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TypeClassに関するエントリは2件あります。 プログラミングHaskellHotEntry などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『An introduction to typeclass metaprogramming』などがあります。
  • An introduction to typeclass metaprogramming

    Typeclass metaprogramming is a powerful technique available to Haskell programmers to automatically generate term-level code from static type information. It has been used to great effect in several popular Haskell libraries (such as the servant ecosystem), and it is the core mechanism used to implement generic programming via GHC generics. Despite this, remarkably little material exists that expl

    • Functor Typeclass in Haskell

      You might already know the map function: map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map _ [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs > map (\x -> x + 1) [1, 2, 3] [2, 3, 4] It takes a function of type a -> b and applies it to each element of a list. The elements change, but the data type storing them ([]) remains the same. In this article, we’ll call such a data type with another type inside it a context. Transform

        Functor Typeclass in Haskell
