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  • A new era of authentication

    Auth for modern applications. Powerful user authentication that integrates in minutes. Free up to 10,500 MAU.

      A new era of authentication
    • User Authentication With AWS Cognito: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Zeile7

      User Authentication With AWS Cognito: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly There are only a few things in software engineering I love and hate at the same time – most of the time it’s quite obvious and going strongly in one direction. PHP will always be a bad language to use for anything. For me AWS Cognito is special and one of those rare cases where I love and hate something at the same time. It’s ver

        User Authentication With AWS Cognito: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Zeile7
      • AWS Single Sign-On adds Web Authentication (WebAuthn) support for user authentication with security keys and built-in biometric authenticators

        AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) now enables you to secure user access to AWS accounts and business applications using multi-factor authentication (MFA) with FIDO-enabled security keys, such as YubiKey, and built-in biometric authenticators, such as Touch ID on Apple MacBooks and facial recognition on PCs. With this release, AWS SSO now supports the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) specification to provide s

          AWS Single Sign-On adds Web Authentication (WebAuthn) support for user authentication with security keys and built-in biometric authenticators
        • GitHub - boltgolt/howdy: 🛡️ Windows Hello™ style facial authentication for Linux

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

            GitHub - boltgolt/howdy: 🛡️ Windows Hello™ style facial authentication for Linux
          • Fastest Symfony authentication - AWS Cognito integration

            If you either love AWS services already, or are looking for a good option to use with your multiplatform products, AWS Cognito seems to be a good candidate to adopt into your technical stack. For me it was unknown, but once I started digging into it, I find it to solve some problems I was bored with solving. Setup Cognito on AWS For starters, we should prepare our Cognito user pool. We can do this

              Fastest Symfony authentication - AWS Cognito integration
            • oss-security - Mozilla VPN: CVE-2023-4104: Privileged vpndaemon on Linux wrongly and incompletely implements Polkit authentication

              Follow @Openwall on Twitter for new release announcements and other news [<prev] [next>] [day] [month] [year] [list] Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 12:08:05 +0200 From: Matthias Gerstner <mgerstner@...e.de> To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Mozilla VPN: CVE-2023-4104: Privileged vpndaemon on Linux wrongly and incompletely implements Polkit authentication Hello list, an openSUSE community package

              • Mastering Rodauth for Ruby/Rails Authentication - JetRockets

                This article doesn't aim to provide a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Rodauth into your Rails application, as there are already plenty of guides that cover that topic. Instead, I will explore the intricate nature of authentication and explain why Rodauth provides an effective solution. By delving deeper into the complexities of authentication processes, we can gain a better understanding of

                  Mastering Rodauth for Ruby/Rails Authentication - JetRockets
                • Firebase Authentication を使って API Gateway の認証を行う

                  サーバーレスワークロード向けのフルマネージドな API ゲートウェイサービス “API Gateway” がベータ版としてリリースされました。API Gateway では Firebase Authentication を使ったユーザー認証をサポートしていますので、本記事ではその手順をご紹介したいと思います。 Firebase Authentication & API Gatewayはじめに本記事は Google Cloud Japan Customer Engineer Advent Calendar 2020 の 23 日目の記事です。 API Gateway は Google Cloud Next ’20 OnAir で発表された、フルマネージド API ゲートウェイサービスです。主にサーバーレスワークロード向けのサービスとして、Cloud Run や Cloud Functions

                    Firebase Authentication を使って API Gateway の認証を行う
                  • [GitHub] Notice for new authentication token formats

                    Github から「[GitHub] Notice for new authentication token formats」というタイトルのメールが来て、要はアクセストークンのフォーマットが変わるから再作成してやーっていう内容。そして、安直に更新したら composer self-update すら通らなくなってアレになったのでメモ書き。 簡潔に composer のバージョンが "1.10.21 github.com未満, もしくは 2.0.12 github.com未満" は新フォーマットに非対応なので、未更新のまま composer config --global github-oauth.github.com <API Token> をしてトークンの更新をしてしまうと面倒になるので、composer self-update をしてから Github Personal Access

                      [GitHub] Notice for new authentication token formats
                    • Authentication and authorization

                      Authentication and authorizationControl access to your GraphQL API Your GraphQL API probably needs to control which users can see and interact with the various data it provides. Authentication is determining whether a given user is logged in, and subsequently determining which user someone is.Authorization is then determining what a given user has permission to do or see. 💡 TIP Apollo Router can

                        Authentication and authorization
                      • Ami Response: Error Message: Authentication Failed - lasopadental

                        Please Note: The Errors are organized alphabetically by Category (3-Digit Errors, Socket Errors, and Textual Errors) 3-Digit Errors beginning with '4' 421 Service not available. Oct 6, 2018 - On Putty - IP: (IP of S50) - Port 5038 - Raw. Response: Error Message: Authentication failed. Connection to host lost. -->When you try to do remote debugging, you might get the following error m

                        • Next-Generation Mutual Authentication (mTLS) with Cilium Service Mesh - Isovalent

                          Looking at the above table, it’s clear that both session and network-based authentication offer a set of advantages that we ideally want to combine with each other. Why not combine the two? We want the better authentication granularity of service identities, the properties of the TLS handshake and combine that with the transparency, performance, and wide support of different network protocols of a

                            Next-Generation Mutual Authentication (mTLS) with Cilium Service Mesh - Isovalent
                          • Two-Factor Authentication for All Otter Plans | Otter.ai

                            We realize your conversations may contain some of your most sensitive and confidential information and that’s why we are committed to keeping your information private and secure. Starting today, two-factor authentication is now available for all Otter plans (Basic, Pro, Business, and Enterprise) at no additional cost. What is two-factor authentication? Two-factor authentication is an added layer o

                              Two-Factor Authentication for All Otter Plans | Otter.ai
                            • Amazon ElastiCache now supports IAM Authentication for Redis clusters

                              Amazon ElastiCache now supports AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication access to Redis clusters. By using IAM, you can associate IAM users and roles with ElastiCache for Redis users and manage their cluster access. You can configure IAM authentication by creating an IAM-enabled ElastiCache user and then assigning this user to an appropriate ElastiCache user group via the AWS Manag

                                Amazon ElastiCache now supports IAM Authentication for Redis clusters
                              • Android と Chrome でのパスキーのサポート  |  Authentication  |  Google for Developers

                                フィードバックを送信 Android と Chrome でのパスキーのサポート コレクションでコンテンツを整理 必要に応じて、コンテンツの保存と分類を行います。 パスキーは、同じエコシステム内のデバイス間で同期できます。たとえば、Android で作成されたパスキーは Google パスワード マネージャーに保存されます。 パスキーは新しいテクノロジーであり、サポートされる環境も進化を続けています。2023 年 8 月以降、macOS と Windows の Chrome では、パスキーはローカル デバイスにのみ保存されます。 Google パスワード マネージャー Google パスワード マネージャーは、Android と Chrome でパスキーを保存、提供、同期します。Google パスワード マネージャーのパスキーは、Chrome やその他のブラウザを含むすべての Android

                                  Android と Chrome でのパスキーのサポート  |  Authentication  |  Google for Developers
                                • [Firebase] Authenticationで複数の認証プロバイダへ同時対応する (Web編) - ねこの足跡R

                                  今まではFirebaseの個別の認証プロバイダでログインしていましたが、今回はここまで対応した全プロバイダのいずれかでログインできる仕組みを作ってみます。 以下の画面のように複数の認証方法から自由に選択することができます。 Authenticationの複数プロバイダ同時対応 Firebase Webコンソールの設定 ソースコード config.js index.html 実行結果 解説 プロバイダ毎に設定を行いたい ポップアップでログインさせたい 取得できるユーザー情報 どの認証プロバイダか判定したい 参考ページ Authenticationの複数プロバイダ同時対応 Firebase Webコンソールの設定 FirebaseのWebコンソールへログインしたら、メニュー「Authentication」→「ログイン方法」とたどります。 アコーディオンの中で対応したいプロバイダを「有効」にして

                                    [Firebase] Authenticationで複数の認証プロバイダへ同時対応する (Web編) - ねこの足跡R
                                  • GitHub - m-barthelemy/vpn-webauth: Use additional OAuth2 authentication and MFA with a Strongswan VPN

                                    This is quick (and dirty) web application allowing to add a second round of authentication to a Strongswan VPN using OAuth2. It doesn't replace, and in fact requires, the normal Strongswan authentication process using passwords or certificates. This project uses the ext-auth Strongswan plugin to hook itself into the authentication flow and provide an additional layer of authentication using OAuth2

                                      GitHub - m-barthelemy/vpn-webauth: Use additional OAuth2 authentication and MFA with a Strongswan VPN
                                    • Vanilla Rails authentication with Authentication Zero

                                      For a long time, Devise has been the go-to authentication solution for many Rails applications. Although Devise has long served as the option for authentication, it is not the gem I would recommend in 2022 for new Rails projects. Since Rails 3, the framework has shipped its own authentication helper, has_secure_password. This is how Hey/Basecamp, for example, handles authentication. In this tutori

                                        Vanilla Rails authentication with Authentication Zero
                                      • How to Implement auth0 Authentication in Nuxt3

                                        Photo by FLY:D on UnsplashI was trying out Nuxt3 for my new project and wanted to implement auth0 as authentication as a service. At the time of writing this blog, I couldn’t find the Nuxt module for this which is available for the older Nuxt version. Hence, I thought this little workaround might be helpful to others as well until they release the new Nuxt3 module for auth0. So let’s start with th

                                          How to Implement auth0 Authentication in Nuxt3
                                        • ALB authentication with G Suite SAML using Cognito

                                          You can learn a lot by kicking the tires on software. I work on identity systems, so I wanted to take AWS Cognito out for a spin. In this post, I’ll describe my experiment with Cognito to use G Suite SAML for ALB authentication, and how an encoding bug turned my joyride into a flat tire. G Suite SAML to OpenID Connect with ALBs using Cognito AuthenticationCognito is two identity products: user poo

                                            ALB authentication with G Suite SAML using Cognito
                                          • HCSEC-2021-03 - Vault API Endpoint Allowed Enumeration of Secrets Engine Mount Paths Without Authentication

                                            Bulletin ID: HCSEC-2021-03 Affected Products / Versions: Vault and Vault Enterprise, all prior versions; fixed in 1.6.2 & 1.5.7. Publication Date: 29 January, 2021 Summary Vault and Vault Enterprise (“Vault”) allowed the enumeration of Secrets Engine mount paths via unauthenticated HTTP requests. This vulnerability, CVE-2020-25594, was fixed in Vault 1.6.2 & 1.5.7. Background Vault operators are a

                                            • Facial Authentication. Intel RealSense ID.

                                              Join us for the Intel RealSense ID for Facial Authentication Webinar on May 1st. Learn More Intel® RealSense™ ID is a trusted and accurate on-device facial authentication solution built on Intel’s leadership in vision technology and AI. It combines an active stereo-depth sensor with a specialized neural network to deliver an intuitive and secure solution that adapts over time. Intel RealSense ID s

                                                Facial Authentication. Intel RealSense ID.
                                              • Chinese Hackers Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication - Schneier on Security

                                                Chinese Hackers Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication Interesting story of how a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group is bypassing the RSA SecurID two-factor authentication system. How they did it remains unclear; although, the Fox-IT team has their theory. They said APT20 stole an RSA SecurID software token from a hacked system, which the Chinese actor then used on its computers to generate valid

                                                • Firebase Authenticationの「This browser is not supported or 3rd party cookies and data may be disabled. 」の解決方法 - wheatandcatの開発ブログ

                                                  今、以下のレポジトリでWeb版ペペロミアを開発中ですが、その時にハマった内容を記事にしました。 github.com はじめ Firebase Authenticationでログイン画面を作成して、いざログインしようとすると This browser is not supported or 3rd party cookies and data may be disabled. のエラーがでてAuthenticationが行えない エラー内容を調べてみると。。。 https://qiita.com/penguin_fuyuno/items/831ec49bba5b2621ad25qiita.com github.com サードパーティCookieのブロックが原因でした。 基本的にブラウザはbraveを使っているので、この辺のトラッキング系は完全ブロックされているのでエラーになってました。 b

                                                    Firebase Authenticationの「This browser is not supported or 3rd party cookies and data may be disabled. 」の解決方法 - wheatandcatの開発ブログ
                                                  • Google OAuth2 Authentication in NodeJS

                                                    Learn how to implement Google OAuth2 Authentication in NodeJS using Passport In this blog, we’ll be implementing authentication via Google in a Node.js web application. For this, we’ll be using Passport.js, an authentication package for Node.js. Before You Get Started This tutorial assumes you have: Basic knowledge of HTML/CSS A good understanding of JavaScript and Node.js Latest Node.js version i

                                                      Google OAuth2 Authentication in NodeJS
                                                    • Two-factor authentication for Apple ID - Apple Support

                                                      Two-factor authentication for Apple ID Two-factor authentication is designed to make sure that you're the only person who can access your account. Learn how it works and how to turn on two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your Apple ID, designed to make sure that you're the only one who can access your account—even if someone else knows your passwo

                                                      • Learn using JWT with Passport authentication

                                                        IntroductionAlmost every web and mobile app nowadays has authentication. Most of them offer different login methods like Facebook, Google or email/password at once. Passport is a Node.js middleware that offers a variety of different request authentication strategies that are easy to implement. By default, it stores the user object in session. JSON Web Tokens is an authentication standard that work

                                                          Learn using JWT with Passport authentication
                                                        • GitHub - carlosevieira/CVE-2022-40684: PoC for CVE-2022-40684 - Authentication bypass lead to Full device takeover (Read-only)

                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                            GitHub - carlosevieira/CVE-2022-40684: PoC for CVE-2022-40684 - Authentication bypass lead to Full device takeover (Read-only)
                                                          • Reduce risk by implementing HttpOnly cookie authentication in Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS Security Blog Reduce risk by implementing HttpOnly cookie authentication in Amazon API Gateway September 8, 2023: It’s important to know that if you activate user sign-up in your user pool, anyone on the internet can sign up for an account and sign in to your apps. Don’t enable self-registration in your user pool unless you want to open your app to allow users to sign up. Some web applications

                                                              Reduce risk by implementing HttpOnly cookie authentication in Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • Passwordless Authentication in Laravel - Laravel News

                                                              { if (! this.initialized) { search.start(); this.initialized = true; } if (value) { setTimeout(() => { this.$el.querySelector('input').focus(); }, 100); } }); }, }" x-dialog x-model="searchModalIsOpen" x-cloak class="fixed inset-0 z-10" @keydown.slash.meta.window="searchModalIsOpen = !searchModalIsOpen" @keydown.k.meta.window="searchModalIsOpen = !searchModalIsOpen" @keydown.escape.window="searchM

                                                                Passwordless Authentication in Laravel - Laravel News
                                                              • Testing Two-Factor Authentication

                                                                More and more applications we test are implementing some form of two-factor authentication (2FA, sometimes known as multi-factor authentication or MFA). This post provides a whirlwind tour of common 2FA mechanisms and detailed information on testing them. How does 2FA Work? The general concept behind two-factor authentication is the pairing of two different types of “factors”. Often, those are def

                                                                  Testing Two-Factor Authentication
                                                                • GitHub - codeigniter4/shield: Authentication and Authorization for CodeIgniter 4

                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                    GitHub - codeigniter4/shield: Authentication and Authorization for CodeIgniter 4
                                                                  • xRDP – New “Authentication Required…” Popup showing up in Ubuntu 19.04 – Griffon's IT Library

                                                                    • Atlassian Drops Patches for Critical Jira Authentication Bypass Vulnerability

                                                                      Atlassian has published a security advisory warning of a critical vulnerability in its Jira software that could be abused by a remote, unauthenticated attacker to circumvent authentication protections. Tracked as CVE-2022-0540, the flaw is rated 9.9 out of 10 on the CVSS scoring system and resides in Jira's authentication framework, Jira Seraph. Khoadha of Viettel Cyber Security has been credited

                                                                        Atlassian Drops Patches for Critical Jira Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
                                                                      • .NET 8: What's New for Authentication and Authorization

                                                                        .NET.NET 8: What's New for Authentication and AuthorizationLet’s explore the new features brought by .NET 8 to support authentication and authorization in your applications. The release of .NET 8 is just around the corner. Among the amazing features it brings to developers, it offers a minor revolution in support for authentication and authorization: moving ASP.NET Core Identity from a page-orient

                                                                          .NET 8: What's New for Authentication and Authorization
                                                                        • Azure PostgreSQL, Entra ID Authentication and .NET | LINQ to Fail

                                                                          I’m currently working on a project in which we are using Entra ID rather than a traditional Postgre username and password. This is a great way to secure your database and ensure that only the right people have access to it. Note: For the purpose of this article, I’m going to use Entra ID to refer to a user identity, as well as a managed identity such as a service principal, as the approach is the

                                                                            Azure PostgreSQL, Entra ID Authentication and .NET | LINQ to Fail
                                                                          • RubyでFirebase Authenticationトークンを検証するサンプル - タケユー・ウェブ日報

                                                                            認証をFirebase Authenticationに丸投げし、そちらで作ったトークンをサーバーに送信、認可を行う時に有効 FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID = "FIREBASEPROJECTID" CIRTIFICATE_URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/securetoken@system.gserviceaccount.com' EXP_LEEWAY = 30.seconds VALID_ISS = "https://securetoken.google.com/#{FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID}" CERTIFICATE_MAP = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(CIRTIFICATE_URL)).body) TokenVeri

                                                                              RubyでFirebase Authenticationトークンを検証するサンプル - タケユー・ウェブ日報
                                                                            • GitHub - janko/rodauth-rails: Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework

                                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                GitHub - janko/rodauth-rails: Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework
                                                                              • ReactとFirebaseUIで簡単Firebase Authentication - Qiita

                                                                                export const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: "XXXXXXX", authDomain: "XXXXXXX", databaseURL: "XXXXXXX", projectId: "XXXXXXX", storageBucket: "XXXXXXX", messagingSenderId: "XXXXXXX", }; import firebase from 'firebase'; import { firebaseConfig } from './config'; export const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig); export default firebase;

                                                                                  ReactとFirebaseUIで簡単Firebase Authentication - Qiita
                                                                                • Making a Site with User Authentication | Gatsby

                                                                                  Sometimes, you need to create a site with gated content, restricted to only authenticated users. Using Gatsby, you may achieve this using the concept of client-only routes, to define which pages a user can view only after logging in. PrerequisitesYou should have already configured your environment to be able to use the gatsby-cli. A good starting point is the main tutorial. Security noticeIn produ

                                                                                    Making a Site with User Authentication | Gatsby