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  • Ultimate Guide to Improving MySQL Query Performance

    MySQL is certainly a powerful open source database management system, but even the most robust engine struggles when queries take an eternity to execute. For DBAs and developers, improving MySQL query performance is an ongoing goal. Efficient query performance is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation and optimal user experience of applications powered by MySQL databases. When businesses rely h

      Ultimate Guide to Improving MySQL Query Performance
    • 生成AIのRAG構成を大手3社(AWS、Azure、Google Cloud)で徹底比較してみた - G-gen Tech Blog

      G-gen の堂原と又吉です。当記事では、Amazon Web Services(AWS)、Microsoft Azure、Google Cloud(旧称 GCP)が提供するフルマネージドな RAG サービスの比較を行います。 はじめに 当記事について RAG とは 3社比較 前提条件 機能比較 料金シミュレーション 想定シナリオ AWS Azure Google Cloud 総評 AWS Azure Google Cloud 詳細の解説 Knowledge bases for Amazon Bedrock(AWS)の詳細 構成図 プロダクト一覧 Knowledge bases for Amazon Bedrock Amazon S3 Amazon OpenSearch Service できること 検索 対応データソース 料金 概要 基盤モデル利用料金 ベクトルデータベース料金 Azure

        生成AIのRAG構成を大手3社(AWS、Azure、Google Cloud)で徹底比較してみた - G-gen Tech Blog
      • BigQueryとGemini 1.5 Proによるラーメン店クチコミの定量分析 - G-gen Tech Blog

        G-gen の神谷です。本記事では、Google Maps API から取得したラーメン店のクチコミデータに対する定量分析手法をご紹介します。 従来の BigQuery による感情分析の有用性を踏まえつつ、Gemini 1.5 Pro の導入によって可能となった、より柔軟なデータの構造化や特定タスクの実行方法を解説します。 分析の背景と目的 可視化イメージ 分析の流れとアーキテクチャ クチコミデータ取得と BigQuery への保存 API キーの取得 データ取得のサンプルコード クチコミ数の制限と緩和策 料金 感情分析とデータパイプライン Dataform の利点 Dataform を使った感情分析のパイプライン定義例 感情分析の結果解釈 ML.GENERATE_TEXT(Gemini 1.5 Pro) 関数を使用した高度な分析 ユースケースに応じた独自の評価観点によるクチコミの定量化

          BigQueryとGemini 1.5 Proによるラーメン店クチコミの定量分析 - G-gen Tech Blog
        • Ruby methods are colorless

          👋🏼 This is part of series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a deep dive, so it’s divided into 10 main parts: Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 1 Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 2 Consistent, request-local state Ruby methods are colorless Concurrent, colorless Ruby: Part 1, Threads Concurrent, colorless Ruby: Part 2, Fiber a

            Ruby methods are colorless
          • How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy

            As a staff engineer at GitHub, code review is one of my main focus areas in my day to day work. Over the past eight years, I’ve reviewed more than 7,000 pull requests. Why so many? Because code review is crucial to building good software and another set of eyes can often spot issues you would have otherwise missed. I see code review as one of the most important aspects of my job. In fact, whenever

              How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy
            • ITmedia NEWSを読むIT技術者はどんなプログラミング言語を使う? 読者調査の結果から

              ITmedia NEWSを読むIT技術者は、どんなプログラミング言語を業務で使っているのか──ITmedia NEWS読者に対しアンケートで調べた。業務経験のある言語を聞いた(複数回答可)ところ、最も多いのは「VBA」(40.9%)だった。 2位は「Java」(39.9%)、3位は「JavaScript」(38.9%)、4位は「Python」(31.2%)、5位は「C++」(30.2%)、6位は「PHP」(23.2%)、7位は「C#」(18.9%)、8位は「COBOL」(17.9%)、9位は「GAS(Google Apps Script)」(9.3%)、10位は「Ruby」(8.6%)だった。 業務経験のあるフレームワークやツールなどを複数回答可で聞いたところ、1位は「HTML」(54.2%)、2位が「SQL」(50.5%)、3位が「Linux(RHEL/CentOS)」(39.5%)、4

                ITmedia NEWSを読むIT技術者はどんなプログラミング言語を使う? 読者調査の結果から
              • GitHub - commandprompt/pgmanage: Web tool for database management

                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                  GitHub - commandprompt/pgmanage: Web tool for database management
                • Okta CIC (Auth0) Enterprise Connectionsを活用した外部IdP(SAML, OpenID Connect)認証設定ガイド | TC3株式会社|GIG INNOVATED.

                  Okta CIC (Auth0) Enterprise Connectionsを活用した外部IdP(SAML, OpenID Connect)認証設定ガイド はじめに Okta CIC(Auth0)管理画面における認証関連設定項目 Okta CIC(Auth0)の認証方法(connection)は複数種類があります。例えば、ユーザー名/パスワードをAuth0に登録した上でログインする方法はDatabase Connectionsです。その他にも、Googleアカウントからの認証を実現するのであればSocial Connectionsがあります。Passwordless Connectionsについては以前のブログ記事にてご紹介しました。 このように様々な認証方法に対応していますが、本記事では、Enterprise Connectionsを利用した外部IdPを活用した認証をご紹介します。接続

                  • An Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Rust and a High-level Overview of Tokio's Architecture

                    An Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Rust and a High-level Overview of Tokio's Architecture Asynchronous programming allows the development of services that can handle millions of requests without saturating memory and CPU utilization. Support for asynchrony is usually baked into the programming language; we take a look at async support in Rust, a type-safe and memory-safe systems progra

                      An Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Rust and a High-level Overview of Tokio's Architecture
                    • Build your own SQLite, Part 1: Listing tables

                      As developers, we use databases all the time. But how do they work? In this series, we'll try to answer that question by building our own SQLite-compatible database from scratch. Source code examples will be provided in Rust, but you are encouraged to follow along using your language of choice, as we won't be relying on many language-specific features or libraries. As an introduction, we'll implem

                        Build your own SQLite, Part 1: Listing tables
                      • Rails Scales!

                        About This Title Pages: 250 Published: September 2025 ISBN: 9798888651025 In Beta Rails Scales! Practical Techniques for Performance and Growth by Cristian Planas Rails doesn’t scale. So say the naysayers. They’re wrong. Ruby on Rails runs some of the biggest sites in the world, impacting the lives of millions of users while efficiently crunching petabytes of data. This book reveals how they do it

                          Rails Scales!
                        • Codification, Technology Absorption, and the Globalization of the Industrial Revolution

                          NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES CODIFICATION, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION, AND THE GLOBALIZATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Réka Juhász Shogo Sakabe David Weinstein Working Paper 32667 http://www.nber.org/papers/w32667 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 July 2024 We give special thanks to Chris Meissner and John Tang for sharing their trade data for Belgium an

                          • Astro 4.12: Server Islands | Astro

                            Astro 4.12 is out now! This release includes the first experimental release of Server Islands, our new solution to integrate high performance static HTML and dynamic server-generated components together. Improvements to pagination and syntax highlighting are also included. This release includes the following highlights: Experimental: Server Islands Added first and last URLs to pagination data Adde

                            • Notion engineers sped up Notion's browser speed with WASM SQLite

                              Three years ago we successfully sped up the Notion app for Mac and Windows by using a SQLite database to cache data on the client. We also use this SQLite caching in our native mobile application. This year we’ve been able to deliver this same improvement to users who access Notion through their web browsers. This article is a deep dive into how we used the WebAssembly (WASM) implementation of sql

                                Notion engineers sped up Notion's browser speed with WASM SQLite
                              • Linux syscall tables

                                Linux kernel syscall tables Loading database... Architecture: Kernel version: Powered by Systrack v [JSON table] [kernel config] [analysis log] [website source] Signature Number Name Symbol Definition location Kconfig Copyright © 2023-2024 Marco Bonelli — Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0

                                • Go 1.23リリース連載 range over funcとiterパッケージ | フューチャー技術ブログ

                                  はじめにこんにちは。CSIG 所属の棚井です。 Go 1.23 Release Notes の内容を紹介する「フューチャー技術ブログ Go 1.23 リリース連載」の記事です。 今回は2つの反復(Iterator、イテレーション)処理を取り上げます。 range over funciter パッケージRelease Note, Discussion, Proposal, Issuerange over func と iter パッケージ のリリース内容を確認していきます。 range over func がデフォルトで有効にGo1.22 では GOEXPERIMENT とされた range over func が、Go1.23 からはオプション指定なしで利用可能となりました。 Go 1.23 makes the (Go 1.22) “range-over-func” experiment

                                    Go 1.23リリース連載 range over funcとiterパッケージ | フューチャー技術ブログ
                                  • Panic! at the Tech Job Market

                                    Panic! at the Job Market “I have the two qualities you require to see absolute truth: I am brilliant and unloved.” ready for another too-long article about personal failure while blaming the world for our faults? let’s see where we end up with 7,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 words this time1. this post is sponsored by me trying to not get evicted. funding appreciated: https://github.com/sponsors/mattsta
