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  • On the origins of DS_store

    arno.org If you are a Mac user, or if you have transferred files from Mac to Windows, you’re probably familiar with .DS_Store files. But where does this name come from? Back in 1999 I was the technical lead for the Mac OS X Finder at Apple. At that time the Finder code base was some 8 years old and had reached the end of its useful life. Making any changes to it require huge engineering effort, an

    • jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data

      jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data The trojanized jQuery attack has been spread on npm, GitHub and elsewhere since May. A trojanized version of jQuery has been spreading on the npm JavaScript package manager, GitHub and elsewhere, for use in a jQuery attack, security researchers have discovered. Phylum researchers said they have been monitoring the “persistent supply chai

        jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data
      • A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog

        Linus Torvalds once wrote in a book that he created Linux just for fun, but it ended up sparking a revolution. Git, his second major creation, also an accidental revolution. It’s now a standard tool for software engineers, but its origin story wasn’t so much fun this time, at least for Linus. Linus doesn’t scale 1998 was a big year for Linux. Major companies like Sun, IBM, and Oracle started getti

          A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog
        • Persistent npm Campaign Shipping Trojanized jQuery

          Since May 26, 2024, Phylum has been monitoring a persistent supply chain attacker involving a trojanized version of jQuery. We initially discovered the malicious variant on npm, where we saw the compromised version published in dozens of packages over a month. After investigating, we found instances of the trojanized jQuery on other platforms, such as GitHub, and even as a CDN-hosted resource on j

            Persistent npm Campaign Shipping Trojanized jQuery
          • AppleがEpic Gamesによるサードパーティーモバイルアプリストア「Epic Games Store」の申請を複数回拒否したのち突如受理、iPhoneでのフォートナイト復活が近づく

            Epic GamesはAppleと長きにわたる法廷闘争を繰り広げ、ついにEUでのサードパーティーアプリストアの開設にこぎつけました。Epic GamesもiOS端末で利用できるサードパーティーアプリストアとして、Epic Games Storeの開設を目指しているのですが、AppleはEpic Games Storeの開設申請を複数回にわたって拒否しています。しかし、Epic GamesがEUの政策執行機関である欧州委員会(EC)に異議申し立てを行うと発表したところ、AppleがEpic Games Storeの開設申請を突如受理しました。 Apple approves Epic Games Store for iOS https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/07/05/apple-green-lights-epic-games-store-in-rapi

              AppleがEpic Gamesによるサードパーティーモバイルアプリストア「Epic Games Store」の申請を複数回拒否したのち突如受理、iPhoneでのフォートナイト復活が近づく
            • Announcing wcurl: a curl wrapper to download files | Samuel Henrique (samueloph)

              tl;dr Whenever you need to download files through the terminal and don't feel like using wget: wcurl example.com/filename.txt Manpage: https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/curl/wcurl.1.en.html Availability (comes installed with the curl package): Debian unstable - Since 2024-07-02 Debian testing - Coming up between the second and third week of July 2024. Debian 12/bookworm backports - As soon as t

                Announcing wcurl: a curl wrapper to download files | Samuel Henrique (samueloph)
              • "Doors" in Solaris: Lightweight RPC using File Descriptors

                "Doors" in SolarisTM: Lightweight RPC using File Descriptors Jim Voll Senior Staff Engineer Solaris Products Group This new lightweight RPC mechanism, adapted from Sun's Spring O/S project, will be inforporated into a future release of the SolarisTM operating environment. Developers can refer to Solaris documentation for additional library and SPI information. An Overview of Doors A door is a "fil

                • Jailbreaking RabbitOS: Uncovering Secret Logs, and GPL Violations | Blog

                  Welcome to my ::'########::'##::::::::'#######:::'######::: :: ##.... ##: ##:::::::'##.... ##:'##... ##:: :: ##:::: ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##:::..::: :: ########:: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##::'####: :: ##.... ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##::: ##:: :: ##:::: ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##::: ##:: :: ########:: ########:. #######::. ######::: ::........:::........:::.......::::......:::: CTF writeups, prog

                  • Understanding React Compiler | Tony Alicea

                    React's core architecture calls the functions you give it (i.e. your components) over and over. This fact both contributed to its popularity by simplifying its mental model, and created a point of possible performance issues. In general, if your functions do expensive things, then your app will be slow. Performance tuning, therefore, became a pain point for devs, as they had to manually tell React

                      Understanding React Compiler | Tony Alicea
                    • Using the 5S principle in coding

                      Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on UnsplashA few years ago, I read The Toyota Way, driven by my curiosity about the origins of Agile software development. However, I became even more intrigued by Toyota’s manufacturing processes and their efficiency improvements. The book offered many valuable insights and practices to adopt. As a developer, the 5S principle particularly caught my attention. I b

                        Using the 5S principle in coding