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algorithmの検索結果1 - 8 件 / 8件

  • Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked

    Google, if you’re reading this, it’s too late. Ok. Cracks knuckles. Let’s get right to it. Internal documentation for Google Search’s Content Warehouse API has leaked. Google’s internal microservices appear to mirror what Google Cloud Platform offers and the internal version of documentation for the deprecated Document AI Warehouse was accidentally published publicly to a code repository for the c

      Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked
    • GitHub - karpathy/minbpe: Minimal, clean code for the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm commonly used in LLM tokenization.

      Minimal, clean code for the (byte-level) Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm commonly used in LLM tokenization. The BPE algorithm is "byte-level" because it runs on UTF-8 encoded strings. This algorithm was popularized for LLMs by the GPT-2 paper and the associated GPT-2 code release from OpenAI. Sennrich et al. 2015 is cited as the original reference for the use of BPE in NLP applications. Today,

        GitHub - karpathy/minbpe: Minimal, clean code for the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm commonly used in LLM tokenization.
      • SIEVE: an Efficient Turn-Key Eviction Algorithm for Web Caches - SIEVE is simpler than LRU

        SIEVE is simpler than LRU¶ Caching is a method of storing temporary data for quick access to keep the online world running smoothly. But with limited space comes a critical decision: what to keep and discard. This is where eviction algorithms come into play. Our team recently designed a new cache eviction algorithm called SIEVE: it is very effective and simple with just one queue. Website Paper Up

        • [Multi-AS Segment Routing 検証連載 #15] IGP Flexible Algorithm Interoperability Updates - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog

          サマリ 概要 Multi-vendor Flex-Algorithm 動作確認検証 1. リンクに対するメトリックの定義 2. リンクに対する color の定義 3. FAD の設定 4. Algorithm に参加するための設定 5. FAD の確認 6. BGP Import ポリシーの設定と確認 7. traceroute による VPN の通信経路確認 まとめ サマリ Flexible Algorithm による VPN 経路の TE を SR OS で実現 IOS XR + Junos + SR OS の Multi-vendor 環境で TE と Delay metric を含めた Algorithm の定義と動作検証に成功 この記事は Multi-AS SR 検証連載の第 15 回です。目次は こちら 概要 イノベーションセンターの吉田 晴信です。 普段の業務では Mult

            [Multi-AS Segment Routing 検証連載 #15] IGP Flexible Algorithm Interoperability Updates - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog
          • Algorithm部門のレーティングと業務における期待できる活躍 - AtCoderInfo

            Algorithm部門のレーティングと業務における期待できる活躍 IT業界とAtCoder 10年前、日本にはほとんど競技プログラマーはいませんでした。しかし現在では、AtCoderだけでも世界で50万人、日本だけでも23万人が登録しており、多数の競技プログラマーが活動しています。IT業界のどの業種においても、特に新卒ITエンジニアとして応募してくる学生などはAtCoderを経験している場合が多く、採用側でもAtCoderがどういうものかを把握しておく必要性が高まっています。 AtCoderのレーティングが表すもの AtCoderのレーティングは、競技プログラミングと呼ばれる競技において、どれだけのパフォーマンスを発揮できるかを正確に表したものです。AtCoderのコンテストに出る度に変動し、成績に応じて上下をします。AtCoderのレーティングは一定間隔刻みで色がついており、赤が最高とな

              Algorithm部門のレーティングと業務における期待できる活躍 - AtCoderInfo
            • Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation

              Google’s search algorithm is perhaps the most consequential system on the internet, dictating what sites live and die and what content on the web looks like. But how exactly Google ranks websites has long been a mystery, pieced together by journalists, researchers, and people working in search engine optimization. Now, an explosive leak that purports to show thousands of pages of internal document

                Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation
              • Improving the dead code elimination algorithm in js_of_ocaml - Micah Cantor

                I'm looking for a full-time software engineering position starting in January 2024. If you or your team is hiring, please reach out! Introduction This summer I worked as a software engineer intern at Tarides from their Paris office. My project centered on improving the dead code elimination algorithm in the OCaml to JavaScript compiler, js_of_ocaml. In this post, I'll give some background on why t

                  Improving the dead code elimination algorithm in js_of_ocaml - Micah Cantor
                • A quick post on Chen’s algorithm

                  Update (April 19): Yilei Chen announced the discovery of a bug in the algorithm, which he does not know how to fix. This was independently discovered by Hongxun Wu and Thomas Vidick. At present, the paper does not provide a polynomial-time algorithm for solving LWE. If you’re a normal person — that is, a person who doesn’t obsessively follow the latest cryptography news — you probably missed last

                    A quick post on Chen’s algorithm