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  • Env

    Framework agnostic validation for type-safe environment variables.Never build your apps with invalid environment variables again. Validate and transform your environment with the full power of Zod.

    • GitHub - gajus/liqe: Lightweight and performant Lucene-like parser, serializer and search engine.

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        GitHub - gajus/liqe: Lightweight and performant Lucene-like parser, serializer and search engine.
      • GitHub - vuejs/pinia: 🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support

        Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue 💡 Intuitive 🔑 Type Safe ⚙️ Devtools support 🔌 Extensible 🏗 Modular by design 📦 Extremely light ⛰️ Nuxt Module Pinia works with both Vue 2 and Vue 3. Pinia is the most similar English pronunciation of the word pineapple in Spanish: piña. A pineapple is in reality a group of individual flowers that join together to create a multiple fruit. Similar

          GitHub - vuejs/pinia: 🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support
        • GitHub - facebookresearch/shumai: Fast Differentiable Tensor Library in JavaScript and TypeScript with Bun + Flashlight

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            GitHub - facebookresearch/shumai: Fast Differentiable Tensor Library in JavaScript and TypeScript with Bun + Flashlight
          • GitHub - TypeCellOS/BlockNote: A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.

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              GitHub - TypeCellOS/BlockNote: A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
            • FicusJS documentation

              Getting startedUsageComponentsExtending componentsRenderersState machinesApplication stateEvent busInternationalizationModulesRouterScript loaderDeprecated FicusJS documentationBrowsers have improved greatly. Many of the reasons to reach for a big framework like React or Angular have gone away. You don't have to rely on a complex build system, bundlers, or other tooling to ship your Javascript to

              • An Introduction to D3.js

                So, you want to create amazing data visualizations on the web and you keep hearing about D3.js. But what is D3.js, and how can you learn it? Let’s start with the question: What is D3? While it might seem like D3.js is an all-encompassing framework, it’s really just a collection of small modules. Here are all of the modules: each is visualized as a circle - larger circles are modules with larger fi

                • Kaboom.js

                  Kaboom.js is a Javascript game programming library that helps you make games fast and fun. // start the game kaboom() // define gravity setGravity(2400) // load a default sprite loadBean() // add character to screen, from a list of components const player = add([ sprite("bean"), // renders as a sprite pos(120, 80), // position in world area(), // has a collider body(), // responds to physics and g

                  • GitHub - uhyo/nitrogql: GraphQL + TypeScript toolchain

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                      GitHub - uhyo/nitrogql: GraphQL + TypeScript toolchain
                    • GitHub - gajus/turbowatch: Extremely fast file change detector and task orchestrator for Node.js.

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                        GitHub - gajus/turbowatch: Extremely fast file change detector and task orchestrator for Node.js.
                      • GitHub - microsoft/griffel: CSS-in-JS with ahead-of-time compilation ⚡️

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                          GitHub - microsoft/griffel: CSS-in-JS with ahead-of-time compilation ⚡️
                        • GitHub - Akryum/peeky: A fast and fun test runner for Vite & Node 🐈️ Powered by Vite ⚡️

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                            GitHub - Akryum/peeky: A fast and fun test runner for Vite & Node 🐈️ Powered by Vite ⚡️
                          • GitHub - coderaiser/putout: 🐊 Pluggable and configurable JavaScript Linter, code transformer and formatter, drop-in ESLint superpower replacement 💪 with built-in support for js, jsx typescript, flow, markdown, yaml and json. Write declarative codemods i

                            Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away. (c) Antoine de Saint Exupéry 🐊Putout is a JavaScript Linter, pluggable and configurable code transformer, drop-in ESLint replacement with built-in code printer. It has a lot of transformations that keeps your codebase in a clean state, removing any code smell and making c

                              GitHub - coderaiser/putout: 🐊 Pluggable and configurable JavaScript Linter, code transformer and formatter, drop-in ESLint superpower replacement 💪 with built-in support for js, jsx typescript, flow, markdown, yaml and json. Write declarative codemods i
                            • Release v9.0.1 · typicode/husky

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                                Release v9.0.1 · typicode/husky
                              • NPKILL - Maintain your development workspace clean.

                                What is npkill? Npkill is a CLI tool that allows you to list all the heavy node_modules that you have scattered around your computer and allows you to delete those you don't need in a very simple and elegant way. You might be surprised how much space node_modules from old projects are silly taking up. Super Fast 🚀 Npkill looks for node_modules or any other directory at low level and in a distribu

                                • OrbitDB - Home

                                  OrbitDB is a serverless, distributed, peer-to-peer database. OrbitDB uses IPFS as its data storage and IPFS Pubsub to automatically sync databases with peers. It’s an eventually consistent database that uses CRDTs for conflict-free database merges making OrbitDB an excellent choice for decentralized apps (dApps), blockchain applications and offline-first web applications. Learn More Funding OrbitD

                                    OrbitDB - Home
                                  • GitHub - timolins/react-hot-toast: Smoking Hot React Notifications 🔥

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                                      GitHub - timolins/react-hot-toast: Smoking Hot React Notifications 🔥
                                    • Sucrase

                                      Super-fast Babel alternative

                                      • react-hot-toast - The Best React Notifications in Town - react-hot-toast

                                        The Best Toast in Town.Smoking hot React notifications.

                                          react-hot-toast - The Best React Notifications in Town - react-hot-toast
                                        • GitHub - rough-stuff/rough-notation: Create and animate hand-drawn annotations on a web page

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                                            GitHub - rough-stuff/rough-notation: Create and animate hand-drawn annotations on a web page
                                          • GitHub - bubkoo/html-to-image: ✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG.

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                                              GitHub - bubkoo/html-to-image: ✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG.
                                            • GitHub - racketscript/racketscript: Racket to JavaScript Compiler

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                                                GitHub - racketscript/racketscript: Racket to JavaScript Compiler
                                              • GitHub - joe223/tiny-swiper: Ingenious JavaScript Carousel powered by wonderful plugins. Lightweight yet extensible. Import plugins as needed, No more, no less.

                                                Ingenious JavaScript Carousel powered by wonderful plugins. Lightweight yet extensible. Import plugins as needed, No more, no less.

                                                  GitHub - joe223/tiny-swiper: Ingenious JavaScript Carousel powered by wonderful plugins. Lightweight yet extensible. Import plugins as needed, No more, no less.
                                                • GitHub - vueuse/vue-demi: 🎩 Creates Universal Library for Vue 2 & 3

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                                                    GitHub - vueuse/vue-demi: 🎩 Creates Universal Library for Vue 2 & 3
                                                  • Go言語の依存モジュール管理ツール Modules の使い方 - Qiita

                                                    Modules を使うには Modules は、Go言語 1.11 以上のバージョンである必要があります。 1.11 以上をインストールすると、go mod コマンドが使えるようになります。 Modules を使う流れ Modules を使う流れは以下のとおりです。 go mod init で、初期化する go buildなどのビルドコマンドで、依存モジュールを自動インストールする go list -m all で、現在の依存モジュールを表示する go get で、依存モジュールの追加やバージョンアップを行う go mod tidy で、使われていない依存モジュールを削除する 実は go mod を直接実行することは少なく、他の go サブコマンドを実行したときに、自動的に処理が行われることが多いです。 以降は、コマンド実行例をご紹介します。 本記事では、バージョン 1.12 で動作確認し

                                                      Go言語の依存モジュール管理ツール Modules の使い方 - Qiita
                                                    • llm, ttok and strip-tags—CLI tools for working with ChatGPT and other LLMs

                                                      llm, ttok and strip-tags—CLI tools for working with ChatGPT and other LLMs 18th May 2023 I’ve been building out a small suite of command-line tools for working with ChatGPT, GPT-4 and potentially other language models in the future. The three tools I’ve built so far are: llm—a command-line tool for sending prompts to the OpenAI APIs, outputting the response and logging the results to a SQLite data

                                                        llm, ttok and strip-tags—CLI tools for working with ChatGPT and other LLMs
                                                      • Top 10 Python libraries of 2019

                                                        We hope you enjoy it as much as we did creating it, so here we go! 1. HTTPXAs a die-hard Python fan who usually interacts with APIs, you are probably familiar with the requests library. However, requests will do no good for you if you are using the async paradigm, which is increasingly common in high performance modern applications. To solve this, the awesome Tom Christie and collaborators bring u

                                                          Top 10 Python libraries of 2019
                                                        • GitHub - aidenybai/lucia: 🙋‍♀️ 3kb library for tiny web apps

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                                                            GitHub - aidenybai/lucia: 🙋‍♀️ 3kb library for tiny web apps
                                                          • GitHub - huggingface/safetensors: Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors

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                                                              GitHub - huggingface/safetensors: Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
                                                            • Javascript Input Mask

                                                              Features get and set value and unmasked value easily no external dependencies supports overwrite mode supports all major browsers supports web components supports contenteditable RegExp mask Function mask Number mask (integer and decimal support) Date mask (with various format support and autofix mode) Dynamic/on-the-fly mask Pattern mask show placeholder always or when needed unmasked value can c

                                                              • GitHub - wkentaro/gdown: Google Drive Public File Downloader when Curl/Wget Fails

                                                                $ gdown --help usage: gdown [-h] [-V] [-O OUTPUT] [-q] [--fuzzy] [--id] [--proxy PROXY] [--speed SPEED] [--no-cookies] [--no-check-certificate] [--continue] [--folder] [--remaining-ok] url_or_id ... $ # a large file (~500MB) $ gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1l_5RK28JRL19wpT22B-DY9We3TVXnnQQ $ md5sum fcn8s_from_caffe.npz 256c2a8235c1c65e62e48d3284fbd384 $ # same as the above but with the file

                                                                  GitHub - wkentaro/gdown: Google Drive Public File Downloader when Curl/Wget Fails
                                                                • GitHub - jest-community/jest-extended: Additional Jest matchers 🃏💪

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                                                                    GitHub - jest-community/jest-extended: Additional Jest matchers 🃏💪
                                                                  • SQLModel

                                                                    SQLModel, SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness. Documentation: https://sqlmodel.tiangolo.com Source Code: https://github.com/tiangolo/sqlmodel SQLModel is a library for interacting with SQL databases from Python code, with Python objects. It is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, highly compatible, and robust. SQLModel is based on Python type annotatio

                                                                    • 【PHPerKaigi2021】PHPでCSVを安心して扱うために

                                                                      PHPerKaigi2021で発表した『PHPでCSVを安心して扱うために』の資料です。 サンプル・解説コードは https://github.com/wakabadou/phperkaigi2021 で公開しています。

                                                                      • GitHub - TanStack/virtual: 🤖 Headless UI for Virtualizing Large Element Lists in JS/TS, React, Solid, Vue and Svelte

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                                                                          GitHub - TanStack/virtual: 🤖 Headless UI for Virtualizing Large Element Lists in JS/TS, React, Solid, Vue and Svelte
                                                                        • GitHub - logaretm/villus: 🏎 A tiny and fast GraphQL client for Vue.js

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                                                                            GitHub - logaretm/villus: 🏎 A tiny and fast GraphQL client for Vue.js
                                                                          • GitHub - nolanlawson/fuite: A tool for finding memory leaks in web apps

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                                                                              GitHub - nolanlawson/fuite: A tool for finding memory leaks in web apps
                                                                            • GitHub - omry/omegaconf: Flexible Python configuration system. The last one you will ever need.

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                                                                                GitHub - omry/omegaconf: Flexible Python configuration system. The last one you will ever need.
                                                                              • GitHub - WebReflection/highlighted-code: A textarea builtin extend to automatically provide code highlights based on one of the languages available via highlight.js

                                                                                <!doctype html> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> <style> textarea[is="highlighted-code"] { padding: 8px; } </style> <script type="module"> (async ({chrome, netscape}) => { // add Safari polyfill if needed if (!chrome && !netscape) await import('https://unpkg.com/@ungap/custom-elements'); const {default: HighlightedCode} = await import('https://unpkg.com/highlig

                                                                                  GitHub - WebReflection/highlighted-code: A textarea builtin extend to automatically provide code highlights based on one of the languages available via highlight.js
                                                                                • WinHTTPの使い方 - Qiita

                                                                                  WinHTTPについて WinHTTPはWindows用のHTTP通信を行うためのコンポーネントです。 本記事ではWin32APIからWinHTTPを使うサンプルを記載しています。 動作環境 WinHTTPの対応OSについては以下を参照してください。 WinHTTP Versions Windows 2000はService Pack 3以上が必要です。 Windows XPはService Pack 1 (SP1)以上が必要です。 Windows XPでTLS 1.1とTLS 1.2を使うためには別途対応が必要です。 例えば以下の方法 TLS 1.2 · sayurin/ffftp Wiki · GitHub Windows 7でTLS 1.1とTLS 1.2を使うには以下の対応が必要です。 技術情報 3140245 WinHTTP が Windows での既定のセキュリティで保護された

                                                                                    WinHTTPの使い方 - Qiita
