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carvingの検索結果41 - 66 件 / 66件

  • How ‘Trustless’ Is Bitcoin, Really?

    To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. Alyssa Blackburn, a data scientist at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, has spent several years performing digital detective work with her trusty lab assistant, Hail Mary, a shiny black computer with orange trim. She has been collecting and analyzing leaks from the Bi

      How ‘Trustless’ Is Bitcoin, Really?
    • Through the Ages: Apple CPU Architecture

      CPU die of the Apple Silicon M1 system-on-a-chip — Image from Apple NewsroomTimeline & Key ConceptsThis is the tale of the 4 Ages of Apple CPU Architecture. Each chapter, however, also serves as a framing device for fundamental CPU concepts. If Android is more your thing, you are free to jump between sections at will like an overclocked instruction pointer. 1984 — Motorola 68k The CPU and Register

        Through the Ages: Apple CPU Architecture
      • Meshell Ndegeocello: Tiny Desk Concert

        This Black Music Month, Tiny Desk is giving the ladies their flowers. We’re releasing nine Tiny Desk concerts from Black women artists, from veterans who’ve paved the way for what we hear today in Black music, to those who are carving out their own paths. Nikki Birch | June 18, 2024 Experiencing all of the Tiny Desks this Black Music Month has made many of my dreams come true, and Meshell Ndegeoc

          Meshell Ndegeocello: Tiny Desk Concert
        • MITが人間のように抽象化が効くAIを発表! | Techable(テッカブル)

          抽象的な概念を扱えるのは人間の特権だ。「頭が固い、草生える」といった表現を、我々は日常的に使っている。AIが世界を抽象化して認識することは簡単なことではないものの、少しずつ人間に追いつきつつあるようだ。 MITの研究チームは、8月に開催の「コンピュータービジョンに関する欧州会議」のなかで、抽象的なイベントを認識できるAIモデルを発表した。研究チームによるモデルの視覚的推論タスクの成績は、人間と同等かそれ以上だったという。 アクションと上位概念をマッピング研究で利用された視覚的推論タスクは、映像のセットが提示され、これと概念的にセットとなる映像を選択するもの。例えば、犬が吠えている映像と犬の横で遠吠えする男性の映像が提示された際に、モデルは泣いている赤ちゃんの映像を選んだ(「発声する」という上位概念が共通)。 このときモデルは、アクションの上位概念を認識して、関連したものを選んでいる。これを

            MITが人間のように抽象化が効くAIを発表! | Techable(テッカブル)
          • A smart 5-step guide to solid decision-making

            Before I was a CEO, I made decisions faster. Now that I have the final call on many critical decisions that will affect my entire company and its future, I spend much more of my time pondering them and thinking about their downstream effects. I’m often asked about my decision-making process—the backstory behind what goes into every choice, large and small, that I make at Okta. Here’s a look into m

              A smart 5-step guide to solid decision-making
            • w64devkit: (Almost) Everything You Need

              This article was discussed on Hacker News. This past May I put together my own C and C++ development distribution for Windows called w64devkit. The entire release weighs under 80MB and requires no installation. Unzip and run it in-place anywhere. It’s also entirely offline. It will never automatically update, or even touch the network. In mere seconds any Windows system can become a reliable devel

              • GitHub - blackberry/pe_tree: Python module for viewing Portable Executable (PE) files in a tree-view using pefile and PyQt5. Can also be used with IDA Pro and Rekall to dump in-memory PE files and reconstruct imports.

                Standalone application with plugins for: IDA Pro Ghidra Volatility Rekall Minidumps Carving Supports Windows, Linux and Mac Parsing PE files and memory images from: File-system ZIP archives (including password protected) Windows memory dumps (raw, EWF, vmem etc.) Live Windows memory (using rekall) Windows Minidump IDA Pro database Ghidra database Binary file carving Rainbow PE map: Provides a high

                  GitHub - blackberry/pe_tree: Python module for viewing Portable Executable (PE) files in a tree-view using pefile and PyQt5. Can also be used with IDA Pro and Rekall to dump in-memory PE files and reconstruct imports.
                • Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Ted Chiang (Published 2021)

                  Every Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation about something that matters, like today’s episode with Ted Chiang. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. Transcripts of our episodes are made available as soon as possible. They are not fully edited for grammar or spelling. Click here for the episode page and Ezra’s thoughts on the interview. Click play below to listen to the e

                    Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Ted Chiang (Published 2021)
                  • TOPGUN DAYS - Top Guns, by Ehud Yonay

                    Here's the original article from the California magazine May 1983 issue, presented as a tribute to author Ehud Yonay. This article and these photos inspired the Paramount motion picture "Top Gun." Think back to the days before the movie, before GoPro cameras and squadron videos on YouTube ... Yonay took readers into the cockpit with incredibly vivid descriptions. Be sure to read his sidebar at the

                    • HDポルノ動画 - フルハイビジョン動画 | EPORNER

                      Creating a safe zone in the bedroom: how to support your partner during difficult times In the rollercoaster of life, there are moments when the world outside our bedroom doors becomes a bit too overwhelming. Whether it's navigating the complexities of work, facing personal challenges, or just feeling the weight of the day-to-day, we all crave a sanctuary where we can let our guard down. And what

                        HDポルノ動画 - フルハイビジョン動画 | EPORNER
                      • カボチャで継ぎ目なしの鎖を彫ってみた「役に立つの?」「立たんな」→実は有名なカービング作家さんなので、その他の作品も見て

                        gaku @gaku_carving カボチャ 息子「なんでそうなる!?」 私 「すごいやろ」 息子「なんか役にたつの?」 私 「たたんな」 pic.twitter.com/MlvEm6oEQL 2020-02-17 21:06:07

                        • Rediscovering the Small Web - Neustadt.fr

                          Most websites today are built like commercial products by professionals and marketers, optimised to draw the largest audience, generate engagement and 'convert'. But there is also a smaller, less-visible web designed by regular people to simply to share their interests and hobbies with the world. A web that is unpolished, often quirky but often also fun, creative and interesting. - Parimal Satyal,

                          • Chip Ward, How the Public Library Became Heartbreak Hotel

                            Chip Ward, How the Public Library Became Heartbreak Hotel Back in the 1950s, when every domestic scandal and nightmare, political or familial, wasn’t the subject of a television show, the library was my peephole into the mysteries of the adult universe. The key question, when it came to interpreting the world back then, was this: Would the librarian who ruled over the juvenile section free you to

                            • A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Hardcore

                              As its name implies, digital hardcore is the synapse-snapping, tech-friendly offspring of hardcore’s aggro parentage, a sonic problem child that breaks genre boundaries—and eardrums—with glee. By shoving choice components of composition—rhythm, volume, timbre—to their extremes, digital hardcore turns sound into weaponry, and its primary casualty is convention. It’s not surprising that the birthrig

                                A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Hardcore
                              • How We Built Fly Postgres

                                How We Built Fly Postgres Author Name Chris Nicoll @beepcat @beepcat Author Name Shaun Davis @davissp14 @davissp14 Image by Annie Ruygt Like many public cloud platforms, Fly.io has a database offering. Where AWS has RDS, and Heroku has Heroku Postgres, Fly.io has Fly Postgres. You can spin up a Postgres database, or a whole cluster, with just a couple of commands. Sign up for Fly.io and launch a f

                                  How We Built Fly Postgres
                                • 見慣れたブロッコリーがカービング作家さんの手にかかると凄いことになる「もう伝説のポケモンじゃん」

                                  リンク Wikipedia カービング カービング (Carving) とは、彫刻のこと。一般的に趣味の木工芸彫刻を指すことが多いが、この項では彫る素材・対象によって名称が異なることを考慮し、素材・対象別に記述する。大まかには、素材名をつけて三次元的に装飾を施すためのカービングと、対象名をつけて対象物を立体的に真似て模型を作るカービングに大別できる。 発祥はタイのスコータイ王朝の時代の儀式で、果物に装飾的な彫刻を施したのが始まりといわれている。タイ・カービングという言い方があるほどタイでは伝統的な文化の一つで、在京タイ王国大使館のサイトでもタイ 1 user 23

                                  • 海外の木彫りアーティストが「鬼滅の刃」の禰豆子に挑戦…震えるほどのクオリティの高さ : らばQ

                                    海外の木彫りアーティストが「鬼滅の刃」の禰豆子に挑戦…震えるほどのクオリティの高さ ベトナムのウッド・アーティストが、初めて女性キャラに挑戦した一部始終を紹介していました。 木の塊から「鬼滅の刃」の禰豆子(ねずこ)の木彫り彫刻が出来るまでをご覧ください。 Me - Carving Demon Girl Nezuko Out of Wood - the first time i carved female character : Reddit Carving Nezuko - Demon Slayer Out of Wood - Ingenious Chainsaw Skill Amazing Woodworking Techniques - YouTube すごいとしか表現のしようがありません。 ディティールまで完璧な木彫りが、木のブロックから作られています。だんだんと立体感が増していく過

                                      海外の木彫りアーティストが「鬼滅の刃」の禰豆子に挑戦…震えるほどのクオリティの高さ : らばQ
                                    • Kanji for Bamboo: 竹 (Take)

                                      The Japanese kanji for “bamboo” is 竹. The onyomi (Chinese reading) of 竹 is chiku (チク). The kunyomi (Japanese reading) of 竹 is take (たけ). Please note that the kunyomi pronunciation of Bamboo’s Kanji “take” is not the same as the English word “take”, it is “taake”. Origin of Bamboo’s Kanji 竹 The kanji 竹 is derived from a pictogram representing bamboo stalks. In its ancient form, the character resemb

                                        Kanji for Bamboo: 竹 (Take)
                                      • Dynamic Programming vs Divide-and-Conquer | Trekhleb

                                        TL;DR In this article I’m trying to explain the difference/similarities between dynamic programing and divide and conquer approaches based on two examples: binary search and minimum edit distance (Levenshtein distance). Also, in the Content-aware image resizing in JavaScript article I went through another powerful but yet simple example of dynamic programming for the Seam Carving algorithm. You mi

                                          Dynamic Programming vs Divide-and-Conquer | Trekhleb
                                        • 「チェコの大聖堂にある彫刻は、犬だけが金色に光っている…」→理由があった : らばQ

                                          「チェコの大聖堂にある彫刻は、犬だけが金色に光っている…」→理由があった チェコのプラハを象徴するプラハ城。その内側にある聖ヴィート大聖堂(※)には、犬を撫でるネポムクの聖ヨハネの彫刻があります。 追記:聖ヴィート大聖堂ではなくカレル橋とのことです。ご指摘くださった方ありがとうございます。 (カレル橋 - Wikipedia) 年月によって黒ずんでいますが、犬のところだけ金色に光っているのだとか。 なぜかと言うと……。 Carving of a dog glowing gold from people petting it for hundreds of years : Reddit, Manne1409 - Pixabay The goodest boy gets the pets まばゆいくらいにピカピカ。 もう何百年も前から、訪れる人々が犬を撫でるのだそうです。 そのため犬のところだ

                                            「チェコの大聖堂にある彫刻は、犬だけが金色に光っている…」→理由があった : らばQ
                                          • グーグーを彫る【二日目】 - 〇〇電子帳

                                            「不滅のあなたへ」という作品のグーグーの兜を彫っています。 製作二日目の記事です。 前回の制作記録 mysl.hatenablog.com 一日目の写真 12時間目の制作記録 【進捗】上部のカーブを再現できなかったので上部を深く面取りして歪みを誤魔化す 2. 【全面】ある程度完成。水で濡らして面の浮きを確認 3. 【斜め前】 全体的に深く斜めに面取りした。面の美しさと耐久力のあるラインを意識 【右面】 後方の細かい部分を丸めるか尖らせるかで悩む 【左面】立体感のある模様を彫るのがムズい。ズレる 【斜め後ろ面】人間らしいラインを彫っていきたいが、どこを彫ればいいかわからない 【後ろ面】後方の装飾は省略することに。後ろの形が面白くない メモ トカゲっぽく彫りたいがドラゴンっぽい。 檜が硬い。 刃物を研ぐのもムズかしい。 Amazonではプロ向け彫刻刀が手に入らないようだった。 左利きでも扱える

                                              グーグーを彫る【二日目】 - 〇〇電子帳
                                            • Keeping up with the Tokugawas

                                              Mr Tokugawa, who took over from his father last month in the dynasty’s first succession for over half a century, cuts an incongruous figure at the head of a family perhaps best known for barring its subjects from travelling abroad. He is a consummate internationalist, who grew up partly in New York and completed master’s degrees at the University of Michigan and Columbia University. He is a prolif

                                                Keeping up with the Tokugawas
                                              • STOP!! You don’t need Microservices.

                                                It’s 2020. If I must tell you what Microservices are, this is probably not for you and feel free to spare your precious few minutes elsewhere. But if you’re that person who is overwhelmed with the success stories of microservices, and compelled to get your hands dirty with the ‘panacea’; read on. Let me have the pleasure of disappointing you as well, but in a couple of minutes. Though the thought

                                                  STOP!! You don’t need Microservices.
                                                • About

                                                  About¶ What is unblob?¶ unblob is an accurate, fast, and easy-to-use extraction suite. It parses unknown binary blobs for more than 30 different archive, compression, and file-system formats, extracts their content recursively, and carves out unknown chunks that have not been accounted for. unblob is free to use, licensed under MIT license, it has a command line interface and can be used as a Pyth

                                                  • Matrix 2.0: The Future of Matrix

                                                    TL;DR: If you want to play with a shiny new Matrix 2.0 client, head over to Element X. Matrix has been going for over 9 years now, providing an open standard for secure, decentralised communication for the open Web - and it’s been quite the journey to get to where we are today. Right now, according to Synapse’s opt-in usage reporting, in total there are 111,873,374 matrix IDs on the public network

                                                      Matrix 2.0: The Future of Matrix
                                                    • 彫刻家 前原冬樹|Wood Sculptor Fuyuki Maehara

                                                      PROFILE ただ黙々と彫り続けるだけ 塗り続けるだけ 疲れたら寝るし、起きれば彫る Only to quietly continue to keep carving, and to keep painting. Sleeping when tired, and carving when awake.