issue with this vulnerability. If you enjoyed this work, you c
We greatly value the worldwide developer community, and appreciate your commitment to making a difference in people’s lives through the power of technology. To accommodate developers who may need additional time to update their existing apps on the App Store, the deadline for adhering to the requirements below has been extended to June 30, 2020. Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 1
by Hugo Barra (former Head of Oculus at Meta) Friends and colleagues have been asking me to share my perspective on the Apple Vision Pro as a product. Inspired by my dear friend Matt Mullenweg’s 40th post, I decided to put pen to paper. This started as a blog post and became an essay before too long, so I’ve structured my writing in multiple sections each with a clear lead to make it a bit easier
今回リリースされた【Nugget 4.0】は、PCから実行するツールとなっており、「misakaX」と同様にバックアップから復元を使用した手法が利用されています。 Windows版、Mac版の両方が用意されていますので、PCをお持ちの方であれば実行できるかなと。 対応バージョン&できること Nugget 4.0では「iOS 17.0〜17.7 / 18.0〜18.1 Beta 4」に完全対応しており、更に「iOS 17.7.1 / iOS 18.1 Beta 5〜18.1 正式版」でも一部カスタマイズが動作します。 注意点として、カスタマイズ項目は「有効化が出来る」という物であり、有効化出来ても実際に機能が使えるかは環境等により様々なので、この点は注意が必要です。 【Mobile Gestalt】 Device Subtype Preset:ホームバージェスチャー有効化 / Dynamic
Torn between buying the M1 MacBook Air and the M1 iPad Air? This detailed comparison will help you come to a decision. The M1 MacBook Air that launched in late 2020 was the first Mac to feature an Apple silicon chip, and at just $999, it delivers incredible price-to-performance that Windows laptops can’t match. Fast-forward two years, and Apple is now offering the same Apple silicon M1 chip in the
*** Named “Most Innovative iPad App of the Year” by Apple App Store *** LiquidText offers a fast, natural way to review, gather, and organize information across all your documents and webpages—then apply the results to writing reports, meeting prep, or simply studying. Pull out key facts and connect them together, squeeze a document to compare sections, draw a line to connect ideas in different do
I’m Dan Wood, and I’ve been writing Mac software since the Mac’s early days. Many years ago I created the award-winning app “Watson” because I wasn’t content with the status quo of having to go to websites for common tasks like looking up the weather, shopping, or checking on your stocks. I wanted these services at my fingertips, in a Mac interface! Later, I created Sandvox because I wanted a nati
touchHLE is a high-level emulator for iPhone OS apps. It runs on modern desktop operating systems and Android, and is written in Rust. touchHLE's high-level emulation (HLE) approach differs from low-level emulation (LLE) in that it does not directly simulate the iPhone/iPod touch hardware. Instead of running iPhone OS inside emulation, touchHLE itself takes the place of iPhone OS and provides its
As announced at WWDC20, we’re excited to bring iPhone and iPad apps to the Mac App Store on Apple silicon Macs — so your apps can reach even more users worldwide. By default, your apps will be published automatically on the Mac App Store. To make sure that Mac users have a great experience, confirm that your apps work well on this platform and don’t rely on iPhone or iPad features not available on
Act 1: Sunday afternoon So you know when you’re flopping about at home, minding your own business, drinking from your water bottle in a way that does not possess any intent to subvert the Commonwealth of Australia? It’s a feeling I know all too well, and in which I was vigorously partaking when I got this message in “the group chat”1. A nice message from my friend, with a photo of a boarding pass
By Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk UPDATE (AUGUST 16, 2020): More apps crossed out * UPDATE (JUNE 30, 2020): The list of apps in the original report from March 2020 is NOT an exhaustive list. We examined a sample of popular apps, and listed the ones that exhibited the behavior of excessive clipboard access. Many apps have been updated since then. In light of that, we tested the apps again. The apps