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241 - 280 件 / 874件

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Another Loveの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 874件

  • Introducing StyleX | StyleX

    We are thrilled to introduce StyleX. StyleX is an expressive, deterministic, reliable, and scalable styling system for ambitious applications. We've taken the best ideas from the styling libraries that have come before to create something that is simultaneously familiar and uniquely new. What is StyleX?​StyleX takes the developer experience of CSS-in-JS libraries and uses compile-time tooling to b

    • Look ma, I wrote a new JIT compiler for PostgreSQL – Pinaraf's website

      Sometimes, I don’t know why I do things. It’s one of these times. A few months ago, Python 3.13 got its JIT engine, built with a new JIT compiler construction methodology (copy-patch, cf. research paper). After reading the paper, I was sold and I just had to try it with PostgreSQL. And what a fun ride it’s been so far. This blog post will not cover everything, and I prefer other communication meth

      • 【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks

        「ダイバーシティ」は現実の「人類補完計画」 Things about “diversity” nobody wants to talk about 文字数 8,724字 *長いので、このブログを覚えて、いつか時間があるときに見に来ていただけたら嬉しいです(頻繁にアップしていないので) 真剣な論理です。 みなさんこんにちは、お久しぶりです。鎌倉です。 Hi, everyone. This is Kamakura. It’s been a while since last time I posted -_- 作文が難しくて、意外と内容も長くなり、毎日書いたり削除したりしてましたTT The essay was really difficult to write, and also unexpected additions kept popping up. Every day I was kin

          【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks
        • Functional Semantics in Imperative Clothing

          Functional Semantics in Imperative Clothing There's an old joke about programming with pure functions: “Eventually you have to do some effects. Otherwise you're just heating up the CPU.” I've always wanted the purely functional Roc programming language to be delightful for I/O-heavy use cases. But when I recently sat down to port an I/O-heavy shell script from Bash to Roc, I wasn't happy with how

          • Conditionals on Custom Properties - Geoff Graham

            Saw this from Lea being passed around yesterday: A historical day for CSS 😀🎉 If you write any components used and/or styled by others, you know how huge this is! background: if(style(–variant: success), var(–green)); Even if you don’t, this will allow things like: padding: if(var(–2xl), 1em, var(–xl) or var(–m),… pic.twitter.com/cXeqwBuXvK — Lea Verou (@LeaVerou) June 13, 2024 Whoa, right?! Seei

            • 7 Habits that Programmers Must Have!

              Introduction As a programmer, you know that your work requires high focus, so it often takes up a lot of your time. Yes, this also happens to me, I spend a lot of time doing tasks but sometimes the results don't meet expectations. I realized several things that I had gained from my work experience and insights from my colleagues, and there was a book that was interesting and very helpful in improv

                7 Habits that Programmers Must Have!
              • Lisp: Icing or Cake? — dthompson

                The Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024 ended one week ago. 48 games were submitted, a new record for the jam! This past week has been a time for participants to play and rate each other’s games. As I explored the entries, I noticed two distinct meta-patterns in how people approached building games with Lisp. I think these patterns apply more broadly to all applications of Lisp. Let’s talk about these patte

                • New Order - 1963 (Official Music Video HD Upgrade)

                  The official HD upgrade music video for 1963. Visit the New Order store and get the remastered reissue of Substance '87, featuring unreleased live tracks and more: https://store.neworder.com/gb/ Stream New Order's greatest hits here ▶ https://lnk.to/StreamNewOrder Subscribe here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpScI40fW6rKkPPnUVDGkyw Watch New Order's official music videos ▶ https://www.yo

                    New Order - 1963 (Official Music Video HD Upgrade)
                  • Mastering the Art of Gift Giving in Japan

                    Giving gifts is a common practice in many cultures. It’s a way to show your appreciation to someone in a platonic or romantic way. Offering gifts can also help establish or maintain professional relationships for years. However, Gift-giving in Japan is a crucial part of the culture. The art of gift-giving in Japan on the surface appears easy, but there’s a bit of nuance in the type of gift, how it

                      Mastering the Art of Gift Giving in Japan
                    • 藤井フミヤ「FUMIYA FUJII 40th Anniversary Tour」セットリスト - おとのほそみち

                      藤井フミヤの全国ツアー「FUMIYA FUJII 40th Anniversary Tour」の初日公演が9月23日に愛知県芸術劇場で開催された。 40周年という大きな節目のツアーにふさわしく、これまでのキャリアを総括するかのような内容だ。 以下に、初日のセットリストを紹介する。 これはアーチストサイドが公表したものではなく、音楽情報サイトの記事やファンのSNSなどを元に作成したものだ。誤りがあった場合はご容赦願いたい。 なお、このツアーは来年まで続く予定だ。 これから参加される方にはネタバレになるので、ご注意いただきたい。 スポンサーリンク チェッカーズ時代、ソロ作品などブロックに分けつつ全キャリアをカバーした、オールタイムベスト的な内容だ。 オープニングの「星屑のステージ」「ジュリアに傷心」「涙のリクエスト」が強烈。 ここで感涙にむせんだファンも多いのではないか。 F-BLOODのブロ

                        藤井フミヤ「FUMIYA FUJII 40th Anniversary Tour」セットリスト - おとのほそみち
                      • Google Ads Pushing Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome

                        Home / Google News / Google Ads / Google Ads VP Emails Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome Google Ads VP Emails Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome A new email was leaked as part of the DOJ investigation, this was from Jerry Dischler, the Vice President of Google Ads. The email was to Prabhakar Raghavan, who leads up all of Goog

                          Google Ads Pushing Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome
                        • 『セクシー田中さん』は映像化が難しい漫画なのか?~脚本術から見る検証②|ボニータ

                          前回の記事では『セクシー田中さん』のプロット、キャラクターを分析して、非常に映像化しやすい構成の作品であることを説明しました。今回は脚本のセオリーと合わせて、作品の内容について踏み込んでいきたいと思います(※一部内容のネタバレを含みますので、ここから先を読み進めるかどうかは各自でご判断下さい)。 ストーリーのコンセプトIt's not just a revue where one song is done, then another. There are concepts and ideas at work.-Hal David(単に一曲やってまた次の曲、というショーではない。コンセプトやアイデアがある) 歌や芝居、漫画、映画、どんな創作物も、作品の裏側には必ずアイデアやコンセプトがあります。コンセプトは作品の核を成すものです。核があるからこそ、作品の世界観やトーンがブレずに一貫性が出ます

                          • Use web components for what they’re good at

                            Dave Rupert recently made a bit of a stir with his post “If Web Components are so great, why am I not using them?”. I’ve been working with web components for a few years now, so I thought I’d weigh in on this. At the risk of giving the most senior-engineer-y “It depends” answer ever: I think web components have strengths and weaknesses, and you have to understand the tradeoffs before deciding when

                              Use web components for what they’re good at
                            • No one actually wants simplicity

                              The reason that modern web development is swamped with complexity is that no one really wants things to be simple. We just think we do, while our choices prove otherwise. A lot of developers want simplicity in the same way that a lot of clients claim they want a fast website. You respond “OK, so we can remove some of these 17 Javascript trackers and other bloat that’s making your website horribly

                              • Why AI wont take your job just yet

                                Since the emergence of generative AI products like Chat GPT and GPT4 last year, there has been a silent, collective sense of dread amongst workers across most industries. At first, it was fun, we were asking Chat GPT numerous useless questions like how to rule the world and so forth, making funny tweets and memes about it and even using it to do our assignments and projects. But after a while, it

                                  Why AI wont take your job just yet
                                • HISTORY OF TECHNO / LIQUIDROOM [リキッドルーム]

                                  OPEN / START 23:00 ADV ¥4,000(税込・ドリンクチャージ別) LINE UP djs FUMIYA TANAKA TAKKYU ISHINO vj UKAWA NAOHIRO with REAL Rock DESIGN (FULL GENERATIVE AI VJ SET) TICKET e+ 先着先行:6/15(sat)10:00-7/7(sun)23:59 注意事項 ※ご入場の際、ドリンクチャージとして700円頂きます。 ※本公演は深夜公演につき20歳未満の方のご入場はお断り致します。本人及び年齢確認のため、ご入場時に顔写真付きの身分証明書(免許書/パスポ ート/住民基本台帳カード/マイナンバーカード/在留カード/特別永住者証明書/社員証/学生証)をご提示いただきます。ご提示いただけない場合 はいかなる理由でもご入場いただけませんのであらかじめご了承ください。

                                    HISTORY OF TECHNO / LIQUIDROOM [リキッドルーム]
                                  • KING和モノ&シティポップ 秘蔵名盤探訪 / 再評価が著しい埋もれた名作を全21タイトル一挙配信開始 – KING RECORDS TODAY

                                    KING和モノ&シティポップ 秘蔵名盤探訪 / 再評価が著しい埋もれた名作を全21タイトル一挙配信開始 KING RECORDS編集部 2024.05.29 15:00 70~80年代オリジナルレコード発売当時、特別な脚光を浴びずに現在に至った不世出の作品たち。現代の和モノ&シティポップシーンでの再評価が著しい埋もれた名作を5/29(水) サブスク/ダウンロード配信で21タイトル一挙蔵出し。 70~80年代オリジナルレコード発売当時、特別な脚光を浴びずに現在に至った不世出の作品たち。 この度、現代の和モノ&シティポップシーンでの再評価が著しいそれら埋もれた名盤全21タイトルのサブスク/ダウンロード配信がスタート。 後世、偉大なミュージシャンに昇華する人たちのキャリアスタート時代やビッグプロダクションに発展する音楽制作集団の初期の作品群、偉大なプロデューサー、アレンジャー、クリエイターらによ

                                      KING和モノ&シティポップ 秘蔵名盤探訪 / 再評価が著しい埋もれた名作を全21タイトル一挙配信開始 – KING RECORDS TODAY
                                    • Top Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo

                                      Initially, we named this guide “Tourist Attractions in Tokyo,” but we realized that the title did not do justice. Tokyo offers so many places to visit and things to do that even most long-time residents might not be able to experience them all. So, whether you plan to visit Tokyo as a tourist, for business, or to live there, we hope this guide to Tokyo’s attractions will be useful to everyone equa

                                        Top Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo
                                      • Visual Studio Code April 2024

                                        Version 1.89 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from April. April 2024 (version 1.89) Update 1.89.1: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the April 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights

                                          Visual Studio Code April 2024
                                        • A History of Source Control Systems: SCCS and RCS (Part 1)

                                          April 5, 2024 · 15 min · 3194 words · David Soria Parra Updates#April 7th, 2024#I received an email from Marc Rochkind. He recounts some details of the creation of SCCS. I attached the email at the end of the article and made corrections inside the article. Most importantly, check out Marc’s original paper. Thank you all for the kind comments and interesting discussion Hacker News and Lobste.rs. H

                                            A History of Source Control Systems: SCCS and RCS (Part 1)
                                          • Why Passkey Implementation is 100x Harder Than You Think – Misconceptions, Pitfalls and Unknown Unknowns

                                            Our mission is to make the Internet a safer place, and the new login standard passkeys provides a superior solution to achieve that. That's why we want to help you understand passkeys and its characteristics better. “Ah yes passkeys, pretty cool technology and great that there’s already wide support, plus an open standard that they are built on. I’ll just grab one of the libraries for my framework

                                              Why Passkey Implementation is 100x Harder Than You Think – Misconceptions, Pitfalls and Unknown Unknowns
                                            • About That Mysterious AI Breakthrough Known As Q* By OpenAI That Allegedly Attains True AI Or Is On The Path Toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

                                              Seems hard to believe that the number of people likely knowing this fantastical outcome would be utterly secretive and mum for any considerable length of time. The seemingly more plausible notion is that they arrived at a kind of AI that shows promise toward someday arriving at AGI. You could likely keep that a private secret for a while. The grand question though looming over this would be the cl

                                                About That Mysterious AI Breakthrough Known As Q* By OpenAI That Allegedly Attains True AI Or Is On The Path Toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
                                              • From engineer to manager: what I love, what I hate

                                                It's been almost 2 years since I moved to a team lead role, then to a full-time engineering management position after the expansion of our team. I've been a front-end developer for 7 years before that, and initially I took the "advanced individual contributor" career track before doing the management turnaround. How's it been? Bumpy, but fun. In this article, I'll share the things I love and hate

                                                  From engineer to manager: what I love, what I hate
                                                • Vision Pro - Exploring Spatial Computing

                                                  Currently, I am overlooking a lake at Mount Hood while writing this. I hear birds in the distance and see the lake calm, with subtle waves and some mist in the distance. Yet, it is fake, as I am sitting on our top floor, a barely furnished room full of items belonging to a family house with two young kids. I am using Apple's Vision Pro to explore what Spatial Computing can be. I am in awe; let me

                                                    Vision Pro - Exploring Spatial Computing
                                                  • When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis

                                                    Say Anything (1989). Credit: 20th Century Studios.Intro: Spotify's Comfort Food DJI recently tried Spotify's new DJ feature in which an AI bot curates personalized listening sessions, introducing songs while explaining the intention behind its selections (much like a real-life disc jockey). Every four or five pieces, the bot interjects to set up its next block of music, ascribing a theme to these

                                                      When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis
                                                    • TETRINGS

                                                      THE TETRIS EFFECT After viewing the Tetris movie, I found myself lying awake, thoughts racing. It's a common occurrence... this time I was fixated on how to create a three-dimensional version of Tetris. Now, Tetris is notoriously difficult to express in three Dimensions. In two Dimensions the player can clearly see all the pieces. However, extend this into three dimensions and the pieces begin to

                                                      • A Few Ways CSS Is Easier To Write In 2023 — Smashing Magazine

                                                        And that’s not because of one hot screaming new feature that changes everything — say, Cascade Layers or new color spaces — but how many of the new features work together to make my styles more succinct, resilient, and even slightly defensive. Let me explain. Efficient Style GroupsHere’s a quick hit. Rather than chaining :hover and :focus states together with comma separation, using the newer :is(

                                                          A Few Ways CSS Is Easier To Write In 2023 — Smashing Magazine
                                                        • What to do when product growth stalls at andrewchen

                                                          The crisis arrives slowly, then all at once At first, everything seems rosy. The growth rate of a new product is spiking, and growing quickly, maybe even hundreds of percentage points a year. But weirdly, a year or two in, there’s some softness in the latest numbers. Maybe it’s seasonality, or maybe something else. But worryingly, it keeps slowing. First to 300% a year, then 200%. Then 100% – a me

                                                          • Megan Thee Stallion - HISS [Official Video]

                                                            The official video for Megan Thee Stallion's "HISS" - OUT NOW! Buy "HISS": http://mts.lnk.to/HissITUNES Stream "HISS": http://mts.lnk.to/Hiss Text Megan Thee Stallion: (832) 210-1202 Follow Megan Thee Stallion: https://www.instagram.com/theestallion https://twitter.com/theestallion https://www.tiktok.com/@theestallion https://www.facebook.com/theestallionn https://soundcloud.com/megan-thee-sta

                                                              Megan Thee Stallion - HISS [Official Video]
                                                            • カーターUSM『1992 - The Love Album』 3CD+DVDエディション発売 - amass

                                                              轟音ツインギター+リズムボックスで90年代の英インディーロック・シーンを沸かせた、カーターUSM(Carter USM)。1992年にリリースしたスタジオ・アルバム『1992 - The Love Album』の3CD+DVDエディションが海外で2024年1月19日発売。リイシュー元はChrysalis Records。 CD1には新たにリマスタリングされたオリジナル・アルバムを収録。 CD2は『1992 The Other Songs』と題されており、この時期のBサイド曲を完全収録。さらにアルバム未収録のシングル曲「After The Watershed (Early Learning The Hard Way)」や、BBCの『Live In Norwich Sound City』のライヴ音源、イアン・デューリーの朗読をフィーチャーした「Skywest And Crooked」の未発表ミ

                                                                カーターUSM『1992 - The Love Album』 3CD+DVDエディション発売 - amass
                                                              • In the Shadow of the Holocaust

                                                                The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, in Berlin, photographed in 2013.Photograph by Paolo Pellegrin / Magnum Berlin never stops reminding you of what happened there. Several museums examine totalitarianism and the Holocaust; the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe takes up an entire city block. In a sense, though, these larger structures are the least of it. The memorials that sneak up

                                                                  In the Shadow of the Holocaust
                                                                • ‘We’re Going to Die Here’

                                                                  A firsthand account of tragedy and heroism from the slaughter that left more than 900 Israelis dead A car destroyed by Palestinian militants in Sderot, Israel, on Saturday, October 7, 2023 (Kobi Wolf / Bloomberg / Getty) When I first heard that Israeli civilians were being massacred on the country’s Gaza border, I thought of my friend Amir Tibon. Amir is an exceptionally talented journalist who is

                                                                    ‘We’re Going to Die Here’
                                                                  • “We Are the World” Assembled Some of the Most Iconic Moments in Music History

                                                                    “By 7 o’clock in the morning, we became a family,” says The Greatest Night in Pop producer Lionel Richie. From the first seed of an idea to the creative chaos of cramming 40-plus celebrities into a single recording studio, The Greatest Night in Pop, the new documentary from director Bao Nguyen (Be Water) chronicles every obstacle and behind-the-scenes story that led to the iconic song we all know

                                                                      “We Are the World” Assembled Some of the Most Iconic Moments in Music History
                                                                    • Sampling Meets Its Latest Threat: AI

                                                                      In the summer of 2017, when Daniel Hansford was 17 and on vacation with his family, “Josie” by Steely Dan came on the car stereo. Though he was hearing the song for the first time, Hansford believed that “Josie” was sampled on “Perfect Love,” a relatively obscure song by one of his favorite artists—the dance music DJ and producer Todd Edwards. But this wasn’t an obvious Steely Dan sample like the

                                                                        Sampling Meets Its Latest Threat: AI
                                                                      • Nujabes音源の元ネタ(サンプリング)全40曲 ※YouTubeリンク付 - 1/f揺らぎ

                                                                        ヌジャベスがサンプリングに使った元ネタがわかる曲をアルバムごとにまとめました。(アルバムの収録曲順にもしてあります) 原曲、ヌジャベスの曲、それぞれにYouTubeへのリンクもしてありますので、ぜひ聞き比べて楽しんでみてください! ヌジャベスの曲へのリンクは、曲名の部分をクリックするとリンクします。(動画を貼るとページが重くなりすぎるので。。。) それでは早速「Metaphorical Music」の曲の元ネタからまいります! Metaphorical Music 1.Blessing It -remix Pharoah Sanders – Save Our Children 最初はいかにも民族音楽の雰囲気ですが、使われていたフレーズの箇所(1:50あたりから)で一気に抜ける感じがすごいです。 なんでしょうこの曲は笑 そしてまた民族的な音に戻るという繰り返し。その音の飛び方に何回かびっくり

                                                                          Nujabes音源の元ネタ(サンプリング)全40曲 ※YouTubeリンク付 - 1/f揺らぎ
                                                                        • COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS x Boris対談、Live Report|KiliKiliVilla Official

                                                                          KKV Neighborhood #209 Dialogue & Live Review - 2024.2.9 対談進行、構成 by 与田太郎 Live Report by 恒遠聖文 Photo by Emily Inoue hello thereCoaltar Of The DeepersとBorisはどちらも90年代初頭に活動をはじめ、そのキャリアは共に30年を超える。どちらもエクストリームなスタイルを貫き通し、今もシーンを超越した存在感を放つ。先月スプリットとしてリリースされたアルバム『hello there』は音楽好きやお互いのファンにとっても違和感のない組み合わせだった。2月15日に新代田FEVERで行われる合同ツアーの追加公演を前にその経緯について、メンバー同士の対談という形で語ってもらった。 ー今日はよろしくお願いします。今回のスプリット・アルバムはそれぞれのファンやバンドの

                                                                            COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS x Boris対談、Live Report|KiliKiliVilla Official
                                                                          • David Heinemeier Hansson | High Performance SQLite

                                                                            David Heinemeier Hansson on SQLite David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails, discusses SQLite and its use on the modern web. Learn everything you need to know about SQLite We're releasing High Performance SQLite in June, sign up below to get notified! Join the waitlist Summary DHH and Aaron discuss modern SQLite, the one-person framework, conceptual compression, stoicism, and ONCE.com's

                                                                              David Heinemeier Hansson | High Performance SQLite
                                                                            • The Beatles' 'Now and Then' is a marvel of audio restoration - but did it really need to be so LOUD ? - Production Advice

                                                                              The Beatles' 'Now and Then' is a marvel of audio restoration - but did it really need to be so LOUD ? I made a deal with myself, in the years after my blog posts about the loudness of Metallica's "Death Magnetic" went viral. (They ended up being reported in The Guardian and Wired magazine, and with me being interviewed by the BBC about how loud it was, and why Metallica fans were complaining.) The

                                                                                The Beatles' 'Now and Then' is a marvel of audio restoration - but did it really need to be so LOUD ? - Production Advice
                                                                              • 大谷翔平が33号ホームラン、チームは奇跡の大逆転勝利、エンゼルス戦実況スレの翻訳(海外の反応)

                                                                                SportsRMyVice Hey I'm back for more! (やあやあ、またこのスレに戻ってきてしまいましたよ!) yeahnothanks Beyond dead inside. Please win. (もう私の心は死を通り越して虚無へと至ろうとしています、お願いですから勝ってください) u8myramen_y I just finished watching yesterday’s game. I love baseball but I also hate how easily the game can be stripped away from our hands.I mean I know it’s true for every team but it feels like it keeps happening to us lol (録画した昨日の試合をさっき見たと

                                                                                • “Perfect Days” and the Perils of Minimalism

                                                                                  Arisa Nakano as Niko and Koji Yakusho as Hirayama, in “Perfect Days.”Photograph courtesy NEON Fantasy comes in many forms, and one of them arises when a work of scrupulous realism strains plausibility to the point that it plays like mere wish fulfillment. The German director Wim Wenders’s latest film, “Perfect Days” (which opens Wednesday), is such a work. Set in Tokyo, it’s a story about a man wh

                                                                                    “Perfect Days” and the Perils of Minimalism