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Somaliaの検索結果1 - 13 件 / 13件

  • 学生NGO 日本ソマリア青年機構 - 日本ソマリア青年機構(Japan Somalia Youth Organization)

    日本ソマリア青年機構は、2017年4月1日より「NPO法人アクセプト・インターナショナル」と名前を改め、テロと紛争に特化し学生・社会人がそれぞれの立場を最大限に生かして活動する日本で唯一の団体として発足致しました。 アクセプト・インターナショナルでは、引き続きソマリアに取り組む一方で、ナイジェリア・新疆ウイグル自治区・インドネシアなど、同じようにテロや紛争の問題を抱える世界各地を対象に活動を広げて参ります。これらの地域において、テロ組織への加入防止とテロ組織からの脱退促進に向けた活動を展開することで、テロと紛争の解決を目指します。 また、共に「テロと紛争」に立ち向かう学生・社会人メンバーを現在募集中です! アクセプト・インターナショナルの事業体制および募集の詳細は以下の公式募集ページよりご確認下さい。 *アクセプト・インターナショナル公式サイト *公式Twitterアカウント *公式Fac

      学生NGO 日本ソマリア青年機構 - 日本ソマリア青年機構(Japan Somalia Youth Organization)
    • Russian marine vs Somalia pirates

      Russian ships to fight Somali pirates. Another group of Russian Navy ships are heading to the seas off East Africa to counter the growing threat of piracy.

      • ケニア軍がツイッターで宣戦布告、に対するソマリアヲチャさん( @somalia_watcher )さんのツッコミ

        最近ネット上で流れている、ケニア軍がツイッターでアルシャハブに宣戦布告、というネタに対するソマリアヲチャさんのツッコミをまとめました。 なお、この作戦operation Linda Nchiはソマリアの武装勢力「アルシャバブ」への追撃を目的としたものであり、ソマリア暫定政府への攻撃ではありません。 http://www.afpbb.com/article/war-unrest/2835533/7943240

          ケニア軍がツイッターで宣戦布告、に対するソマリアヲチャさん( @somalia_watcher )さんのツッコミ
        • Pirates of Somalia

          Somali pirates continue their attacks against international ships in and around the Gulf of Aden, despite the deterrent of stepped-up international naval escorts and patrols - and the increased failure rate of their attacks. Under agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships belonging to fifteen countries now patrol the area. Somali pirates - who have won themselves nearly $200 million

            Pirates of Somalia
          • Somalia threatened by illegal fishermen after west chases away pirates

            Five years ago, the isolated outpost of Eyl was Somalia’s most notorious pirate lair. Perched above the crashing waves of the Indian Ocean, the ramshackle town played host to wheeling and dealing pirate kingpins who would roar through the rutted streets in tinted 4x4s as captured ships languished in the shallow waters. Eyl had become a byword for everything that was wrong with Somalia: a place of

              Somalia threatened by illegal fishermen after west chases away pirates
            • 平和を導くユースの創出を目指して... - 日本ソマリア青年機構(Japan Somalia Youth Organization)

              ソマリア人を対象とした日本の大学への長期留学支援プロジェクト。 21年にわたる紛争で国内が荒廃してしまったソマリアでは、紛争後の復興や国づくりを担っていく人材の確保が急務となっています。当機構でも、2012年~2013年の第1、2回現地渡航活動実施時に、在ケニアソマリア連邦共和国大使館大使やナイロビ大学教授をはじめとする多くのソマリア関係者の方々から、「平和をもたらすために最も重要なことは若者に教育の場を与えること」「ソマリア人ユースを日本の大学に連れて行って欲しい」という声をいただきました。 こういった声を受け、ソマリアの未来を創り上げる人材の育成と、ソマリアと日本の距離を両国ユースから近づけることを目的に本プロジェクトは発足しました。 当機構では本プロジェクト実施にあたり、当機構ソマリア人メンバー・国際NGOや多国籍機関などの協力を得てソマリア国内外のネットワークを活かした留学支援候補

              • Somalia: At least 230 dead in Mogadishu blast - BBC News

                A massive bomb attack in a busy area of the Somali capital Mogadishu on Saturday is now known to have killed at least 230 people, police say. Hundreds more were wounded when a lorry packed with explosives detonated near the entrance of a hotel. It is the deadliest terror attack in Somalia since the Islamist al-Shabab group launched its insurgency in 2007.

                  Somalia: At least 230 dead in Mogadishu blast - BBC News
                • Fighting for control of Somalia

                  While Somalia recently has been in the news for its notorious pirates, back on-shore the country continues to struggle through a years-long war that has intensified lately, and to seek some sort of functional unifying government. Back in January, the Transitional Federal Parliament of Somalia elected moderate Islamist Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as President. Ahmed has gained international backing in his

                    Fighting for control of Somalia
                  • How do you solve a problem like Somalia?

                    Recent al-Shabab suicide bombings in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, have targeted the UN, hotels and military leaders This Thursday, the great and the good will descend on London to discuss Somalia, a country that has topped the Fragile States Index, external for eight of the past 10 years. The London Somalia Conference, co-chaired by the UK, Somalia and the United Nations, will be held in Lancast

                      How do you solve a problem like Somalia?
                    • Somalia: Rape Victim Executed (Published 2008)

                      A woman was stoned to death for adultery on Monday in an Islamist-controlled region of Somalia. Somali human rights officials said the woman, 23, had been raped, but the Islamist authorities determined that she was guilty of adultery. She was buried up to her neck and stoned after a crowd of thousands gathered at a soccer field in the town of Kismayu, which is controlled by the Shabab, a radical I

                        Somalia: Rape Victim Executed (Published 2008)
                      • Ghaith Abdul-Ahad · Diary: In Somalia

                        After three years of drought thousands of colourful tents made with sticks and branches wrapped in plastic sheets and bits of cloth have sprung up among Mogadishu’s destroyed buildings. Over the summer and early autumn tens of thousands of starving Somalis entered the city. Now the refugees fill the shells of long-defunct ministries, gather in the shade of the roofless cathedral and stand under th

                          Ghaith Abdul-Ahad · Diary: In Somalia
                        • MSF closes operations in Somalia over 'extreme attacks'

                          Medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is closing all its programmes in Somalia after 22 years working in the war-torn country. It said in a statement that the decision had been taken because of "extreme attacks on its staff". It said armed groups and civilian leaders increasingly "support, tolerate or condone the killing, assaulting, and abducting of humanitarian aid workers". More than 1

                            MSF closes operations in Somalia over 'extreme attacks'
                          • War in Somalia

                            IN THE PAST week a dangerous round of warfare has erupted in Somalia, a failed state in the Horn of Africa that the United States tried in vain to rebuild in the early 1990s. Troops from neighboring Ethiopia who were defending a U.N.-backed transitional government were attacked by forces of the Islamic Courts movement, which for the past six months has controlled much of the southern part of the c
