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Zedの検索結果1 - 15 件 / 15件

  • 「Atom」の開発者が究極のコードエディターを目指す ~「Zed」の開発が始動/「Electron」を捨て、Rust言語を採用。GPUI、tree-sitterなどで武装し、超高速なコードエディターに【やじうまの杜】

      「Atom」の開発者が究極のコードエディターを目指す ~「Zed」の開発が始動/「Electron」を捨て、Rust言語を採用。GPUI、tree-sitterなどで武装し、超高速なコードエディターに【やじうまの杜】
    • Zed - Code at the speed of thought

      Code at the speed of thoughtZed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter. It's also open source. Stay in FlowProductive coding starts with a tool that stays out of your way. Zed combines the power of an IDE with the responsiveness of a lightweight editor for productivity you can feel under your fingertips. Engineered for performanceZed efficiently le

        Zed - Code at the speed of thought
      • Vimの操作感を愛おしむ人たちへ: Zedで広がる新たな可能性 - ROUTE06 Tech Blog

        ソフトウェア開発の世界は日々進化していますね。その中で、私たち開発者が使うツールは、まさに職人の道具のように大切なもの。常により良い方法を探し求めているのは、皆さん同じではないでしょうか。 そんな私たちの前に現れたのが、Zedです。このエディタ、一見するとただの新顔に思えるかもしれません。でも、その中身は、私のようなVimmerの心をしっかりと掴みました。なぜならZedは、Vimの精神や操作感を大切にしながら、現代のテクノロジーを駆使して作られているからです。 私は1年ほど前からZedを使い始め、すぐにルックやデザイン、全ての動作が期待通りかつ、速く完了する様子に魅了され、使い続けています。 筆者のZedのキャプチャ 機能的にはVSCodeが優れているし、AI Code EditorのCursorも盛り上がっていますが、もっと速く、たくさんコードを書きたい開発者の方にはZedという選択肢が

          Vimの操作感を愛おしむ人たちへ: Zedで広がる新たな可能性 - ROUTE06 Tech Blog
        • Zed is now open source - Zed Blog

          We're excited to announce that Zed is now an open source project. The code for Zed itself is available under a copyleft license to ensure any improvements will benefit the entire community (GPL for the editor, AGPL for server-side components). GPUI, the UI framework that powers Zed, is distributed under the Apache 2 license, so that you can use it to build high-performance desktop applications and

            Zed is now open source - Zed Blog
          • Leaving Neovim for Zed

            A journey through text editors and how I landed on Zed after years of Neovim I think every developer has their own text editor journey and how they landed on the tool they use today. Perhaps I’m a geek but I love those stories. I have a great appreciation for developer tools and the work that goes into them. This post is for the other geeks out there that also care, and I hope my journey and persp

              Leaving Neovim for Zed
            • Zedの設定をちゃんとやってみる - Don't Repeat Yourself

              ここ数回の記事を見返してみると、書評ばかりしていてコード書いてるのか…?となったので、久しぶりにちゃんとコード(設定ファイル)を書く記事を書こうと思いました。いえ、コードは書いてるんですが、まとまった成果になっていないか、あまり新しいことをやっていないだけです。 Zed Zedの設定方法と今回目標 settings.jsonとkeymap.json snippet 設定の目標 私の設定 vim_mode、フォント、テーマ inlay hints rust-analyzer キーバインディング 設定してみての感想 参考資料 Zed Zed(ゼッド)というエディタが最近話題ですね。私も実は最近会社のPC上のNeovimが壊れてしまって、直している時間がないので一旦Zedを使ってその場しのぎをしています[*1]。VS Codeを使わなかったのは、あんまりVimバインディングが強くないとわかってい

                Zedの設定をちゃんとやってみる - Don't Repeat Yourself
              • Zed on Linux is here!

                Zed on Linux is here!To install Zed on most Linux distributions, run the shell script below.

                  Zed on Linux is here!
                • GitHub - zed-industries/zed: Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - zed-industries/zed: Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
                  • Introducing Zed: A high-performance, multiplayer code editor. Now in beta. - Zed Blog

                    Zed is now ready for your keystrokes and feedback.

                      Introducing Zed: A high-performance, multiplayer code editor. Now in beta. - Zed Blog
                    • Zed Decoded: Async Rust - Zed Blog

                      Welcome to the first article in a new series called Zed Decoded. In Zed Decoded I'm going to take a close look at Zed — how it's built, which data structures it uses, which technologies and techniques, what features it has, which bugs we ran into. The best part? I won't do this alone, but get to interview and ask my colleagues here at Zed about everything I want to know. Companion Video: Async Rus

                        Zed Decoded: Async Rust - Zed Blog
                      • Rust製の高速エディタ「Zed」、AIによるコーディング支援機能「Zed AI」発表。ローンチ期間は無料で利用可能

                        Rust製の高速エディタ「Zed」、AIによるコーディング支援機能「Zed AI」発表。ローンチ期間は無料で利用可能 Rust製の高速エディタとしてmacOSとLinuxに対応する「Zed」エディタが、AIによるコーディング支援機能「Zed AI」を発表しました。 Zed AIはチャットAIサービス「Claude」で知られるAnthropicとの協業により「Claude 3.5 Sonnet」を用いて構築されており、ローンチ期間中は無料で利用可能となっています。 Introducing Zed AI, in collaboration with @anthropicAI. Zed AI brings LLMs directly into your editor with an extensible, text-centric approach. We're also piloting @a

                          Rust製の高速エディタ「Zed」、AIによるコーディング支援機能「Zed AI」発表。ローンチ期間は無料で利用可能
                        • Introducing Zed AI - Zed Blog

                          At Zed, we've dedicated our careers to mastering the art of text manipulation. From crafting parser generators to designing programming languages and shipping two production-grade text editors, we've always been captivated by the expressive power of words and symbols. So when large language models emerged to revolutionize text interpretation and generation, we knew we had to explore their potentia

                            Introducing Zed AI - Zed Blog
                          • Zed - The editor for what's next

                            Code with LLMsZed adds a uniquely powerful interface for AI-assisted programming. Zed adds a uniquely powerful interface for AI-assisted programming.

                              Zed - The editor for what's next
                            • Building a platform that open sources itself - Zed Blog

                              For more than a year, Zed's remote team has been coding together in Zed. Instead of reviewing diffs, we usually prefer to have conversations about code. Efficient dialog about any line in the codebase has become an important capability for our team. So important, in fact, that we really want to scale it. We've decided to build a platform designed for open-sourcing itself. Let me say that another w

                                Building a platform that open sources itself - Zed Blog
                              • Zed Decoded: Why not just embed Neovim? - Zed Blog

                                Usually when I tell people that I've switched to Zed as my main editor, after something like 15 years of using Vim, the first question they ask is: don't you miss Vim? Then I tell them: Zed has a Vim mode. I don't think I would've or could've switched if it didn't. Then, surprisingly often, there are follow-up question that sound something like this: a Vim mode? Did you know that Neovim is embedda

                                  Zed Decoded: Why not just embed Neovim? - Zed Blog