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Spritesの検索結果81 - 111 件 / 111件

  • Sprites de Pokémon » Pokémon X y Pokémon Y - Pokémon Paraíso

    Mewtwo Contraataca El Poder de Uno El Hechizo de los Unown La Voz del Bosque Héroes Pokémon Jirachi Wish Maker Destino Deoxys Lucario y el Misterio de Mew P. Ranger y el Templo del Mar El Desafío de Darkrai Giratina y el Defensor de los Cielos Arceus y la Joya de la Vida Zoroark: El Maestro de Ilusiones Temp. 1: Liga Añil Temp. 2: Islas Naranja Temp. 3: Johto Journeys Temp. 4: Johto Champions Temp

    • Firefox 起動時の Vimperator 用コマンドラインオプション - Vimple Star Sprites - vimperatorグループ

      はてなグループの終了日を2020年1月31日(金)に決定しました 以下のエントリの通り、今年末を目処にはてなグループを終了予定である旨をお知らせしておりました。 2019年末を目処に、はてなグループの提供を終了する予定です - はてなグループ日記 このたび、正式に終了日を決定いたしましたので、以下の通りご確認ください。 終了日: 2020年1月31日(金) エクスポート希望申請期限:2020年1月31日(金) 終了日以降は、はてなグループの閲覧および投稿は行えません。日記のエクスポートが必要な方は以下の記事にしたがって手続きをしてください。 はてなグループに投稿された日記データのエクスポートについて - はてなグループ日記 ご利用のみなさまにはご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 2020-06-25 追記 はてなグループ日記のエクスポートデータは2020年2月28

        Firefox 起動時の Vimperator 用コマンドラインオプション - Vimple Star Sprites - vimperatorグループ
      • responsive sprites / percentages

        I've read every single question about responsive sprites using css, I saw jsfiddle with working examples of responsive sprites, but I still cannot understand how to get the percentage of background-position and of background-size, how to use a wrapper (some people say it is necessary) around the div that uses background-image and why to use it... For instance, if I have a div that has width:20% (s

          responsive sprites / percentages
        • Pokemon Sprites | Pokestadium

          Credits Pkparaiso for their hard work in getting the XY animations. Smogon and their community for working together on creating alternative XY sprites inspired by BW sprites.

          • Diagonal CSS Sprites – Aaron Barker

            So you’ve got your sprite created, and it’s working great. 30+ icons in one image… major HTTP connections saved. You have made your little corner of the interwebs a little happier and faster. Steve Souders would be proud. Until you find that your sprite is used on an element that is tall enough to expose the next image component down in the sprite.  The 50px of spacing between components you thou

            • Saving Bandwidth and Improving Site Speed Using CSS Sprites

              President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. As a site owner, possibly the worst ex

                Saving Bandwidth and Improving Site Speed Using CSS Sprites
              • cosmigo | pro motion – pixel art software for sprites, images, tile sets and more

                Pro Motion NG pro motion is a pixel drawing and animation software designed similar to the famous Amiga Deluxe Paint (DPaint). Ideal for artists working on detailed and pixel precise graphics as required for mobile games and portable game consoles. It also suites well to create light weight graphics for web games.

                • 素人がゲーム作る [Unity]Unity Sprites And Bones - 2D skeleton animation のチュートリアル1の簡易解説

                  [Unity]Unity Sprites And Bones - 2D skeleton animation のチュートリアル1の簡易解説 Unity2DでボーンアニメーションとIKが使えるととても便利なので使っていきたい。どうにかして翻訳&使えるようにしよう まずここにツールのUnityフォーラムがあり、そこでUnityPackageをDL出来る そしてUnityPackageを開いてインポートする とりあえず、チュートリアル動画の1の内容を簡単に説明する まず、GameObjectからSkeltonを選ぶ するとその子にBoneがある こんなの 最初は半透明だが、選択すると色がつくので辛うじてボーンだと分かる このボーンは先端の田の字の様な場所をドラッグすることで動かせる↓ 動かしたあとは、インスペクタのSpriteの方からAddChiledを選ぶと先に子を作れる また、Splitを押

                    素人がゲーム作る [Unity]Unity Sprites And Bones - 2D skeleton animation のチュートリアル1の簡易解説
                  • CSSスプライトとは (CSS Sprites) シーエスエススプライト: - IT用語辞典バイナリ

                    CSSスプライト 読み方: シーエスエススプライト 【英】 CSS Sprites CSSスプライトとは、Webデザインにおける技法の一種で、複数の画像部品を連結して1枚の画像ファイルにまとめ、CSSで表示範囲を指定することによって表示する手法のことである。 CSSスプライトは、一般的には複数のファイルとして扱われる画像部品を、1つのファイルにまとめて扱うため、Webページを表示する際にサーバーに対して発せられるHTTPリクエストの数を削減できるという特徴がある。これによって、HTTPリクエストによる表示の遅延を防ぎ、パフォーマンスの向上を図ることができる。また、オンマウス時に表示の切り替わるメニューボタンのような類似画像をまとめて管理できるという利点もある。 CSSスプライトによってまとめられた画像部品は、CSSの「background-image」プロパティで表示範囲を指定することによ

                    • sprites | Listen and Stream Free Music, Albums, New Releases, Photos, Videos

                      Filter Stream Select the types of content you would like to see. All types Posts Photos Videos Music Articles Mixes Song plays

                      • Feathering a mask for anti-aliased sprites

                        You are here: Home > Articles > Computer graphics > Feathering a mask for anti-aliased sprites Cartoons are often shot at 12 frames per second (fps), yet the animation looks remarkably fluid. Japanese cartoons sometimes go as low as only 8 frames per second. Animation on a computer requires a much faster refresh rate to convey fluency, however; 20 to 30 frames per second are not uncommon. This dif

                        • Legend of Dungeon - Dynamic Lighting on Sprites

                          Legend of Dungeon - Dynamic Lighting on Sprites So I’m using normal mapping on pixel art. I’m surely not the first to think it up, but I don’t know of another game thats doing this (if so please let me know :D) Here’s what it looks like without normal mapping: And with: Ignore for a moment the bricks making up the level, and those blob shadows under the characters. Almost all the shading on the sp

                            Legend of Dungeon - Dynamic Lighting on Sprites
                          • Fogie's Perler Bead Video Game Sprites | Flickr

                            Thanks for stopping by! These are perler bead crafts I've made over the past couple of years. I am not in the business of selling these. Beads were arranged on special interlocking 29x29-bead square pegboards, using nearly every color available from Perler (the big buckets don't include every shade), both of which are available through eBay resellers. The pieces range in size from 3" to nearly a s

                              Fogie's Perler Bead Video Game Sprites | Flickr
                            • Update: Styling the Button Element with CSS Sliding Doors - now with Image Sprites and IE 8 Support | Filament Group, Inc.

                              Update: Styling the Button Element with CSS Sliding Doors - now with Image Sprites and IE 8 Support We dusted off our original sliding doors button to give it a much needed update. The button now works with image sprites thanks to the CSS contributions of Louis Walch, and also works with a single block of CSS (we’ve removed the now unnecessary conditional comments for IE) in all major browsers inc

                                Update: Styling the Button Element with CSS Sliding Doors - now with Image Sprites and IE 8 Support | Filament Group, Inc.
                              • Ken's Street Fighter II with animated sprites

                                Make Ken walk / punch / kick / jump / etc. with your keyboard. I assigned portions of png sprites to css class names, then added some css animations in...

                                  Ken's Street Fighter II with animated sprites
                                • APOD: 2017 June 15 - Red Sprites over the Channel

                                  Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2017 June 15 Explanation: Mysterious and incredibly brief, red sprites are seen to occur high above large thunderstorms on planet Earth. While they have been recorded from low Earth orbit or high fly

                                    APOD: 2017 June 15 - Red Sprites over the Channel
                                  • Cocos2D Tutorial for iOS: How To Drag and Drop Sprites

                                    I’ve received several requests to write a Cocos2D tutorial on how to drag and drop sprites in Cocos2D by touch gestures. You asked for it, you got it! In this Cocos2D tutorial, you’re going to learn: The basics of dragging and dropping sprites with touches How to scroll the view itself via touches How to keep coordinates straight in your head How to use gesture recognizers with Cocos2D for even mo

                                    • HTML5 audio and audio sprites – this should be simple – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                      As we’re having a HTML5 Audio developer derby this month, I thought it fun to play with audio again. And I found it sadly enough pretty frustrating. One thing I proposed in a lot of talks is using the idea of CSS sprites and apply them to HTML5 audio. You’ll get the same benefits – loading one file in one HTTP request instead of many, avoiding failure as files might not get loaded and so on. To te

                                        HTML5 audio and audio sprites – this should be simple – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                      • Cross-Browser CSS Technique for SVG Sprites with PNG Fallback – tobias.is

                                        A safe-to-deploy method including the infamous IE6+7 2012 is the year of resolution independence: we have crossed the 300DPI mark and came up with all kinds of wicked ways for responsive images. SVG is a strong contender, but its ubiquitous usage has been hindered by the lack of legacy browser support. So let’s learn to deploy SVG with a safe PNG fallback. SVG sprites are amazing: when created wit

                                        • Gif2Sprite - Convert animated GIFS to sprites

                                          Convert animated GIFS to image sprites for freeGif2sprite Gif2sprite is a free service that allows you to convert animated GIF's to JPG sprite sequences and the corresponding CSS. You may experience issues with GIF's that use transparency due to the GIF being converted into a JPG sprite. If this becomes a widespread problem, I will implement the option to choose either JPG or PNG as the output for

                                          • Sprites/DP/Shiny - PokéWiki

                                            Achtung: Dies ist eine veraltete und schreibgeschützte Version vom PokéWiki. Die Artikel hier sind auf dem Stand vom 8. März 2008, da uns die Daten des beschlagnahmten Servers leider noch immer nicht zurückgegeben wurden. Weitere Informationen dazu findet ihr hier. Um Datenkonsistenz zu gewährleisten, ist eine Bearbeitung von Artikeln hier derzeit nicht möglich. Sobald wir die aktuellen Daten vom

                                            • Sprites mods - Creating the Tamagotchi Singularity - Building the Tamagotchi Singularity

                                              I also gave a talk about this project on the Hackaday Superconference 2015. There is a video available of that if you'd rather watch me talk. You can also directly view the end result if you so please. As some of you may know, I recently moved from the Netherlands to Shanghai. In the long term, this is great for my hobby: I got a fair amount of stuff out of China anyway, and me moving there meant

                                                Sprites mods - Creating the Tamagotchi Singularity - Building the Tamagotchi Singularity
                                              • Sprites mods - Raspberry Pi micro arcade machine - Connecting an LCD

                                                So, I got the Raspberry Pi and I want to do some programming work for it. Why not dive into kernel development? I still had a nice framebuffer module for intelligent displays from my SPI-controlled TFT display. I also had a 2.4" LCD with an ILI9325 controller configurable to do 8-bit transfers. The 8-bit transfer mode was awesome, because it meant I could directly connect it to the GPIOs of the P1

                                                • Sprites — Oryx Design Lab

                                                  SpritesEach Oryx Design Lab sprite pack includes a commercial royalty-free license and includes everything you need to prototype your next idea or make your own fully commercial game! CLASSIC ROGUELIKEA modern graphical take on the classic ascii roguelike games of old. Genre: Fantasy Dimensions: 8x8 px Sheet + individual bitmaps Ultimate fantasyThe ultimate collection of high fidelity fantasy spri

                                                  • How to Build a Simple Button with CSS Image Sprites

                                                    Home » Tutorials » How to Build a Simple Button with CSS Image Sprites Line25 is reader supported. At no cost to you a commission from sponsors may be earned when a purchase is made via links on the site. Learn more The button is one of the most common elements in the world of the web. In modern web design, buttons are used not only on forms but also as visual aids that draw attention to important

                                                      How to Build a Simple Button with CSS Image Sprites
                                                    • http://riffpomerri.bloggersdelight.dk/2018/04/06/mega-pokemon-sprites-gallery/

                                                      • How to Use SVG Image Sprites — SitePoint

                                                        This tutorial describes two ways to create sprites containing many images. However, it uses SVG rather than the more well-known bitmap techniques. SVGs are ideal for logos, diagrams, and icons for several reasons: It’s easy to created and manipulate SVGs on the client or server. Unlike bitmaps, SVGs can be scaled to any size without losing quality. Unlike webfont icons, SVGs remain pin-sharp and c

                                                          How to Use SVG Image Sprites — SitePoint
                                                        • CSS Sprites Workflow | CSS-Tricks

                                                          When you are coding up a brand new site, I think this is a pretty efficient workflow for how to handle CSS Sprites. Ignore sprites entirely. Make every background image its own separate image and reference them as such in the CSS.When you are reasonably sure the design is “done,” use the SpriteMe bookmarklet to create the sprite. UPDATE: SpriteMe page is dead, but I’ve archived a working version o

                                                            CSS Sprites Workflow | CSS-Tricks
                                                          • How to Create Procedural Clouds Using Three.js Sprites | Codrops

                                                            Learn how to simulate a cloud on a Three.js Sprite using React-Three-Fiber. Today we are going to create an animated cloud using a custom shader material, extending the built-in Sprite material of Three.js. We’ll assume that you are familiar with React (including Hooks), Three.js and React-Three-Fiber. If not, you might find this article that I wrote as a beginner’s intro to the library helpful as

                                                              How to Create Procedural Clouds Using Three.js Sprites | Codrops
                                                            • GitHub - twolfson/spritesmith: Utility that takes sprites and converts them into a stylesheet and its coordinates

                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                GitHub - twolfson/spritesmith: Utility that takes sprites and converts them into a stylesheet and its coordinates
                                                              • http://guefiseatti.eklablog.com/pokemon-fire-red-character-sprites-codes-a141187008