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38Northに関するエントリは2件あります。 北朝鮮労働セキュリティ などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『What We Learned Inside a North Korean Internet Server: How Well Do You Know Your Partners? - 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea』などがあります。
  • What We Learned Inside a North Korean Internet Server: How Well Do You Know Your Partners? - 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

    A misconfigured North Korean Internet cloud server has provided a fascinating glance into the world of North Korean animation outsourcing and how foreign companies might be inadvertently employing North Korean companies on information technology (IT) projects. The incident also underlines how difficult it is for foreign companies to verify their outsourced work is not potentially breaking sanction

      What We Learned Inside a North Korean Internet Server: How Well Do You Know Your Partners? - 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
    • Is Kim Jong Un Preparing for War? - 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

      Source: Rodong Sinmun The situation on the Korean Peninsula is more dangerous than it has been at any time since early June 1950. That may sound overly dramatic, but we believe that, like his grandfather in 1950, Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war. We do not know when or how Kim plans to pull the trigger, but the danger is already far beyond the routine warnings in Washington,

        Is Kim Jong Un Preparing for War? - 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
