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721 - 760 件 / 822件

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*privacyの検索結果721 - 760 件 / 822件

  • Parrot Security OS for Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Reverse engineering, Hacking, Cloud pentesting, Privacy/Anonimity and Cryptography

    Parrot Security OS – Debian Based Security Oriented Operating System Parrot Security OS  for Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Reverse engineering, Hacking, Cloud pentesting, Privacy/Anonimity and Cryptography Parrot security OS is an open source distribution of Linux based on the well known and award winning Debian GNU/Linux operating system. As its developers describe, it is a masterpiece that gath

      Parrot Security OS for Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Reverse engineering, Hacking, Cloud pentesting, Privacy/Anonimity and Cryptography
    • Appleプライバシー保護の最新事情と適応戦略/Apple privacy

      Appleプライバシー保護の最新事情と適応戦略 https://fortee.jp/iosdc-japan-2021/proposal/475a40ce-125e-472e-8d21-98a279a42541 @iOSDC Japan 2021

        Appleプライバシー保護の最新事情と適応戦略/Apple privacy
      • Mozilla Tests DNS over HTTPS: Meets Some Privacy Pushback

        Mozilla is testing a method of securing DNS traffic via HTTPS, but is faced with some privacy resistance. The Mozilla Foundation is testing a new mechanism for securing domain name server traffic that uses the encrypted HTTPS channel. It is an attempt to speed up the internet, reduce the threat of man-in-the-middle attacks and keep prying eyes from monitoring what users do online. Starting in the

          Mozilla Tests DNS over HTTPS: Meets Some Privacy Pushback
        • BBC NEWS | Technology | Facebook faces privacy questions

          Facebook says it does not use information from deactivated accounts Facebook is to be quizzed about its data protection policies by the Information Commissioner's Office. The investigation follows a complaint by a user of the social network who was unable to fully delete their profile even after terminating their account. Currently, personal information remains on Facebook's servers even after a u

          • On foursquare, location & privacy...

            On foursquare, location & privacy… Why hello! A lot of you are asking for our thoughts in light of the “People can use foursquare to rob houses!” thesis making the rounds so we figured we’d weigh in with our perspective.  Two things: #1. We take your privacy very seriously.  That’s why every time you checkin we ask you whether you want to share your location with your friends, whether you want to

              On foursquare, location & privacy...
            • 好きな画像を覗き見防止フィルタとして使える「Privacy Filter」

              アプリ名:Privacy Filter(Ver.4.5.1) 金額:100円(2012年11月1日時点) カテゴリ:ツール 開発:A.Akira 使用端末:Xperia acro HD IS12S おすすめ度:★★★★☆ 「Privacy Filter (プライバシーフィルター)」は、画面の覗き見を防止するためのアプリだ。画面に半透明のパターンなどを重ねて表示することにより、隣からスマホの画面を覗きこまれても、どんな画面を見ているかを把握しにくくできる。 使い方は簡単で、通知バーから本アプリをオンにするだけ。デフォルトでは単色のフィルタが表示され、画面が見づらい状態になる。このほかドットや網目など、プリセットされているさまざまなフィルタを選択し、画面に重ねて表示することも可能だ。 同等アプリと比較すると、本アプリはフィルタの種類が豊富なほか、任意の画像を半透明化しフィルタとして利用できる機

                好きな画像を覗き見防止フィルタとして使える「Privacy Filter」
              • The GNU Privacy Guard

                GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). GnuPG allows you to encrypt and sign your data and communications; it features a versatile key management system, along with access modules for all kinds of public key directories. GnuPG, also known as GPG, is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications.

                • Most loved programming language Rust sparks privacy concerns | Hacker News

                  I have mixed feelings about this article.0. The issue is real and interesting, especially (for me) its implications for reproducible builds. 1. The issue affects many other programming languages besides Rust. 2. The issue has not been ignored by the Rust team. 3. The headline is a clickbait cheap shot. Whether Rust is "most loved" on Stack Overflow has nothing to do with filepaths in binaries. The

                  • Big Tech, Obama And The Politics Of Privacy – Old GigaOm

                    The White House announced major privacy initiatives this week amidst a growing hubbub over how technology companies use consumers’ personal data. The news sheds light on both the privacy debate and on how the players involved are attempting to maintain political control of the issue. The announcement itself turns on a “Privacy Bill of Rights,” which sets out seven principles such as transparency a

                    • Pretty Good Privacy(PGP)を利用した電子メール

                      PGPを利用した電子メールの例 解説 PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)は公開鍵の交換を事前に当事者間で行ない、その間で電子署名や暗号化されたメールのやり取りを可能にする仕組みである。PGPは、このように事前に当事者間で公開鍵を交換することを前提としており、認証局のような公開鍵の所有者を保証する仕組みはない。 手順例 PGPでは、①送信者は公開鍵暗号方式の公開鍵・秘密鍵のペアを作成し、フロッピーディスクに公開鍵を格納し手渡したり、電子メールで送信するなどして送信者は受信者に公開鍵を渡す。 このような前提の上で、以下の手続きを取ることになる。 ②送信者は送信する電子メールの文書を作成し、秘密鍵を利用して電子署名を作成する。そして、③送信する電子メールの文書に電子署名を添付し、受信者に送信する。④受信者は電子署名が添付された電子メールを受信する。送信者の電子証明書から公開鍵を取り

                      • Your Guide to TikTok Video Links, Embedding, and Privacy

                        Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms for sharing photos and videos. Many users find themselves wanting to download Instagram videos to save for later or to share with friends and family. While Instagram does not provide a built-in feature for downloading videos, there are several Android apps that can help you accomplish this task. In this article, we will explore th

                          Your Guide to TikTok Video Links, Embedding, and Privacy
                        • The Tor Project | Privacy & Freedom Online

                          If you are in a country where Tor is blocked, you can configure Tor to connect to a bridge during the setup process. If Tor is not censored, one of the most common reasons Tor won't connect is an incorrect system clock. Please make sure it's set correctly. Read other FAQ's at our Support Portal

                            The Tor Project | Privacy & Freedom Online
                          • Baidu's and Don'ts: Privacy and Security Issues in Baidu Browser - The Citizen Lab

                            阅读报告的主要发现 Key Findings Baidu Browser, a web browser for the Windows and Android platforms, transmits personal user data to Baidu servers without encryption and with easily decryptable encryption, and is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution during software updates via man-in-the-middle attacks. The Android version of Baidu Browser transmits personally identifiable data, including a user’s GPS coo

                              Baidu's and Don'ts: Privacy and Security Issues in Baidu Browser - The Citizen Lab
                            • Privacy-aware Rails consoles with console1984 and audits1984

                              August 19, 2021 Privacy-aware Rails consoles with console1984 and audits1984 We just released console1984 and audits1984. The first gem extends Rails consoles to make them auditable and to protect sensitive accesses. The second one is a simple auditing tool. This constitutes the other essential part of the technology we developed at Basecamp to raise the privacy bar in Rails applications, and I am

                                Privacy-aware Rails consoles with console1984 and audits1984
                              • Apple's app transparency rules: Google's privacy labels for Chrome and Search on iOS highlighted by DuckDuckGo

                                Google reveals how much personal data' collected in Chrome, Google app. 'No wonder they wanted to hide it' Google's Apple-mandated privacy labels for its Chrome and Search apps on iOS have drawn criticism from tiny search rival DuckDuckGo, which tweeted "no wonder they wanted to hide it." Apple now requires all App Store developers to label their apps to inform users of what data they collect. Thi

                                  Apple's app transparency rules: Google's privacy labels for Chrome and Search on iOS highlighted by DuckDuckGo
                                • Firefox addon for privacy and security - RequestPolicy by Justin Samuel

                                  Be in control RequestPolicy is an extension for Mozilla browsers that increases your browsing privacy, security, and speed by giving you control over cross-site requests. Version 1.0 Great news! RequestPolicy development is being continued! It has significant changes and improvements and a new website. http://requestpolicycontinued.github.io/requestpolicy/ Quick tutorial With RequestPolicy install

                                  • US court verdict 'huge blow' to privacy, says former WikiLeaks aide

                                    Icelandic MP and former WikiLeaks volunteer Birgitta Jonsdottir has slammed the decision by US courts to open her Twitter account to the US authorities and is taking her case to the Council of Europe. On Thursday a US judge ruled Twitter must release the details of her account and those of two other Twitter users linked to WikiLeaks. Jonsdottir learned in January that her Twitter account was under

                                      US court verdict 'huge blow' to privacy, says former WikiLeaks aide
                                    • AdSense-friendly privacy policy sample for AdSense publishers to use « JenSense Contextual Strategy

                                      AdSense-friendly privacy policy sample for AdSense publishers to use AdSense Optimization Boot Camp Tip #3 Update April 2009: The newly updated privacy policy (which includes specifics for interest based targeting) can be found here.  Privacy policies must be updated by April 8, 2009. With the new AdSense terms & conditions changes made last week, one of the requirements is that all publishers hav

                                      • Privacy & Security Apps - Cocoon

                                        Profit From Your Data Big companies make money from your data, so should you! Try Cocoon MDR™, the free app that pays cash for your data. Available for Mac, Windows, and Android Geolocation Data EARN CASH EASILY on-the-go Easily make money everyday as you move around, since EVERYWHERE YOU GO EARNS rewards. Ride to school or work, walk through the mall, or bike through a park and you will get paid

                                        • サードパーティ Cookie の段階的廃止に備える  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers

                                          テストを容易にするため、Chrome では Chrome Stable クライアントの 1%、Canary、Dev、Beta クライアントの 20% に対して、サードパーティ Cookie がデフォルトで制限されています。このテスト期間中は、プライバシーに配慮した代替手段への移行など、サードパーティ Cookie の制限に関する準備を開始することが重要です。Chrome では、英国競争・市場庁が抱える競争上の懸念への対処を条件として、サードパーティ Cookie の制限を 2024 年下半期から全ユーザーに拡大します。

                                            サードパーティ Cookie の段階的廃止に備える  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers
                                          • 「Google Chrome」におけるサードパーティ製Cookieの廃止は2023年後半/2022年後半までに「Privacy Sandbox」関連のAPIを開発者コミュニティへ提供

                                              「Google Chrome」におけるサードパーティ製Cookieの廃止は2023年後半/2022年後半までに「Privacy Sandbox」関連のAPIを開発者コミュニティへ提供
                                            • New Firefox privacy feature strips URLs of tracking parameters

                                              HomeNewsSecurityNew Firefox privacy feature strips URLs of tracking parameters Mozilla Firefox 102 was released today with a new privacy feature that strips parameters from URLs that are used to track you around the web. Numerous companies, including Facebook, Marketo, Olytics, and HubSpot, utilize custom URL query parameters to track clicks on links. For example, Facebook appends a fbclid query p

                                                New Firefox privacy feature strips URLs of tracking parameters
                                              • サードパーティ Cookie を使わない広告効果計測 ~Privacy Sandbox の Attribution Reporting API について~ - Gunosy Tech Blog

                                                この記事は Gunosy Advent Calendar 2023 の 16 日目の記事です。 昨日の記事は吉岡さんの「iOSアプリのSWIFT_STRICT_CONCURRENCYをcompleteにした」でした。 プロダクト開発部 Ads チームの yamayu です。 最近は専ら蛮カラな街でインクを塗り塗りしています。 持ち武器のブラスター種に数年ぶりの強化が入り熱いです。 本題ですが、Gunosy Ads では、サードパーティ Cookie に依存しない広告効果の計測への対応を進めています。 その一環として、Google の Privacy Sandbox についても検証を行なっているので、その話について書ければと思います。 サードパーティ Cookie が廃止されるとどうなるのか サードパーティ Cookie を使わずに広告効果を計測する Privacy Sandbox とは A

                                                  サードパーティ Cookie を使わない広告効果計測 ~Privacy Sandbox の Attribution Reporting API について~ - Gunosy Tech Blog
                                                • Your Privacy  |  Public DNS  |  Google for Developers

                                                  Your Privacy Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This document provides important information about the data that we collect when you use Google Public DNS, how long we store it, and how we use it. You can also read our Terms of Service. Our Commitment We take your privacy very seriously. Google Public DNS adheres to the Google Privacy Policy. Mor

                                                    Your Privacy  |  Public DNS  |  Google for Developers
                                                  • Hot Job Alert: Anything With 'Privacy' In the Title

                                                    Wanted: privacy software engineers, privacy officers, and privacy attorneys. In fact, anything with “privacy” in the title will do. Data privacy workers have become hot commodities in the business world as legislators and consumers increasingly call for stronger data protection. Companies are increasingly hiring people who are specialized in privacy in one way or another—or are at least emphasizin

                                                      Hot Job Alert: Anything With 'Privacy' In the Title
                                                    • 【書評】Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff between Privacy and Security:シロクマ日報:オルタナティブ・ブログ

                                                      【書評】Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff between Privacy and Security ジョージワシントン大学ロースクールの教授、ダニエル・ソロブ氏が書かれた本"Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff between Privacy and Security"を読了。法学の教授が書いたプライバシーに関する本、ということで身構えていたのですが、素人にも分かりやすい表現と様々な事例の紹介によって、楽しみながら読み進めることができました。 ソーシャルメディアの時代になり、プライバシー侵害に対する警戒心は少しずつ薄れつつあります。僕もその一人ですが、「別にいま東京駅にいるってツイートしてもいっか」と軽い気持ちでごく個人的な情報をネットに投稿する、という方は多いでしょう。また犯罪者を捕まえるため、被災者を救助するためと

                                                        【書評】Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff between Privacy and Security:シロクマ日報:オルタナティブ・ブログ
                                                      • Brave Introduces Beta of Private Tabs with Tor for Enhanced Privacy while Browsing | Brave

                                                        Brave Introduces Beta of Private Tabs with Tor for Enhanced Privacy while Browsing This new functionality, currently in beta, integrates Tor into the browser and gives users a new browsing mode that helps protect their privacy not only on device but over the network. Private Tabs with Tor help protect Brave users from ISPs (Internet Service Providers), guest Wi-Fi providers, and visited sites that

                                                          Brave Introduces Beta of Private Tabs with Tor for Enhanced Privacy while Browsing | Brave
                                                        • Phil Zimmermann's post-PGP project: privacy for a price

                                                          He rocketed to privacy stardom over two decades ago with the release of PGP, the first widely available program that made it easy to encrypt e-mail. Now Phil Zimmermann wants to do the same thing for phone calls. Zimmermann's new company, Silent Circle, plans to release a beta version of an iPhone and Android app in late July that encrypts phone calls and other communications. A final version is s

                                                            Phil Zimmermann's post-PGP project: privacy for a price
                                                          • Donated genetic data 'privacy risk'

                                                            Researchers have identified people in the US who anonymously donated their DNA for use in medical research - raising concerns about privacy. They could uncover a person's identity using records of donated DNA coupled with other readily available sources of information on the internet. It was made possible because of large "genetic genealogy" databases which help people trace their family tree.

                                                              Donated genetic data 'privacy risk'
                                                            • Improved Security and Privacy Indicators in Firefox 70 – Mozilla Security Blog

                                                              The upcoming Firefox 70 release will update the security and privacy indicators in the URL bar. In recent years we have seen a great increase in the number of websites that are delivered securely via HTTPS. At the same time, privacy threats have become more prevalent on the web and Firefox has shipped new technologies to protect our users against tracking. To better reflect this new environment, t

                                                                Improved Security and Privacy Indicators in Firefox 70 – Mozilla Security Blog
                                                              • Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog – Digital Identity, Privacy, and the Internet's Missing Identity Layer

                                                                The following letter from a group of UK parliamentarians rings alarm bells that should awaken all of us – I suspect similar things are happening in the shadows well beyond the borders of the United Kingdom… The letter recounts the sad story of one more politician with no need for science or expertise – for him, rigorous attention to what systems do to data protection and privacy can simply be dism

                                                                • Updated Privacy Policy & Secure Handling Requirements  |  Chrome Web Store - Program Policies  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                  1. How do I determine if my Product is compliant with the User Data Policy or if I need to make any changes? Read these frequently asked questions in order (from top to bottom) and they will lead you through a series of steps to help determine whether any changes are needed. 2. What does "handle" mean in the User Data Policy? What are some common ways a Product handles personal or sensitive user d

                                                                  • Data Privacy Day at Apple: Improving transparency and empowering users

                                                                    Data Privacy Day at Apple: Improving transparency and empowering users Data tracking is more widespread than ever. Learn how Apple’s privacy features help users take control over their data To commemorate Data Privacy Day, Apple is sharing “A Day in the Life of Your Data,” a report that illustrates how companies track user data. Cupertino, California — January 28 is Data Privacy Day, a time to rai

                                                                      Data Privacy Day at Apple: Improving transparency and empowering users
                                                                    • プラグインの研究:Absolute Privacyを読んでみる1:ファイル構成 - Shinichi Nishikawa's

                                                                      photo by opensourceway on flickr. プラグインの動き方を調べるために、簡単そうなものを選びました。 Absolute Privacyという、ワードプレスに会員制機能をつけるためのプラグインです。 このプラグインを導入すると、ログインした人しかブログを読むことができなくなります。クライアントの確認時など、リリースはしないけれどもオンラインで開発を進めたい時などにいいと思います。 上の写真のように、 本体:absolute_privacy.php プラグインの本体部分。872行 管理画面制御?:ap_mod_email.php おそらく、管理画面側の制御をするためのファイル。161行(htmlソースも含むため、結構単純) アンインストール用:uninstall.php そのまま。9行。超単純。 その他 アイコンが3つ入ってる画像フォルダ。スクリーンショット。色々

                                                                        プラグインの研究:Absolute Privacyを読んでみる1:ファイル構成 - Shinichi Nishikawa's
                                                                      • Privacy Policy Reminder - Latest News - Apple Developer

                                                                        As a reminder, in June the App Store Review Guidelines were updated to require a privacy policy for all new apps and app updates as part of the app review process. Starting October 3, 2018, App Store Connect will require a privacy policy for all new apps and app updates before they can be submitted for distribution on the App Store. In addition, your app’s privacy policy link or text will only be

                                                                          Privacy Policy Reminder - Latest News - Apple Developer
                                                                        • Privacy Policy

                                                                          ReadWrite is a publication of ReadWrite, Inc. (hereinafter “The Publisher”). The Publisher collects certain personally identifiable information about ReadWrite’s readers. Please read this policy to understand more about how The Publisher collects and uses this information. The Publisher knows that you care how information about you is used and shared. This Privacy Policy explains how The Publisher

                                                                            Privacy Policy
                                                                          • BBC NEWS | Technology | iPod add-on 'fails' privacy test

                                                                            Joggers using the iPod Sport kit to keep fit are putting their personal privacy at risk, warn scientists. The academics showed how easy it was to track those using the combination of music player and running shoe sensor. In the worst scenario suggested by the scientists, stalkers could use the tracking data to "engineer" encounters with victims. The researchers said gadget makers should do more to

                                                                            • PolyScale.ai – Privacy

                                                                              4 April 2024 More than 3.5 years ago, I set out to build the world's first autonomous database cache, with the ability to maximize cache performance with zero code and configuration. Today, with that milestone reached, the integration is trivial, requiring only a simple config change to enable massive database scalability, increased performance, and lower infrastructure costs. Today, I am excited

                                                                              • iOS Privacy: Instagram and Facebook can track anything you do on any website in their in-app browser

                                                                                howisFelix.today? Want to be the first to hear about more privacy and mobile related essays? Subscribe Update: A week later, I’ve published a new post, looking into other apps including TikTok, where I also found an additional JavaScript event listener of Instagram which can monitor all taps on third party websites. Check it out here The iOS Instagram and Facebook app render all third party links

                                                                                  iOS Privacy: Instagram and Facebook can track anything you do on any website in their in-app browser
                                                                                • GitHub - w3c-fedid/FedCM: A privacy preserving identity exchange Web API

                                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                    GitHub - w3c-fedid/FedCM: A privacy preserving identity exchange Web API