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Homelessnessの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 595件

  • The Rise of Homelessness in the Valley

    The Plant, on Van Nuys Boulevard. (Photo: Wendy Cheng) On Saturday, as part of its ongoing series on homelessness in the San Fernando Valley, the Los Angeles Daily News posted a picture of 48-year-old Daniel Benitez standing in front of his makeshift encampment on Van Nuys Boulevard. As depicted in the photo, Benitez's living quarters is comprised of a tarp staked to some metal poles, a few cardbo

      The Rise of Homelessness in the Valley
    • no quarter magazine 44 pdf - bowozi’s blog

      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link no quarter magazine 44 pdf = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = No Quarter Prime 01 · No Quarter Issue No 72 · No Quarter Issue No 71 · No Quarter Issue No 70 · No Quarter Issue No 69 · No Quarter Issue No 68. No Quarter 48 - Download as PDF File (.pdf

        no quarter magazine 44 pdf - bowozi’s blog
      • John Pilger: Chávez is using oil revenues to liberate the poor

        Venezuela's president is using oil revenues to liberate the poor - no wonder his enemies want to overthrow him I have spent the past three weeks filming in the hillside barrios of Caracas, in streets and breeze-block houses that defy gravity and torrential rain and emerge at night like fireflies in the fog. Caracas is said to be one of the world's toughest cities, yet I have known no fear; the poo

          John Pilger: Chávez is using oil revenues to liberate the poor
        • The Books We Loved in 2016

          New Yorker contributors share which books made their personal ”best lists” for 2016. It sometimes felt like there was little time for Books I Loved this year, what with staying on top of the all-consuming Twitter Feed I Hated. But some of the reading that I did (in actual books, on real paper—what a relief) took me away from the appalling questions that the news was raising, questions like “So is

            The Books We Loved in 2016
          • Homeless shelter in Highland Park gets city funding to stay open during El Niño

            The Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday approved $20,000 to keep a Highland Park homeless shelter open during looming El Niño rains, as advocates called on the city to pledge $100 million a year to fund longer-term solutions. The city has been under fire for delaying action to safeguard the estimated 18,000 people who live on the streets as the potentially disastrous storms approach. Mayor Eric

              Homeless shelter in Highland Park gets city funding to stay open during El Niño
            • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of Them All? Thinking that one is attractive increases the tendency to support inequality.

              The Experience Overview of The Experience About Us Overview of Stanford GSB The Leadership Overview of The Leadership The Dean Updates Advisory Council Overview of Advisory Council Members Centers & Institutes Overview of Centers & Institutes Center for Entrepreneurial Studies Overview of Center for Entrepreneurial Studies Research Overview of Research Search Funds Overview of Search Funds Search

              • Order of the Health Officer of the County of Santa Clara - Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - County of Santa Clara


                • Almost 800 children homeless and most are from Dublin area - The Irish Times - Mon, Oct 18, 2010

                  CARL O'BRIEN Chief ReporterALMOST 800 children ended up homeless and in need of emergency accommodation last year, new figures show. Up to a quarter of these children were under 12.Most of these children in crisis ended up in emergency hostels, residential services or emergency foster families.However, social workers say the lack of accommodation and 24-hour social work cover has resulted in some

                  • 帝国と国民国家

                    II さまざまな「歴史学」 3 帝国と国民国家 J・フィヒテ「ドイツ国民に告ぐ」エルネスト・ルナンほか(鵜飼哲ほか訳)『国民とは何か』、河出書房新社、1997年所収 鵜飼哲による論考「国民人間主義のリミット」も参照のこと エルネスト・ルナン「国民とは何か」(同書) 橋川文三『ナショナリズム——その神話と論理』紀伊國屋書店、1968年 『橋川文三著作集<9>ナショナリズム・昭和維新試論』筑摩書房、2001年所収 ——、筒井清忠編・解説『昭和ナショナリズムの諸相』名古屋大学出版会、1994年 竹内好「日本のアジア主義」『日本とアジア』筑摩書房1993年所収 松本健一『竹内好「日本のアジア主義」精読』岩波書店、2000年 でも読める *  * * ベネディクト・アンダーソン(白石さや、白石隆訳)『増補 想像の共同体——ナショナリズムの起源と流行』NTT出版、1997年 アントニー・D・スミス(高

                    • Meth Addicts Behavior - wallstreetlasopa

                      Jun 10, 2019 - Some of the the signs of Meth use and addiction including physical. Meth may be prone to violence and other forms of criminal behavior. Psychotic Behavior Methamphetamine can cause psychosis, a severe mental disorder in which people lose contact with reality and experience strong delusions, extreme paranoia, hallucinations, and obsessive/compulsive behavior. As of 2015, around 6 per

                        Meth Addicts Behavior - wallstreetlasopa
                      • Utah Reduced Chronic Homelessness By 91 Percent; Here's How

                        Utah Reduced Chronic Homelessness By 91 Percent; Here's How Over the past decade, Utah's toughest cases of homeless people dropped to fewer than 200, from nearly 2,000. Utah's size and support from Mormon leaders are among the reasons for its success.

                          Utah Reduced Chronic Homelessness By 91 Percent; Here's How
                        • Opinion | Where Police Violence Encounters Mental Illness (Published 2016)

                          NEARLY 20 years ago, I was a social worker in a county jail where I first began to understand just how frequently the police deal with people with mental illnesses. Run-ins with the police were a regular occurrence for many of my clients, with officers often knowing them by name. They were overwhelmingly poor, and poor people with mental illnesses are also likely to experience homelessness and sub

                            Opinion | Where Police Violence Encounters Mental Illness (Published 2016)
                          • Amazing Venice Beach Homeless Girl on Guitar "Voices in the Sand" - YouTube

                            Fast Forward up to Sunny playing guitar at 8:57. www.williamoconnell.net/www.musicpowerny.com Professor William O'Connell, Jane Lackner and Dominick Castaldo own the rights to this film. NOTE: WE ARE NOT HERE TO SAVE THE WORLD--WE DID THIS PIECE TO LET SUNNY BE HEARD. SHE DOES WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO AND WE ARE THANKFUL SHE ALLOWED US TO CAPTURE HER TRUTH--SHE DEMONSTRATES WHAT THE HUMAN SPIRIT

                              Amazing Venice Beach Homeless Girl on Guitar "Voices in the Sand" - YouTube
                            • Social stigma - Wikipedia

                              Social stigma is the disapproval of, or discrimination against, an individual or group based on perceived characteristics that serve to distinguish them from other members of a society. Social stigmas are commonly related to culture, gender, race, socioeconomic class, age, sexual orientation, sexuality, body image, physical disability, intelligence or lack thereof, and health. Some stigma may be o

                              • Being Homeless In Japan | THE VOICELESS #20

                                Homelessness is a major social issue that probably exists in every major city around the world. But in Japan, this issue is something that rarely gets talked about, to the point we were almost convinced that there were no homeless people in Japan until we saw them with our own eyes. It is estimated that there are over 1,500 homeless people in Tokyo but the truth is, no one knows for sure how many

                                  Being Homeless In Japan | THE VOICELESS #20
                                • ホームレス支援政策をめぐって 各 国 の 動 向 柳 沢 房 子 目 はじめに Ⅰ 次 5 Ⅱ 1 2 カナダのホームレス支援政策 ホームレス支援政策の展開 地方自治体の自立支援施策 −大阪市��

                                  ホームレス支援政策をめぐって 各 国 の 動 向 柳 沢 房 子 目 はじめに Ⅰ 次 5 Ⅱ 1 2 カナダのホームレス支援政策 ホームレス支援政策の展開 地方自治体の自立支援施策 −大阪市、 東京都を中心に− おわりに −わが国への示唆− 欧米のホームレス支援政策 1 2 3 4 欧米のホームレス支援政策の概要と特徴 −日本の政策との相違点− イギリスのホームレス支援政策 アメリカのホームレス支援政策 フランスのホームレス支援政策 わが国のホームレス支援政策 はじめに 2002年に、 超党派の議員立法として 「ホーム レスの自立の支援等に関する特別措置法」 ( 平 成14年法律第105号。 以下、 「自立支援法」 という。) 年間の実施計画を作成すると定められている。 その後、 各自治体で実施計画の策定が進み、 平成16 (2004) 年から平成17 (2005)

                                  • More cities and states make homeless encampments a crime, leaving low-income people with few options

                                    More cities and states make homeless encampments a crime, leaving low-income people with few options As the number of people experiencing homelessness increases across the country, more cities and states have passed laws making it illegal to live out of tents and cars or sleep in public spaces. More than 100 jurisdictions have had such bans on the books for years, according to the National Homeles

                                      More cities and states make homeless encampments a crime, leaving low-income people with few options
                                    • Like Punk Never Happened - Brian McCloskey's Smash Hits archive

                                      Like Punk Never Happened - Brian McCloskey's Smash Hits archive One of the most endearing and enduring pop journeys of the last few years has been the epistolary odyssey undertaken by the redoubtable members of Team Philpott, who have been firing off missives to some of the most famous and infamous musicians of the last forty years, feigning confusion and asking for clarification on the lyrical co

                                      • The man who made Wolfenstein

                                        Until recently, Kari Ann Owen ran a therapeutic horse ranch in Montana. Now focused on writing and political activism, she isn’t much interested in video games. But she takes her late husband’s legacy very seriously. “He was a genius,” she says of Silas Warner. “And he’s never received the credit or the rewards he was due.” Silas Warner’s most notable contribution to gaming was to create Castle Wo

                                          The man who made Wolfenstein
                                        • Opinion | California Is Making Liberals Squirm (Published 2021)

                                          You may have heard that San Francisco’s Board of Education voted 6 to 1 to rename 44 schools, stripping ancient racists of their laurels, but also Abraham Lincoln and Senator Dianne Feinstein. The history upon which these decisions were made was dodgy, and the results occasionally bizarre. Paul Revere, for instance, was canceled for participating in a raid on Indigenous Americans that was actually

                                            Opinion | California Is Making Liberals Squirm (Published 2021)
                                          • Harm reduction - Wikipedia

                                            Needle exchange programs provide people who inject substances with new needles and injection equipment to reduce the harm (e.g., HIV infection) from needle drug use. Drug paraphernalia available from a harm reduction NGO at a mobile supervised injection site in Berlin, Germany. Harm reduction, or harm minimization, refers to a range of intentional practices and public health policies designed to l

                                              Harm reduction - Wikipedia
                                            • Profile: Kazuo Ishiguro

                                              Kazuo Ishiguro grew up in Guildford but vividly recalls his early childhood in Nagasaki. He wrote songs and became a social worker before studying creative writing. Early success culminated in The Remains of the Day, which was filmed and won the Booker; its successor, The Unconsoled, was strongly criticised. Now 50, he has written a novel about clones. Kazuo Ishiguro's early career set a modern be

                                                Profile: Kazuo Ishiguro
                                              • 横浜お店何でもガイド

                                                The Green Chair Project is founded on cornerstones of community cooperation & collective responsibility. What started as a passion project between two friends has grown into a transformative force for good fueled by community donations, dedicated volunteers, and a network of 100+ referring national agencies & local nonprofits, all collaborating to cultivate opportunity and empower potential. We pr

                                                • Working poor - Wikipedia

                                                  This article is written like a personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor's personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic. Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. (November 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this message) The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States an

                                                    Working poor - Wikipedia
                                                  • Kafka’s Last Trial (Published 2010)

                                                    An undated photograph of Franz Kafka.Credit...Courtesy the National Library of Israel During his lifetime, Franz Kafka burned an estimated 90 percent of his work. After his death at age 41, in 1924, a letter was discovered in his desk in Prague, addressed to his friend Max Brod. “Dearest Max,” it began. “My last request: Everything I leave behind me . . . in the way of diaries, manuscripts, letter

                                                      Kafka’s Last Trial (Published 2010)
                                                    • 問題はホームレスではない

                                                      問題はホームレスではない 標準以下の住宅で暮らす人々には革新的な図書館サービスが必要 (抄訳)スティーヴン・M・リリエンタール(Stephen M. Lilienthal) 2011年6月15日 出典: The Problem Is Not the Homeless | LJ Feature Story Library Journal特集記事 http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/home/890752-264/the_problem_is_not_the.html.csp ホームレスの数は増加しており、ホームレスを対象とした図書館サービスもまた増加しつつある。にもかかわらず、多くの図書館司書と図書館管理運営者は、ホームレスは非常に複雑な問題であるため、そのニーズに応えることはできないと信じている。それは個人自身の問題を反映していることが多く、ホームレス自身が「

                                                      • Foster care - Wikipedia

                                                        Foster children in Canada are known as permanent wards (crown wards in Ontario).[7] A ward is someone, in this case a child, placed under protection of a legal guardian and are the legal responsibility of the government. Census data from 2011 counted children in foster care for the first time, counting 47,885 children in care. The majority of foster children – 29,590, or about 62 per cent – were a

                                                          Foster care - Wikipedia
                                                        • 「ホームレスの人々を犯罪者扱いするな」 怒りのたいまつ掲げ、市長に抗議


                                                            「ホームレスの人々を犯罪者扱いするな」 怒りのたいまつ掲げ、市長に抗議
                                                          • Third Way - Wikipedia

                                                            The Third Way, is a centrist political position that attempts to reconcile centre-right and centre-left politics by synthesising a combination of economically liberal and social democratic economic policies along with centre-left social policies.[1][2] It is a reconceptualization of social democracy and is positioned to the right of the centre-left. It supports workfare instead of welfare, work tr

                                                              Third Way - Wikipedia
                                                            • Trump's Military Parade Could Feed Every Homeless Vet

                                                              President Donald Trump's military parade is set to kick off on Veterans Day, but at a cost that even conservative estimates show could feed every homeless veteran for at least two weeks, a Newsweek analysis found. The military showcase was initially estimated to cost $10 million and $30 million, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney told the House Budget Committee in February. That cost accoun

                                                                Trump's Military Parade Could Feed Every Homeless Vet
                                                              • Buckminster Fuller: Starting with the Universe

                                                                About the Exhibition on view June 26 - September 21, 2008 One of the great American visionaries of the twentieth century, R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) endeavored to see what he, a single individual, might do to benefit the largest segment of humanity while consuming the minimum of the earth's resources. Doing "more with less" was Fuller's credo. He described himself as a "comprehensive antici

                                                                • 壊れる前に…: パリの赤いテント

                                                                  Middle-Class French Join Sleep-In Over Homelessness というニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の記事で知ったのですが、ホームレスの窮状を訴えるため、パリのおしゃれな住宅街で泊まり込みのデモが続いています。12月中旬から、パリ10区サン・マルタンの運河沿いの舗道に SDF(= sans domicile fixe、住所不定)と書かれた赤いテントを並べ、200人あまりの人がホームレス生活を体験しつつ、行政に対して「家に住む権利」を保障する施策を求めています(日本の語彙で言うと、「健康で文化的な最低限度の生活を営む権利」でしょうか)。主催しているのは Les Enfants de Don Quichotte(ドンキホーテの子どもたち)という団体です。JanJan に関連記事がありました。 街にはきっと、冷笑したり腹を立てたりしている人もいるだろうし、逆にこ

                                                                  • Zebras Fix What Unicorns Break

                                                                    July 13, 2017 update: For the latest, please read “Zebras: Let’s Get In Formation.”A year ago we wrote “Sex & Startups.” The premise was this: The current technology and venture capital structure is broken. It rewards quantity over quality, consumption over creation, quick exits over sustainable growth, and shareholder profit over shared prosperity. It chases after “unicorn” companies bent on “dis

                                                                      Zebras Fix What Unicorns Break
                                                                    • Home Page | HUDUSER Forums

                                                                      This forum allows information exchange between housing and community development researchers, academics, policymakers, and housing practitioners. We invite you to share your expertise, experiences and knowledge to identify best practices, promote better decision-making, spark innovation, and improve community development, urban planning, and other housing-related issues. To access the Research Roa

                                                                      • イギリスの家賃補助

                                                                        建設物価調査会『月間住宅着工統計』2010 年 8 月号 イギリスの住宅給付―家賃補助の歴史と現況― 法政大学現代福祉学部兼任講師 海老塚良吉 1 社会住宅と住宅給付 英国イングランドの住宅数は 2,219 万戸(2007 年)で、持家が 1,545 万戸(70%) 、民 間借家が 287 万戸(13%) 、ハウジング・アソシエーションなどが 189 万戸(8%) 、公営 住宅が 199 万戸(9%)となっている 1 。低所得者向けに政策的に供給される公営住宅とハ ウジング・アソシエーションの住宅などを合わせた社会住宅は全住宅の約 17%となってい る。 イギリスは第 2 次世界大戦の直後から 1970 年代までは大量の公営住宅を建設してきたが、 1979 年のサッチャー政権は公営住宅の払い下げを開始し、 1997 年の労働党政権となった後 も継続され、公営住宅のハウジング・アソシエ

                                                                        • Remarks: Trumka’s Harvard Speech - The Page by Mark Halperin - TIME.com

                                                                          A one-stop shop for the latest political happenings at any hour of the day.Remarks by Richard L. Trumka President, AFL-CIO “Why Working People Are Angry and Why Politicians Should Listen” Institute of Politics, Harvard Kennedy School April 7, 2010 Good evening. Thank you, John. I will never be able to express how much I owe you and how much the American labor movement owes you. The Institute o

                                                                          • 野宿 - Wikipedia

                                                                            この記事は検証可能な参考文献や出典が全く示されていないか、不十分です。出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(このテンプレートの使い方) 出典検索?: "野宿" – ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · dlib.jp · ジャパンサーチ · TWL(2015年2月) 野宿(のじゅく)は、屋外で睡眠をとりながら夜を過ごすこと。寝泊まりの意。もっとも原初的な宿泊方法である[1]。 概要[編集] 古来より旅人が宿がない時代や、宿が見つからない場合、金銭的余裕のない場合などに戸外で睡眠をとりつつ夜を明かすことが少なからずあった。日本における旅宿の起源はは古代末期あるいは中世初期ころとされ、全国的に宿泊施設が整備されるのは近世に至ってからである。したがって、旅人が夜露をしのぐすべもないままに夜を明かす時代は相当に長かったと考えられる。古代で

                                                                            • Usability Review of Charity Websites Taking the Lead — Smashing Magazine

                                                                              Over the years designers have pushed themselves to create unique and inspiring designs. Companies have yearned to have websites which are innovative and make them stand out against their competitors. Yet charity websites have not progressed along with trends and expectations — they seem to have been designed for launch and then only updated with minor tweaks to suit the content. It has become a re

                                                                              • From Megadeth to Japanese make-up tutorials: the bizarre life of guitarist Marty Friedman

                                                                                The US musician went from homelessness to multiplatinum success with the thrash metallers – and then became a pop cultural icon in Japan. He explains the weirdest portfolio career in rock It’s one of the most perplexing questions in heavy metal history: how does a bullet-wearing guitarist for Megadeth end up critiquing beauty products on Japanese daytime TV? “I started getting addicted to the chal

                                                                                  From Megadeth to Japanese make-up tutorials: the bizarre life of guitarist Marty Friedman
                                                                                • ‘Never been in mosque’: Homeless welcomed as snow falls

                                                                                  As snow continues to fall, mosques invite the homeless in for food and warm shelter. Jamie was among several homeless people who slept in a mosque in the UK as the weather froze [Courtesy: Makki Masjid] Several mosques in the United Kingdom and Ireland are opening their doors to the homeless as icy weather continues to bite, with temperatures hovering below zero degrees. Concerns for vulnerable pe

                                                                                    ‘Never been in mosque’: Homeless welcomed as snow falls